Some unusual eras!

When Victor came to attend the Wake of Lauren.

Victor said to Jason: "Mr. Jason please spare some time for me tomorrow. When you'll get free."

Jason responded, "Okay Mr. Victor."

*On the next day*

Victor and Jason were sitting on the bench. Victor pulled out a cigarette from his coat's pocket and offered it (the cigarette) to Jason.

Jason took a cigarette from Victor. Victor gave a lighter, to Jason. Jason started looking and Victor also started looking.

Jason, "You know what Mr. Victor, My mom grew me up not like an ordinary mother, she always treated me as a friend."

Victor looked at Jason and said, "I can see that she upbringing a gentleman."

Jason nodded his head as yes and said, "Hmm."

Victor: "Don't you wanna ask me the reason of me to ask you to spare some time for me and meet up?" Jason looked at Victor and asked, "Why?"

Victor: "Because I wanted to give you an offer."

Jason got suspicious and raised an interrogation, "What offer?"

Victor: "Let's work together from now on!"

Jason: "What do you mean by that? Are you giving me a job?"

Victor passed a smile and said, "Job? Jobs are given to employees and a businessman never works together with his employees, he assigns the work to his employees!"

Jason lifted his eyebrows while nodding his head (slowly) and said: "You are right."

Victor: "You are more experienced than me if I want to be your partner."

Jason: "Huh! partner, I lost everything. I don't have any asset to invest."

Victor: "I am not asking you to invest any asset. I am asking you to work with me and supervise me. You need money and I need a partner."

Jason: "Hmm you are right."

Victor: "So do you agree. I mean are you ready to sign the contract?"

Jason: "What contract?"

Victor: "A contract that is used as proof for working together as partners."

Jason: "On I know about contract thing. Uhh! but okay."

Victor: "You need to think about it, take your time! I am not forcing you."

Jason nodded his head as yes and said, "Okay then give me some time."

Victor: "Okay, I hope you would give me a valid response."

Jason: "Why did you choose me to supervise you. You know that I'm a loser."

Victor: "Who the hell said that you are looser. You are a successful businessman and you know that you got an award for being the youngest successful businessman, Five years ago."

Jason: "Shut up, Victor you are the best businessman."

Victor: "Whatever."

*After two days*

Jason entered Victor's office and said, "I am here to sign the contract."

Victor passed a smile and said, "You are always welcome."

{That's how Jason became a business partner of Victor.}

*On the other side*

Eden was happy with Mark and Nick.

But, Mark was not feeling well. Mark always had a headache. By noticing Mark's condition, Nick got conscious so he (Nick) took care of Eden more than before.

Mark was completely unaware that what was happening to him. He (Mark) always thought that it was a normal headache just because of lack of sleep and rest but...

"One day, Mark and four years old Eden visited Nick's salon. Mark was sitting on the seat.

Nick was waiting for his/her special client.

After some minutes of waiting, Nick's special client arrived. She saw Eden while playing with a robot.

She saw Eden and she became excited to see Eden.

"Wow! I think I am having a lucky day today, I even saw this little angel," Brooklynn mumbled.

Mark and Nick passed a smile while looking at each other.

"Come on miss, you visited here two weeks ago and you saw him," Nick said.

Brooklynn chuckled a bit by saying, "Yes I was, but do know, when I see this little angel (Eden) I feel happy and blessed."

Brooklynn looked at Mark and said, "You are lucky to be the father of this cutie (Eden)."

Mark giggled and conceded: "Thank you for your compliment, mam."

Brooklynn looked at Nick while saying, "Give me the best hair treatment today, Nikkie."

Nick passed a light chuckle and mumbled, "Okay mam."

{Brooklynn passed a smile at Eden all the time and she always loved Eden so much.}

*At night*

Mark, Nick, and Eden reached their home. Nick and Eden sat on the sofa and Mark headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner for them.

Nick switched the Tv on and started to watch a movie.

Nick looked at Eden, Eden was deeply into the movies.

Nick: "Did you like that movie?"

Eden nodded his head as yes and said, "Yes."

Nick: "What about the study? Did you complete your homework?"

Eden: "I completed my homework."

Nick put her hand on Eden's head and said, "God boy."

Eden passed a smile and continued to watch the movie.

Mark chuckled while looking at Nick and Eden.

After sometime,

Mark: "The dinner is ready!"

Eden ran towards the dining table and said, "Wow I love rice balls."

Nick asked Eden: "Did you washed your hands?"

Eden stepped near the tap and lift his heels and washed his hands on the sink of the kitchen.

Then Eden sat on the chair and started eating his meal."

Eden took the first bite and muttered, "Mmmm. Wow, delicious."

Mark looked at Eden and said: "Little angel, do you like the food."

[Little angel is the nickname of Eden called by Mark, Nick, and Everyone in the school.]

Eden: "I loved the food."

Eden: "Mark!"

Mark: "Yes dear."

Eden: "Our school doesn't have any other activity except studying and going for a school trip in spring."

Mark: "Hmm, so what kind of activity do you want!"

Eden: "I want to watch a movie with my classmates and miss Mary."

Nick: "Little angel, let me tell you, schools are not made for watching movies. Schools are made for study."

Eden made a pout (disappointed) face and continued to eat.

Mark smiled at Eden's innocence.

One day, Mark was sitting in the staff room. Mary came in and asked, "Mr. Mark, why are you here, don't you have any lecture to attend?"

Mark: "Uhh I was here to ask you about Eden, How's he going."

[Miss Mary was the class in charge of Eden and she loved Eden.]

Mary: "He is such an intelligent child, I like the way he studies."

Mark: "Do you have any idea for the special activity."

Mary: "What kind of activity?"

Mark: "An activity where the students would enjoy or learn like watching a science fiction movie or documentary."

Mary: "Hmm, so you suggested watching the movie."

Mark: "The movie?"

Mary: "Yes we'll show them a movie based on science fiction."

Mark: "Hmm good idea, I'll talk to the principal and other staff to arrange the movie day."

[Mark enrolled Eden in the school where he was a teacher because he (Mark) didn't want to leave Eden alone and he (Mark) wanted to keep Eden in front of his eyes all the time.]

Mark talked to the principal and the staff of the school. They all agreed to Mark's statements.

The school staff arranged some projector screens and scheduled a specific day for the movie.

*One day*

Mark and Eden were going to the school. Mark was holding a school bag of Eden in his right hand and on the other hand, He (Mark) was holding Eden's hand.

They were walking on the footpath. Suddenly a car stopped and someone summoned Mark's name, "Mr. Mark!"

Mark turned towards the car. It was Stallone. Mark passed a smile to Stallone and said, "Officer, You are here."

Stallone: "Yes, Mr. Mark, you both must be walking on your way to school."

Eden was noticing the kids (sitting in the back seat), Christine and Kevin were sitting in the back. They were playing on their Ipads (gadgets).

Mark: "Yes we are going to school."

Stallone: "Come on Mr. Mark, join us. I'll give you a ride."

Mark: "No, It's okay. We can walk, our school is not far from here."

Stallone: please, get in. You are disappointing me."

Mark got in Stallone's car and He (Mark) sat on the passenger seat while Eden sat with Christine and Kevin.

Eden was noticing them (Kevin and Christine), Kevin was solving a puzzle but he was getting failed in solving.

Christine snatched an Ipad from Kevin's hand by saying, "you are so noob, lemme try!"

Christine also tried hard to solve that puzzle.

[That was a jigsaw puzzle of a portrait picture. It was difficult than they imagined.]

Eden broke his silence and said (in an innocent tone), "Can I try?"

They (Kevin and Christine) looked at Eden, Kevin said, "You are a child, you can't solve this puzzle, It is not up to you to resolve this puzzle."

Eden got disappointed and made a pout.

Christine looked at Eden and passed a smile by saying, "You can try!"

She (Christine) gave an Ipad to Eden to solve the puzzle. Eden got happy and said, "Thank you for giving me a chance to solve this puzzle."

Kevin and Christine were noticing Eden and Eden solved the puzzle.

Kevin and Christine got amassed and Christine said, "You are awesome, boy. What is your name?"

Eden: "My name is Eden."

Christine looked at Stallone and said, "Daddy, You would not believe that Eden solved the most difficult puzzle."

Stallone chuckled by mumbling, "Really? Wow, Eden very good."

Stallone looked at Mark while driving and said, "I can see, this boy has a bright future waiting for him ahead."

Mark smiled while responding, "Indeed."

After few minutes,

Stallone stopped the car and looked at Mark by saying, "Thank you for giving me the honor to drop you here."

Mark: "Thank you for giving us your time."

Mark grabbed Eden's school bag in his hand and the other hand, Mark held Eden's hand."

They said goodbye to each other.

Mark entered the school and left Eden in his classroom.

After sometime,

Miss Mary entered the classroom while saying, "Good morning children."

The children stood up to greet their teacher while responding, "Good morning mam."

Mary said, "I have great news to tell you, that Friday, we are our movie day. We'll watch a movie this upcoming Friday."

All the students got cheerful and Eden was happy also. Mary passed a smile towards Eden.

Mary, "Now let's start our class."

*On the other side*

Jason and Victor were sitting and working together.

They were sitting on the couch of Victor's office.

Jason: "Look at this design. You know the fabric is quite expensive but it's worthy."

Victor: "What do you think I mean What if we sell this fabric at a double price after printing?"

Jason: "Always remember that if you want to upgrade your business, then you have to fulfill all the demands of your client's whether it's a brand or not."

Victor nodded his head as yes and said, "You are right but…"

Suddenly, a door knocked, Victor said, "Yes!"

Victor's assistant appeared and said, "Sir it's in your schedule that you had to go to the orphanage school."

Victor looked at Jason and said, "Let's go!"

Jason got confused and shrank his eyebrows while raising a question, "Me?"

Victor: "Yes you!"

Jason: "But what do I have to do with going there?"

Victor whispered: "I'll tell you."

Victor looked at his assistant and said, "I'm coming."

Victor's assistant bowed his head with respect and stepped out of there.

Victor and Jason stood up and they headed to the orphanage school.

Victor drove the car.

They reached the school, Victor and Jason visited every class to take a tour.

They entered Mark's class Mark was happy to see Jason and Victor.

In the end, they visited the kinder garden.

Every student was attached to Victor. He gave a box full of chocolates to every single student.

Jason looked at Eden and he (Jason) stepped near to Eden and sat on his knees in front of everyone.

The tears were popped out of Jason's eye.

Eden was unaware of the reason for Jason's behavior so he (Eden) passed a light smile towards Eden and wiped Jason's tears from his face with the help of his tiny little hands.

Jason sobbed and held Eden's hands in his hands and kissed the tiny hands.

Eden asked: "What happened, Uncle?"

Jason released Eden's hands and responded, "Nothing my dear."

Victor was smiling towards the scene between the father (Jason) and his child (Eden).

Jason stood up and moved out of the class.

Victor loved your child that much, so why did you moved him apart from you? Why?"

Jason: "Because I followed Jason.

Victor: "You

was afraid, I was afraid that my carelessness will cause him to be disgraced from this evil society."

Victor: "You are mistaken, Jason. This society is not evil, the people who lived in this society are evil. We are society, you are the part of this society, No wonder, when I saw any transgender in the public, I thought that must be hard for their parents to up bring them and when I saw Mark and got to know more about him (Mark) I was happy, he is living his best."

Suddenly Mark appeared.

Jason stepped forward towards Mark furiously.

Jason: Mr. Mark, Do you remember that when I gave Eden to you, I also gave a picture of my family to you and asked you to show that picture to Eden. Why didn't you showed him that picture yet?"

Mark made a blank expression on his face.

Jason shouted loudly with his teary eyes and furious tone: "Answer me! Why are you silent?"

Mark said, "When I was packing up to move to the new place, I lost some stuff."

Jason managed his facial expressions back to normal and asked, "Are you speaking the truth?"

Mark shrank his eyebrows and said, "So what? You don't believe me?"

Jason: "Oh, but why didn't you ask me to get a new picture for you?"

Mark: "I forgot. But why we're you furious at me?"

Jason: "I'll send you a new picture."

Mark: "You want me to show him a picture of your family and tell him that you are his father and you parted him from the family?"

Victor: "Jason, I think you better take care of Kevin instead of Eden!"

Jason: "I want my child back!"

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!