The flowing of time!

Mark: "What?"

Jason: "Give Eden back to me."

Mark: "Are you insane? Or have you forgot the purpose of giving your child to me?"

Jason: "You told me you will better take care of my child and you will give him a better future! But why in this school. Do you know? I don't want my child to study here. This school is just based on charity and all the orphan kids study here."

Mark: "Yes I promised you to give a better future to Eden and to protect him and I enrolled Eden in this school because I didn't want Eden to study in a school where the kids of rich families appear and those children have their fathers and mothers, even they have a proper family but what about Eden. But if I had enrolled him in a good school, he would have felt inferior. That's why I enrolled him in this school and the second reason was that no one in this world can protect him (Eden) even you and your wife couldn't, and I wanted Eden to live in front of my eyes 24/7 (all the time)."

Jason got quiet.

Mark: "You gave a six months old Edina because she was transgender and then I transformed him into Eden. He is happy with me."

Jason: "What about me l, I am his father, Rocella is his mother. My mom died because she got apart from Eden."

Mark: "You are lying, your mom didn't love Eden, she didn't even know that who is Eden. She loved Edina. Moreover, She (Lauren) didn't die because Eden got parted from her. She died because you lied to her. You and your wife (Rocella) told her (Lauren) that your wife gave birth to a baby girl. You parted that six-month-old baby girl from your family and told your mother that you lost your daughter. Rather, your wife gave birth to a transgender, not a girl, and drove that child (Edina) away from your family. Tell me why did you choose me and have you forgot that I told you that if I get attached to that child then I wouldn't give this child back to you. I love Eden I got attached to Eden. Please, don't take him away from me. I beg you. You have a child and a wife who lives with you but I only have Eden."

Victor suddenly looked around and he saw Eden while hiding behind the pillar and peeping at Jason and Mark with his teary eyes.

Victor stepped near to Eden and sat on his knees while saying, "Why are you crying, little angel?"

Eden looked at Victor and wiped his tears away from his face with the help of his hands.

Eden: "I was here for Mark."

Victor looked at Mark and said (Loudly): "Mark, Eden is calling you."

Mark and Jason looked at Eden and they both stepped near to Eden.

Mark: "Eden why are you out of your class?"

Eden: "Mark, you were arguing with that uncle."

Eden gestured towards Jason.

Jason: "No dear we were not arguing, we were just talking."

Eden: "Mark, who is he?"

Mark looked at Jason and said, "He is your..."

Jason interrupted Mark's words and responded, "I am your uncle dear."

Eden: "Uncle?"

Jason looked at Victor and mumbled, "I think we should go."

Jason stepped to leave but he turned back, walked near to Eden and sat on his knees, suddenly hugged Eden, and kissed on his (Eden's) cheeks while saying, "Goodbye Eden."

Jason rashly stood up and moved out of the school with Victor.

[That's how Jason got selfish to get Eden back, but after some time he realized that Mark can do better care of Eden instead of Jason.]

They arrived home happily.

Eden was doing his homework, but he got a vision of the moment when Jason and Mark argued. Mark said, "Eden, is transgender."

Jason said, "I am his father."

Eden stopped doing his homework and looked at Mark.

Mark was sitting with Eden on the dining chair and drinking the coffee.

Eden: "Mark."

Mark while sipping coffee groaned, "Hmm."

Eden: "What is transgender?"

Mark abruptly splashed coffee from his mouth to the table and looked at Eden with dramatic facial expressions.

Eden walked to the kitchen counter and got two napkins. One he (Eden) gave to Mark and the other one, he (Eden) carried in his hand to cleaned the splashed coffee from the table.

[Eden sat on the chair with the support of his knees and cleaned the table in the leaning posture.]

After cleaning the table, Eden threw the used napkin in the garbage can. Eden sat back on the chair to continue his homework and said, "You didn't reply to me, Mark?"

Mark passed a smile to Eden and answered back, "You are four years old, dear. It's not your age to ask this kind of question. You better ignore this word because this word is a bit scary and do your homework properly. Okay?"

Eden: "Okay Mark."

*After some hours*

A bell of Mark's home range.

Mark opened the for.

It was Nick. Nick entered home and let the way to his room. While carrying a box.

Eden and Mark gazed at Nick suspiciously.

After freshening up, Nick appeared in the lounge.

Eden was watching cartoons on the TV. Nick sat on the couch beside Eden while watching the TV.

Nick saw a toy gun.

"Put your hands up, you kid", Nick mumbled in a scary tone.

Eden looked at Nick and said, " What are you doing?"

Nick: "I am gonna shoot you with this gun, hahaha."

Eden made a poker face while saying, "Give me my gun back."

Nick: "No, Lemme play."

Eden made a pout and muttered: "Mark, Nick is teasing me."

Mark chuckled a bit and replied: "No, little angle. He is playing with you."

Eden: "But I don't wanna play with Nick."

Mark: "Come on Nick, Don't tease my angel."

Nick gave Eden's gun back to him (Eden) and headed to his room.

After some time, A little aircraft flew near Eden.

It was a remote-controlled aircraft.

[That aircraft was printed in the military style.]

Eden looked at the plane and stood up on the sofa with his giggling facial expressions. Eden clapped his hands in excitement.

Nick appeared out of her room while holding a remote.

Nick ceased the aircraft and held the plane in one of his arms.

Eden postured his hands in a fetching manner while saying, "Can I try?"

Nick: "No, it's my toy."

Eden made an innocent pout face and clenched his gun in his (Eden's) hand while saying.

I'll give you my gun. You can play with this.

Nick made a poker face and said, "Do you think I am nuts?"

Eden made a serious note and said, "Okay don't lend me, as you wish."

Nick: "You want to play, did you finished your homework yet?"

Mark: "Yes he did."

Nick said, "I don't want to play with this plane anymore. It's not of my type."

Eden looked at Nick.

Eden: "What would you do with this?"

Nick looked at the plane and responded: "Hmm, should I just throw it away?"

Eden looked at Nick with his innocent face.

Nick looked at Eden and said, "Here you go. It's for you not for me."

Mark and Nick laughed.

Eden stood up on the sofa and jumped with excitement.

Eden: "Yey Nick, you are great. I love you."

Mark: "What about me?"

Eden: "I love you the most."

Mark and Nick hugged Eden with happiness.

Unexpectedly, The sound of hunger came from Nick's stomach. Mark and Eden released the hug. They both glanced at Nick with their narrowed expressions.

Nick made an embarrassed face and said, "Mark, I'm starving."

Mark: "The dinner is ready. Let's go."

Eden jumped down from the couch and ran to the kitchen happily.

Nick followed Eden to the dining table. But,

Mark stopped walking and he (Mark) felt giddy. Mark staggered a bit and stood with the support of the chair.

Nick observed Mark and said, "Are you okay Mark?"

Mark responded, "Yes I am alright."

Nick stepped to Mark and said, "Let's have the dinner together you must be tired."

Nick: "What a feast. Wow!"

They ate dinner happily, Mark took some painkillers and slept.

*On the other side*

Jason reached home. He saw Kevin and Christine together and passed a smile.

Rocella and Raina were cooking in the kitchen.

Jason stepped towards his room and thought about the scene of Jason's argument with Mark in the school.

Raina knocked at the door and said, "Sir, Mam is calling you to have dinner together."

Jason looked at Raina and said, "Raina, I don't want you to summon me as 'sir', you better call me 'brother'. Okay?"

Raina smiled and said, "Okay brother. Let's have dinner."

Jason: "I am coming."

They were sitting at the dining table.

Raina was standing near the kitchen counter.

Rocella looked at Raina and said, "Sit and have dinner with us, Raina."

Raina sat on the chair.

Rocella gave a plate to Raina.

Raina: "Thank you, mam."

Rocella, "Raina, I am asking you the last time. You better call me your sister or sister in law."

Raina passed a smiled and said, "Thank you for accepting me as your family member, I am very happy with you."

Rocella and Jason chuckled.

They were happy but they still missed Lauren.

*On the Friday*

Eden was happy.

When Nick, Mark, and Eden left the house, Nick observed that Mark was not carrying Eden's school bag.

Nick: "What's wrong with not carrying Eden's bag today?"

Eden: "Because I am not going to study."

Nick got confused and raised a suspicion, What? You are not going to study? Then what are you gonna do?"

Mark: "It's a movie day at school."

Nick: "A movie day? What?"

Eden, "Yes we are gonna watch a movie today."

Nick looked at Mark and said, "Really?"

Mark, "Yes."

Nick, "But Eden!"

Eden responded while walking: "Yes Nick!"

Nick: "Do you know, what is the best thing to do while watching a movie?"

Eden, "I don't know, what is it?"

Nick: "buying some snacks and some popcorn flavors."

Eden: Really? Is that so?"

Nick: "Do you want to get some snacks?"

Eden: "Yes, I want to get some snacks."

Nick: "Let's go to the convenience store?"

Eden: "Let's go."

They brought some healthy snacks for Eden and Nick went to his salon.

Mark and Eden reached to the school.

Every student was excited as Eden.

They watched a movie on Artificial Intelligence.

That movie was about creating Robots and it was an informative movie based on science fiction.

Every single student was amazed by that movie even Eden was excited for every scene in the movie. They enjoyed watching that movie.

Mark had a headache and he couldn't be focused on the movie and he couldn't walk, so mark called the cab to reach home.

Eden and Mark were sitting in the cab and heading to their home.

Mark was keeping his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes.

Eden: "Mark!"

Mark: "Yes dear!"

Eden: "I want a robot."

Mark: "Why?"

Eden, "Because I watched in the movie, that the robots are protective."

Mark: "I can't get you a huge robot but I will create a robot toy for you. Okay?"

Eden: "Okay."

Mark leaned his head with the back support of the seat.

They reached home.

Mark went to his room without saying a word and took some painkillers.

As the days passed, Mark felt pain, and he was also suffering from seizures.

[Seizers are caused by lack of sleep, use of Alcohol or Drugs, and stress. But mark was not used to drink alcohol. He (Mark) was allergic to alcohol.]

[Mark couldn't sleep because of the tragedy that happened in his life like his mom died and sacrificed her periods of sleep in overnight jobs for giving a better future to Mark. Mark told Jason that he couldn't sleep because he (Mark) is afraid that if he slept by any chance, he would forget the tragic memories that happened in his life and because of that his mother died.]

*On the next day*

When Mark reached home, Mark had a laptop so it's easier for him (Mark) to do some research. He researched on the Internet about the material that is used for creating a robot.

Mark wanted to create a robot for Eden by himself. Mark noted the names of material that was useful for robot creating.

Mark completed graduation in computer sciences, so it was not difficult for him to create a robot.

Mark always saved 20% of his salary for Eden. So he had enough savings to buy the important materials for creating the toy robot.

Mark spent three days searching for the material because it's harder to search and get the material.

*One day Mark dropped out of school for a day on half leave and left Eden with Nick in her salon, he (Mark) went to a junkyard to look for and pick up some items. He (Mark) was very thirsty because of the heat and his headache was getting worse.

Suddenly he felt dizzy and he forgot the purpose of going there, He peeked at the stockbroker blindly. He (Mark) couldn't saw that person.

Mark asked, "Do you know why am I here?"

A person standing in front of Mark responded, "You are here to get steel and some plastic."

Mark, "Oh! Steel and plastic."

Mark continued to search for the items but he again felt giddy and he fainted while falling in the stock.

Some people gathered and sent him (Mark) to the hospital by ambulance.

*After some time*

Mark opened his eyes, he saw a drip and a nurse standing next to his bet. Mark opened his eyes widely and looked around. It was a hospital's patient room.

Mark got confused and asked the nurse,

"Why am I here? How did I arrive here?"

The nurse replied, "Sir, you fainted in the public place so some people called an ambulance to take you here. But you are fine. You can go once your drip is over."

Mark released a drip from his hand and said, "I am fine."

Mark put some money as hospital dues and left.

Mark stepped outside and he looked at the sky.

Mark: "Oh, It's a night."

Mark rashly headed to Nick's salon but it was closed.

Mark let the way to his home. He reached his home and rang a bell.

Nick opened the corridor. Nick seemed worried, He suddenly hugged Mark by saying, "Please, don't put your phone on silent."

Mark looked at his phone and said, "Look, it's not starting which means my phone's battery got dead."

Nick: "Come in and charge your phone first."

Mark entered home. Eden ran towards Mark, Mark hugged Eden.

Nick observed Mark's hand. It was a tape on Mark's right hand's backside.

Nick came near to Mark.

Nick took Mark's hand while asking, "What the hell is this? Have you gotten sick or injured?"

Mark released his hands from Nick.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!