Irresolution of the fact!

Mark responded, "Oh this bandage. I felt reeling so I went to see a doctor. The doctor recommended me to put up with a dribble of glucose."

Nick: "Are you alright now?"

Mark reclaimed while putting his hand on Nick's shoulder: "Don't worry Nick."

Nick took a deep breath and muttered: " Okay, I made dinner for us. Let's dine together."

Mark: "Okay let me freshen up then I'll be there."

They dined together and Eden came into Mark's room and slept on the bed."

Mark was creating a robot but suddenly he felt swinging again, then Mark drank water and continued to do his work overnight and ignored his suffering.

Two days passed like this, Mark ignored his suffering, and he (Mark) continued to create a robot.

One day, Eden and Mark were at the home. Mark was cleaning the house while Eden was watching cartoons.

Eden: "Mark, did you created a robot."

Mark: "No, I didn't."

Eden: "You know I want you to create a robot. Why didn't you made a robot for me?"

Mark yelled: "Shut up Eden. Did you complete your homework?"

Eden: "No!"

Mark shouted: "So what? Are you waiting for me to do your homework? Go and do your homework."

Eden became scared of Mark's anger and ran towards the room while crying.

[Mark was getting a bit change in his personality.]

After sometime,

Nick arrived at home, Nick looked around and raised a question to Mark, "Where is Eden?"

Mark: "He went to the room."

Nick: "Why?"

Mark: "I don't know."

[Mark completely forgot that he (Mark) scolded Eden.]

Nick entered the room.

She (Nick) saw Eden crying while doing his homework.

Nick got worried and stepped near Eden and sat beside him (Eden).

Nick: "What happened to my little angel?"

Eden looked at Nick while rubbing his eyes from his hands.

Eden: "Mark scolded me!"

Nick: "What? Did Mark scold you? He never talked with anger to you!"

Eden: "Yes, he did it."

Nick stood up and stepped towards the kitchen. She (Nick) looked at Mark with her shrank eyebrows and whacked hard on the kitchen counter.

Mark looked at Nick and asked, "What's with your glance and wack."

Nick: "Did you scold Eden?"

Mark: "Why would I scold him?"

Nick: "Didn't you?"

Mark: "No."

Nick: "Then why is he crying and when I asked him the reason, he said that you scolded him."

Mark: "Did I?"

Mark stepped into the room and sat beside Eden and said, "Did I scold you?"

Eden looked at Mark with his teary eyes and innocent facial expressions.

Mark hugged Eden.

"Awww, I am so sorry if I scolded you, why can't I remember?" Mark asserted.

Eden: "Promise me you wouldn't scold me again."

Mark released the hug and said, "I promise you."

[Mark's memory was gotten weak day by day.]

*On day*

Mark was sitting in the lounge and watching the TV with Eden.

Mark looked at Eden.

Eden was completely focused on the cartoons.

Mark: "Eden!"

Eden (while still looking at the Tv screen) replied, "Yes Mark."

Mark: "If you had a robot, what would you call that?"

Eden quickly replied, "Mark!"

Mark: "Mark, Why Mark?"

Eden: "Because I like Mark and I would love my robot to call it Mark."

Mark passed a smile and put his hand on Eden's head while scraping Eden's silky short hair."

After a moment, Nick stepped out of her room while binding her long hair.

Mark and Eden were chuckling.

Nick sat beside them (Mark and Eden) and asked while looking at them.

Nick: "What was going on between you two?"

Mark: "I asked Eden, that if he (Eden) had a robot what would he call that? then replied, Mark. I got suspicious and asked why Mark. Then Eden said that he like Mark."

Nick: "Eden! What about Nick. Don't you like my name."

Eden: "I like your name but you always dressed up as a girl and you look weird. Well, Mark looks great, so I would prefer the name, Mark."

Nick and Mark laughed at Eden's response.

Suddenly Eden wailed, "aww."

Eden opened his mouth and kept his hand on his left cheek.

Mark and Nick looked at Eden.

Nick: "What's wrong Eden?"

Eden answered back in an uptight low time, "I don't know I have a toothache and I can not speak."

Mark turned at Eden and said, "Show me your mouth."

Eden was opening his mouth towards Mark.

Nick: "Should we take Eden to the dentist now?"

Mark: "Yes, I think Eden's teeth are smashing."

Nick: "It's not late yet I should call the cab."

Mark and Nick took Eden to a dentist.

The dentist scanned Eden's teeth and said: "No worries, most children of his age have broken teeth. it's normal."

Mark: "So what about the medication or precautions?"

The dentist responded, "I'll recommend a syrup. But you better avoid sweets and feed him soft and healthy foods."

A doctor gave a slip to Mark and they headed home.

Eden slept and Mark proceeded with his job.

[Mark's job was creating a robot for Eden.]

*On the next day*

Eden's tooth broke and he didn't go to school. Nick took Eden to her salon. while Mark went to the school.

Nick took care of Eden all day. Nick gave Eden an ice cream.

When Mark became free from school, He (Mark) headed to Nick's salon and then take Eden home.

Eden was quiet all day. Mark sat beside Eden and asked, "How do you feel."

Eden: "I am not happy."

Mark: "Why dear?"

Eden: "Because I look like a joker."

Mark: "What? No, you look cute."

Eden: "You are lying."

Mark: "No I'm not lying."

When Eden went to his school the next day, The other kids laughed at Eden and told him that he looks ugly.

Eden was depressed because his incisor teeth were broken.

Nick and Mark tried to console Eden and told him that it is normal for every kid. They gave Eden soft food to eat.

Two months passed,

Eden was used to his broken teeth and his new teeth begin to appear. Mark felt a headache, he felt dizzier and his (Mark's) personality became a little irritable and he kept forgetting things.

Mark created a toy robot for Eden but he hid that small robot in his wardrobe. Mark thought that he would gift that robot to Eden on his (Eden's) fifth birthday. But he (Mark) forgot that he made a robot or hid that robot somewhere.

*Some months later*

It was a Sunday, But also it was Eden's day. Nick, Mark, and Eden were eating breakfast.

Nick: "Do you know that what is the day today?"

Mark: "It's Sunday, what happened?"

Nick looked at Eden and said, "It's our Eden's fifth birthday."

Mark: "Really? The time passed rapidly."

Nick looked and Mark and raised a question, "So what are you gonna do today?"

Mark looked at Eden while saying, "Let's hang out and celebrate Eden's day happily."

Nick: "Okay then you guys get ready and I would leave."

Mark looked at Nick with his confused expression and asked, "Where are you leaving?"

Nick replied, "I have an appointment of hair treatment with my two special clients so I'll go there and you better clean up, then get ready and head to my salon with Eden. From there, we'll go together for hangout."

Mark: "Okay. But be sure to get free as early as possible."

Nick responded, "Okay, I better leave now bye."

Nick headed out of the house to her salon and Mark started cleaning the house.

After some hours, Mark and Eden let the way towards Nick's salon and they reached there.

Mark sat on the seat. Brooklynn arrived while saying, "Hello, Nikkie."

Nick passed a smile and said, "You got late mam."

Brooklynn said, "I'm so sorry, I was busy."

Suddenly, Brooklynn looked at Eden and said, "Hey, little boy. You are here too. I feel happy to see you here."

Nick chuckled and raised a question, "Do you know why I asked you to come here in such a hurry?"

Brooklynn responded, "It's Sunday or maybe you guys want to hang out together."

Eden stood near to Brooklynn and grabbed her (Brooklynn's) arm and shook it to attract her towards him.

Brooklynn looked at Eden and said, "Yes my dear."

Eden gestured Brooklynn to move her head near to him. Brooklynn moved her ear near Eden. Eden whispered in Brooklynn's ear, "It's my birthday today."

Brooklyn raised her eyebrows with wonder and said, "Oh, so you are a birthday boy."

Mark was feeling a headache and he (Mark) got dizzy. There was a wall supported behind Mark's chair. So he (Mark) closed his eyes and quietly leaned back against the wall.

Eden: "Will you join us?"

Brooklynn looked at Nick. Nick said, "Let's go together."

Brooklynn looked back at Eden and responded, "If you insist me like this, then why not?"

Eden became happy and clapped with excitement.

Brooklynn said, "By chance, I got my car today so I'll drive."

Nick smiled and said, "Okay then let's start your hair treatment."

Nick performed Brooklynn's hair treatment, when they were done, Brooklynn got up, paid the bill, and looked at Mark.

Eden went near to mark and mumbled, "Mark, Nick is free. We can go now."

Eden stroked mark to wake him (Mark) up. But Mark didn't react or responded.

Eden: "Nick, Mark has slept."

Nick looked at Mark and shook Mark, but Mark was unconscious. Nick looked at Brooklynn and said, "Doctor, You are a doctor. Right?"

Brooklynn nodded her head as yes and replied, "Yes I am a doctor, but I am a gynecologist."

Nick: "Please call an ambulance!"

Brooklynn called an ambulance and told the rescue person, "Take him to an emergency hospital."

Brooklynn called a neurosurgeon, who was her friend.

Brooklynn: "Hello, doctor. I am sanding a patient to you just check him and treat him well."

Nick: "Mam, please take Eden with you. I don't want him to see Mark like this."

Eden started crying when he saw Mark laying in the ambulance."

Brooklynn consoled Eden and took him (Eden) with her at her home.

Eden cried all the way. Brooklynn became worried so she said, "Mark is gonna be fine. Don't worry."

After hearing Brooklynn's statement, Eden wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "Are you sure."

Brooklynn replied while focusing on the driving, "I am a doctor, I am sure that Mark is gonna be alright. So, you don't have to worry about his (Mark's) condition."

Eden: "It was my birthday today. What about that?"

Brooklynn: "So you want to celebrate your birthday, Hmmm!"

Eden: "What do you mean by that?"

Brooklynn took a deep breath and said, "Can you give me a chance to celebrate your birthday?"

Eden: "Will you celebrate my birthday mam."

Brooklynn stopped a car on the side of the road and looked at Eden.

Brooklynn: "From where did you learn the word, Mam?"

Eden: "Nick always calls you a mam."

Brooklynn: "You are not allowed to call me mam, You better call me aunt."

Eden: "Why aunt?"

Brooklynn: "Because I am not only Nikkie's client, I am her client also."

Eden said, "Okay aunt."

Brooklynn: You can call me Aunt Brook, okay?"

Eden: "Okay Aunt Brook."

Brooklynn chuckled and pinched Eden's cheeks in an adoring manner.

Eden: "Can I ask you a question?"

Brooklynn responded, "Yes my dear you may."

Eden raised a question: "Why do you always call Nick Nikkie?"

Brooklynn: "I don't know because I call him by this name by this name since the beginning."

Eden: Okay."

*On the other side*

Nick was sitting worriedly in front of the emergency ward. Suddenly the doctor appeared out.

[The doctor's name was Rayan. He was a 42 years old neurosurgeon. He had a normal skin complexion and grey hair. That doctor was a senior doctor in the emergency hospital. Rayan and Brooklynn were good colleagues.]

Nick stood up after while the doctor.

Nick: "Doctor."

Doctor: "Mam, can you please, come with me?"

The doctor made a serious note on his face.

Nick followed the doctor to his office.

The doctor gestured Nick to sit and said, "I have something to tell you. Please have a seat."

Nick sat on the chair that was located in front of the doctor.

Doctor: "What is the name of the patient?"

Nick: "Mark."

Doctor: "What is your relationship with the patient?"

Nick: "We are housemates, he is like my brother."

Nick: "What happened doctor, did something bad happened to him?"

Doctor: "Nothing bad has happened yet, but it could happen!"

Nick: "What do you mean, Doctor?"

Doctor: "Did he felt dizzy or he suffered from headache, lack of sleep, and a personality change like doing or acting like something that he never did or performed?"

Nick: "Uhh, he didn't tell me clearly but it's been a while since he suffered from headache or he got dizzy and he didn't sleep for so many years, maybe it's insomnia. And one more fact he never gets angry on anyone but for some time now, he (Mark) has been getting angry at every single thing."

Doctor: "By any chance did he started to be forgettable?"

Nick: "I'm not sure about this one fact. But today morning, he forgot something I can't memorize clearly."

Doctor: "We have to perform some tests of him if you don't mind."

Nick: "Why would I mind doctor, Go ahead. But can you tell me that what happened to him?"

Doctor: "I'm not sure yet but I have a doubt, It might be a brain tumor,"

Nick: "What? A Brain tumor?"

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To be continued!!!