The acute requirement in life!

Doctor Rayan reclaimed, "I said maybe, I am not sure about anything yet."

Nick: "Oh I see but please perform the tests."

Doctor Rayan: "The tests are costly. Can you afford that?"

Nick: "How much costly?"

Doctor Rayan: "775$"

Nick looked down and said, "But my salary is lower than the expense of the tests."

Doctor Rayan: "Look mam, you better get and arrange some money for the tests."

Nick: "Doctor, can you give me some discount."

Doctor Rayan: "I told you the amount on the discount of 40%."

Nick looked at the floor with her depressed facial expressions.

The doctor noticed Nick and said: "Don't worry Mam, Everything is going to be okay, you just have to be patient and calm, well, what about that if you would permit me to perform the test and you can pay while receiving the results."

Nick went to the doctor and said, "Doctor, You can perform the test and I'll pay the amount after getting the results. I'll arrange the money."

Doctor Rayan: "Okay then. I'll perform the test tomorrow and I have to tell that if we perform his brain tests tomorrow, then we'll get the result after three days of being tested."

Nick nodded her head as yes.

Nick: "What about now I mean when he can (Mark) leave or discharge from the hospital?"

Doctor Rayan: "Let me complete his meditation and tests, after getting the results, then you can take him with you."

Nick took a deep breath and looked at the doctor and said, "Okay then, doctor I'll arrange the money for his tests."

After saying that, Nick stepped out of the doctor's office. Nick headed to the patient's room where Mark was sitting on the bed with back support.

[A patient room was like a big hall in which four beds were arranged in a row.]

Nick looked at Mark.

Mark was looking around at an old lady patient sitting on the bed next to Mark's bed. Her son was sitting with her and feeding her the fruits.

Nick was observing Mark's glance, Nick looked at the lady (where Mark was looking). Nick thought in her mind, "He (Mark) must be missing his mother."

Nick put a small smile on her face and stepped into the room. Mark looked at Nick and asked, "Nick how did I arrived here and why?"

Nick: "You have fainted in my salon so I took you here."

Mark: "Oh I see."

Nick: "How's your condition now Mark?"

Mark: "I am fine."

Nick became quiet and after few seconds, Mark mumbled, "What about that kid."

Nick: "What kid?"

Mark raised suspicion with his confused facial expressions: "The kid, who was with us earlier, where is he now?"

Nick lifted her eyebrows in a realizing manner and asked: "Oh are you asking for Eden?"

Mark: "Who's Eden?"

Nick: "Eden lives with us all the time, you are Eden's guardian."

Mark: "Oh yeah Eden, Where is he?"

Nick: "He is with doctor Brooklynn. You got fainted so I brought you here and she (Brooklynn) asked me to leave Eden with her, so she took Eden with herself."

Mark: "Let's go home and take Eden from her home, he is not safe there."

Nick: "You can't go home without performing the tests. And by the way, Eden is safe with doctor Brooklynn."

Mark: "Who is she?"

"She (Brooklynn) is the doctor, and she is my good friend she often comes to my salon to have her hair treatment by myself, moreover she loves our Eden," Nick responded.

Mark: "Our Eden is so adorable that everyone loves him."

Nick: "Let me ask her, you better get some rest."

Nick stepped out of the patient's room and called on Brooklynn's phone number. Brooklynn received the phone.

*On the other side*

When Brooklynn clarified to Eden that she called Nick Nikkie from the beginning, Eden understood Brooklynn's thoughts. Brooklynn stopped the car in front of a bakery. She looked at Eden and raised a question, "Which flavor of cake do you like?"

Eden: "Chocolate."

Brooklynn: "Chocolate? Why chocolate."

Eden: "Because Mark always brought me a chocolate cake."

Brooklynn: "Have you never tried another flavor?"

Eden nodded his head as no and said, "Does a cake have so many flavors?"

Brooklynn: "Yes, just like ice cream. But not only that, in fact; you can choose any design you want to décor your cake.

Eden: "Can I choose a robot design?"

Brooklynn: "Okay then we'll order a cake of robot design."

Eden: "Thank you, Aunt Brook."

Brooklynn passed a smile and head out of the car with Eden.

They entered the bakery and ordered a cake of the robot design.

Brooklynn wrote her phone number and asked the baker to inform her when the cake will be ready.

They (Eden and Brooklynn) reached home, Erwin was sitting (On the couch) in the lounge.

Brooklynn's home was not big but their home was decorated perfectly in a luxurious manner.

Erwin looked at Brooklynn and said (in a calm manner), "You are home Brook."

Eden was observing Erwin.

Erwin looked at Eden and said, "Who is this cute boy?"

Eden moved his hand towards Erwin to shake hand and said, "Hello, my name is Eden."

Erwin held Eden's hand and sat on the floor with the support of his knees and said, "Hello, dear Eden. You are a well-mannered boy."

Eden passed a smile and looked at Brooklynn.

Brooklynn looked at Eden and said, "Eden he is Erwin, He is my husband and your uncle."

Eden looked at Erwin and said, "Uncle."

Erwin passed a smile and stood up by saying, "Why are we standing here? Let's come in."

Erwin held Eden's hand and walked in the lounge."

Erwin: "Eden dear you sit here, I have something to do."

Eden nodded his head as yes.

Erwin went to the kitchen where Brooklynn was pouring juice in the glass.

Erwin whispered, "Who is that kid, Brook?"

Brooklynn: "He is the son of my friend's brother."

Erwin: "Okay then why did you bring him here?"

Brooklynn: "His father got fainted and my friend brought him to the hospital. She told me to take care of Eden and I brought him here."

Erwin: "Oh I see!"

Brooklynn: "It's his fifth birthday today."

Erwin: "So what about his mother or what about him?"

Brooklynn: "His mother maybe died."

Erwin clenched the tray of glasses filled with juice and stepped to the lounge where Eden was sitting.

But suddenly, "Brooklynn's cell phone rang, It was Nick's call. Brooklynn received the call.

Brooklynn: "Hello Nikkie?"

Nick: "Hello Mam, Is Eden bothering you?"

Brooklynn: "No, He isn't bothering me."

Nick: "I think I'll get late so I don't want Eden to see Mark in this condition, Can you please cooperate with me to take care of Eden for some days."

Brooklynn: "Okay don't worry, by the way how's your brother's condition now?"

Nick: "He can't memorize things and he is still under the medication."

Brooklynn: "Okay Nikkie I hope everything is gonna be okay."

Nick: "Okay Mam thank you so much for helping me, Mark is looking at me I'll hang up the call."

Brooklynn: "Okay bye."

Nick hung up the call.

Erwin was looking at Brooklynn and asked, "Who was that?"

Brooklynn: "Nikkie."

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at Eden, Eden was playing with the ruby cube. He was solving that ruby cube.

Erwin sat beside Eden and said, "Wow, what an amazing boy. You are going to be the most successful person in the future."

Brooklynn: "Indeed!"

Eden looked at Erwin and asked, "What is the successful person?"

Erwin: "A successful person sets an example to the world by achieving success through his hard work."

Eden: "How can I be a successful person?"

Brooklynn: "By drinking the juice that I made for you and doing hard work, you can easily become a successful person."

Eden passed a shocking smile and said: "Really?"

Brooklynn: "Yes my dear!"

Erwin: "So I've listen that today it's your birthday?"

Eden: "Yes, It's my birthday today. Mark promised me to celebrate my birthday but he got ill."

Erwin: "Who is Mark?"

Eden: "Mark is my guardian."

Brooklynn: "But I thought Mark is your father."

Eden: "I don't have any father. I just have Mark and Nick."

Erwin and Brooklynn looked at each other.

Erwin raised a question to change the subject about Eden's parents: "Would you allow us to celebrate your special day?"

Eden looked at Brooklynn and replied, "Aunt Brooklynn has already ordered a cake for Eden's birthday, and the backer would call me when the cake will be ready."

Erwin: "Hmm, okay then what about we bought you some gifts first then pick up the cake from the bakery and celebrate your birthday together in the restaurant."

Brooklyn: "Yeah Erwin, that's an amazing idea."

Erwin: "Okay lemme change my clothes first and let Eden finish the juice."

Eden happily drank the juice and they headed out of their house to celebrate Eden's birthday.

Erwin drove the car to the shopping mall. Brooklynn was sitting in the passenger seat and Eden was sitting in the back seat.

They brought some new clothes for Eden and Eden wore a new dress happily.

[It was a black pant with a tucked strap shirt (the shirt was white while the strap was printed with black and white margins) with a black and white bow tie.]

They also brought a pair of shoes that of a brand named converse. There was a print of the star logo in black color on a white jeans fabric.

Eden was looking adorable and he was happy with Brooklynn and Erwin.

After buying new clothes and shoes, they went to a toy shop, where Eden saw a robot toy and he said, "I want that robot."

Erwin bought that robot with two toy cars.

When they finished buying the toys, they headed to the bakery, (Brooklynn already received a call from the baker who told her that the cake is ready) they received the cake.

[It was a chocolate cake with blue fondant of the robot's body and the toy robot's face was made on the cake.]

After receiving the cake, they let the way to the restaurant. They dine together and cut the cake.

Eden was happy and he enjoyed his birthday.

After celebrating, they headed to their home. Brooklynn prepared a room for Eden to sleep in. Eden has slept. Brooklynn and Erwin entered their room.

Erwin sat on the bed and said, "I saw you smiling and happy after a long time."

Brooklynn: "What you mean by a long time can't you see how much I love this child?"

Erwin: "No wonder, that child is such a well-mannered child. I also begin to like him though."

Brooklynn: "I wish his guardian (Mark) to be okay."

Erwin: "This child has a bright future waiting for him ahead."

Brooklynn: "You are right. I think his parents are dead, otherwise, who will take away their beloved and adorable child?"

Erwin: "Yes, I thought so too!"

They (Brooklynn and Erwin) slept.

*On the next day*

The sun arise and Nick stayed all night in the hospital with Mark.

{It was Monday},

Doctor Brooklynn took Eden with herself in the hospital, everyone was staring at Brooklynn and Eden. They reached Brooklynn's office. Eden stayed all day with Brooklynn.

Mark was dozed up and forgot some of his memories spent with Nick and Eden.

Mark opened his eyes, he saw the other bed that was located beside him. Where an old lady was sitting and her son fed her some fruits last night. Mark was confused, He saw a nurse walking towards him (Mark).

The nurse took an injection and looked at Mark while mumbling, "You are awake!"

Mark: "Where is that old women's patient sitting on the next bed?"

Nurse: "She died last night."

Mark was shocked: "What? Died? How? I mean I saw her last night and she was okay."

Nurse: "Sir, we people I mean, we doctors and nurses have got no control over the life. We can't stop any person from dying, so she died."

Mark: "Oh my God! I realized that a person who admits in the hospital as a patient must die, in the hospital."

Nurse: "No, You are wrong. Even so many patients discharge happily from hospitals are recovering."

Mark looked around and raised a suspicious question, "Where is Nick?"

Nurse: "She went outside."

Mark became quiet.

*On the other side*

Nick went to the salon. She headed to the manager's office of the salon.

The manager was a lady.

Nick knocked on the door of the manager's office.

"Come in!" The calm voice came from inside the office.

It was the manager's voice.

Nick entered the office and said, "Mam, Are you free?"

Manager, "Yes, what happened Nikkie?"

[The manager was a 29 years old makeup Artist in the Salon. She has a fair bright skin complexion with blue blonde hair, her name is Henna, She is nice to everyone from the staff in the salon.]

Nick: "I need some money."

Manager Henna: "May I ask you the reason?"

Nick: "My brother is ill and I need some money to perform his tests."

Manager Henna: "Okay can you tell me how much you want?"

Nick: "I need to collect 775$ and I have approximately 100$ of my savings so I need more 675$ to pay the hospital dues."

Manager Henna nodded her head as she realized and said, "Oh! That much money you want!"

Nick: "I am not forcing you, you can deduct that money from my salary."

Manager Henna: "Your salary is 350$ per month. You need an advance salary that is maybe 700$ for two months, Right?"

Nick: "Yes! Can you lend me, please?"

Manager Henna: "You came at the right time you are one of my favorite employees and I can't forbid you so I'll give you 700$ as an advance salary of two months."

Nick: "Thank you, manager, Thank you so much."

The manager gave 700$ to Nick, Nick bowed her head in gratitude and headed to the hospital to give the money to the doctor. Nick collected the remaining money.

Nick put the money with her and waited for the result, the doctor performed all the tests on Mark.

Eden stayed with doctor Brooklynn and lawyer Erwin.

After two days, the result of Mark's brain tests appeared. Nick was sitting in the patient's room with Mark.

Suddenly a nurse appeared and looked at Nick while saying, "Mam, Doctor Rayan is calling you."

Nick looked at Mark and said, "You wait for me here, I'll be right back."

Mark nodded his head and said, "Go ahead."

Nick stepped towards the doctor's office.

Nick entered Doctor Rayan's office and said, "Doctor! Did you got the result?"

The doctor looked unhappy and said, "Please have a seat mam. I'll tell you."

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!