The bonding core!

Mark was sitting on the dressing table where Nick's makeup was settled. Mark was applying a red-colored lipstick. Nick furiously entered the room and mumbled in a loud tone, "Mark!"

Mark looked at Nick with shocked.

Mark: "Nick, You are here!"

Nick: "What were you doing?"

Mark rashly wiped the lipstick from the tissue paper.

Mark: "I uhh, I was..."

Nick hurriedly stepped near to Mark and snatched the lipstick from Mark's hand.

Nick: "You were wearing my makeup?"

Mark: "I was just trying."

Nick: "Mark, you were applying the lipstick and you said you were just trying. What do you need to apply my makeup accessories?"

Mark: "That color attracted me and I looked good on you, so..."

"So you put on the lipstick to become and act like me? Have you lost your mind or are you mad? You always forbid me to be a girl but I couldn't help myself but now you, why were you applying the makeup? Don't you know that there is a kid that lives with us?"

Nick interrupted and yelled.

Mark: "A kid? Where is a kid I haven't seen any kid here?"

Nick: "He is out."

Mark stood up and said, "Why are you yelling at me? You have no right to stop me from doing anything."

Nick: "Look, look at yourself your hair is grown up, I knew the person named mark who didn't like any hair or long hair on his head. You made yourself a man. You told me that is the wish of your mother to see you as a man. Why are you doing all this now? What is wrong with you? I know your condition is unstable but it doesn't mean that you have to transform yourself. Did you get that?"

Mark: "I didn't understand what you just said but my mom?"

Nick: "Yes your mom."

Mark: "Where is she now?"

Nick: "She is buried, she had died a long time ago."

Mark made a sad face and headed to his room.

Nick looked at Mark with her shrank eyebrows.

When Mark stepped out of Nick's room, Nick got worried and she put all the cosmetics in a rough bag and took that bag out of the home. Nick saw a landfill and threw the bag there and headed back to the home.

*On the one side*

Brooklynn and Erwin were taking good care of Eden, They had their meal at the richest restaurant there and headed back to the resort, Erwin booked one room. In which Brooklynn and Eden slept on the bed and Erwin slept on the couch.

Eden was keenly attached and attracted to Brooklynn and Erwin because Erwin and Brooklynn loved Eden like his parents.

Eden saw Jason on the lake, Jason was also playing with his son (Kevin).

Eden tried to ignore Jason but he couldn't, Eden was thinking as if why he was memorizing Jason over and over again.

In this scuffle, Eden fell asleep. But…

*On the other side*

Mark was sitting in his room, he was memorizing the memories that he spent with his mom.

He felt a slight pain in his head but he ignored that pain and laid on the bed to sleep.

It was midnight, Mark saw a dream in which an old lady (A lady who was sitting on the bed next to Mark's bed and her son was feeding her fruits) was saying, "Mark! Your mother is with me, Come over, open your eyes."

There was cold sweating and shivering all over Mark's body. He (Mark) was mumbling in a low voice, "I'm sleepy. I can't come with you."

In Mark's dream, that lady was whispering, "Get up, your mother is missing you. She sent me to take you with me there, you are going to meet your mother so soon."

A loud echo came in Mark's dream, "Mark, I want you to become and act like a man.

Mark suddenly opened his eyes and sat on the bed.

Mark was unconscious and he stepped out of the room. Mark peeked in Nick's room, Nick was sleeping. Mark said to himself, "Where is Eden? Did he went outside?"

Mark looked at the corridor, but the corridor was locked from inside.

Mark: "I think I should go outside and search for him."

Mark opened the corridor quietly and stepped outside the home, Mark walked on the road. The road was deserted. Dogs were barking and cats were crying. The scene was haunted.

Mark walked for 10 minutes, he stood in the mid of the road. Mark felt dizzy and said to himself, "What am I doing here?"

There was a truck, whose headlights were broken and dim and the driver was drunk.

Mark looked at the truck with his swinging eyes and his hands were on his head, the truck came at high speed and hit him so hard that he fell away.

Suddenly Eden's eyes opened and he screamed and got up and started crying.

Eden: "Mark!"

Brooklynn and Erwin woke up by hearing Eden's scream.

Erwin turned on the lights of the room.

He went to Eden and sat on the bed beside him (Eden).

Brooklynn: "What happened Eden dear?"

Eden replied while crying, "I saw a bad dream."

Erwin wiped Eden's tears from his (Erwin's) hands.

Brooklynn: "What exactly you saw that made you cry horribly?"

Eden: "I saw a big vehicle hit Mark on the dark road."

Erwin and Brooklynn looked at each other.

Brooklynn gave a glass of water to Eden and rubbed his (Eden's) back to console him.

Eden took a glass of water from Brooklynn and started to drink.

Erwin: "You must be missing and thinking about Mark. Don't worry dreams are not true."

Eden: "What if I come true?"

Erwin: "Two years ago, Brooklynn saw a dream like this about me, she saw that I died in a car accident. But now, I am alive. It means that dream was just a dream."

Brooklynn looked at Erwin with shocked expressions. Erwin winked Brooklynn with one of his eyes.

Brooklynn: "Yes dear, your uncle is right, you better get back to your beauty sleep."

Eden slept and Erwin turned off the lights and moved to the couch to sleep.

A squad of young boys was riding heavy bikes on the road, they were wearing racing suits.

They saw Mark's body.

They called an ambulance. The ambulance took him to the hospital.

*The sun raised*

Nick stood up to go to her salon.

Nick searched for Mark and she couldn't find Mark. She was worried and called the police.

Nick visited some hospitals. She spent two hours but still didn't found Mark.

Suddenly Nick got a call.

It was from the police station.

Nick received that call.

Nick: "Hello officer, did you found Mark?"

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how much you like my story.}


To be continued!!!