A trauma of loosing someone!

Policeman: "We received a dead body, from the hospital. That dead body had a vehicle accident on the road that is situated near your house.

Nick: "Oh my God, in which hospital."

Policeman: "The emergency hospital near the highway."

Nick: "Okay I am coming."

Nick pick up her coat and stepped out of the house in a hurry.

Nick took a cab to reach the hospital as early as possible.

*On the other side*

Brooklynn, Erwin, and Eden planned to go to an amusement park.

When Nick arrived at the hospital, she headed to the mortuary. The nurse and a policeman were there, Nick was crying.

Nick gradually stepped near the dead body with her closed and teary eyes while quietly mumbling in a low echo, "I hope this is not Mark."

The policeman was standing behind Nick.

When a nurse uncovered the face of the dead body, Nick screamed loudly, "No!"

Nick got a stroke and thumped on the floor with a trauma.

The policeman sat next to Nick and asked, "Mam, Do you know who he is?"

Nick said in a serious tragic tone: "Mark, He is Mark."

Nurse: "Mam, let's leave from here."

Nick: "No, Mark needs me."

Nurse: "Mam, He is dead."

Nick looked at the nurse with hopeful expressions and asked, "Can you try one more time, and I think he is still alive."

Nurse: "Our best doctor checked him but when he arrived here, he was already dead!"

Nick: "Mark is dead."

Nick started crying heavily.

Suddenly Nick's phone rang.

It was Brooklynn.

Nurse: "Mam you are not allowed to receive the call here."

Nick stood up and walked outside the mortuary, Nick received a call.

Brooklynn: "Hi Nikkie, How are you? How's Mark?"

Nick: "I'm alone, I am not fine and Mark, Mark is dead."

Brooklynn: "What? OH grief! Don't worry send me your current location we are coming, Okay?"

Nick hung up the call without saying any word and sent her location to Brooklynn on her number.

Nick looked at the board, that board was covered with the glass sheet.

Nick looked at herself and realized what Mark did last time.

[Last time, Mark was putting on Nick's lipstick.]

Nick looked at a nurse, she was taking a trolley in the operation room.

Nick's mind was blank, Nick was in trauma, and she headed to the home without Mark.

Mark always said to Nick to act like a boy but Nick didn't notice Mark.

Eden hated Nick's style, Eden said to Nick that she looks weird in long hair and in girly styling.

Nick headed to Mark's bathroom. She dragged a scissor and a bald head shaver from Mark's drawer.

Nick cut her long hair and then shaved her head to become him. Nick was unstable and unaware of his acts.

Then Nick wiped his lipstick with his hands and he washed his face.

Nick took a shower and changed clothes, Nick wore Mark's clothes.

Nick had a serious face and teary eyes.

Nick totally changed himself to become a man like Mark.

Now Nikkie was changed as Nick he removed a girly pink-colored cover from his mobile phone's backside.

Nick reached back to the hospital after transforming himself into a man.

It took one and half hours to transform and reach back to the hospital.

Everyone was shocked, Nick was serious. A nurse appeared and stood in front of Nick.

Nick: "Can I take him to his funeral?"

Nurse: "Yes but there are some requirements that you have to fulfill!"

Nick: "Okay let me complete the requirements."

"Nick!" Eden loudly summoned.

Nick looked at the hallway. Brooklynn, Eden, and Erwin appeared at the hospital.

Eden was holding Erwin's hand. When Eden called Nick's by name. He (Eden) happily ran towards Nick and Nick sat on the floor on his knees and spread his arms to hug Eden.

Eden gave a warm hug to Nick and said, "Nick you surprised me by your looks, you look handsome. Nick was crying. The tears popped out of Nick's eye and fell on Eden's neck.

Eden released the hug and said, "Why are you crying, Nick."

Nick: "I am sorry Eden."

Eden: "Why are you sorry Nick, What happened?"

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at each other seriously.

*Their (Brooklynn and Erwin) point of view*

[When Brooklynn and Erwin woke up early, Eden was still asleep. Erwin said to Brooklynn, "Eden was depressed about Mark's condition last night, you should call Nikkie to ask Mark's condition."

Brooklynn: "You are right, I must give a call to Nikkie."

Brooklynn picked her phone from the side table of the bed and dialed Nick's number.

Nick received a call and told Brooklynn about Mark's death. Brooklynn shared a whole scenario with Erwin and they decided to head back as early as possible.]

Nick: "We lost Mark?"

Eden: "What do you mean by that we lost, what happened to him. Did he have into an accident?"

Nick: "Yes, he went far away from us that we cannot have him back to us and how do you know about an accident?"

Eden started crying and looked at Brooklynn and Erwin while saying, "Look, have you heard that? Mark got into an accident, I told you my dream came true."

Erwin and Brooklynn were shocked.

They both (Erwin and Brooklynn) stepped near to Nick and Eden.

Erwin looked at the nurse who was standing on the back.

Erwin: "Let me fulfill the requirements."

Brooklynn: "It's okay dear don't worry."

Eden: "I want to go with mark, he can't leave me like this, and I want Mark back."

Nick cried and said, "He can never be back you have to bear the truth."

Mark: "It's not true you are lying."

Nick: "I am not lying."

Brooklynn's eyes were teary and she consoled Nick by putting her hand on Nick's shoulder.

Nick looked at Brooklynn while wiping his teary eyes and said, "Thank you so much doctor for being here."

Suddenly Erwin called Nick for signing and completing the required documents. Nick headed to the doctor's office with Erwin.

The doctor asked, "What exactly was his gender."

Nick: "He was a transgender."

Doctor, "Okay, Please sign here."

The doctor gave a document paper to Nick.

Erwin already paid for the hospital dues.

Doctor: "You can take the dead body for the funeral."

Nick: "Okay doctor thank you."

Nick and Erwin stepped out of the room, they saw Eden and Brooklynn while hugging.

Eden: "Aunt Brook!"

Brooklynn: "Yes dear!"

Eden: "What is the meaning of death?"

Brooklynn: "God made us and when a person is born, he comes to this world by his own destiny and he lives as long as he lives, and when the time comes for him to die, he has lived his life in which the time of his death is fixed."

Eden: "Will I never be able to meet and see him?"

Brooklynn: "He has become the brightest star in the sky. You can see him as a star. He will see you becoming a successful person in your life."

Eden: "Oh but my teacher told me that stars only appear at night."

Brooklynn: "you teacher is right so you have to console yourself and Nick."

Eden: "You are calling Nick as Nick this time why aren't you calling him Nikkie?"

Brooklynn: "Because Nikkie has become Nick. So from now on, I'll summon him as Nikkie."

Nick and Erwin looked at each other.

Erwin raised a question to Nick, "If you and Mark are transgender so what about Eden? I wanted to ask you this question from the beginning when I saw Eden."

Nick: "Eden was born in the richest family but he was transgender, they gave their six months old child to Mark. Mark up bring Eden but unfortunately when Eden became five and half years old, Mark died, Now Eden and I are with each other, we are alone."

Erwin put his hand on Nick's shoulder and said, "It's okay I hope Eden to be the most successful person in his life, don't worry."

Nick: "Thank you, sir."

Erwin: "Well, did you told anyone about Mark's death."

Nick: "Whom should I tell?"

Erwin: "People who know Mark."

Nick: "I switched off Mark's phone. I don't want to tell anyone about Mark's death."

Erwin: "Okay but you should call them otherwise they would blame you."

Nick: "Okay then I'll tell some colleagues of Mark."

Nick switched on Mark's mobile phone and called some colleagues of Mark and told about Mark's death."

They perform Mark's funeral.

After performing the funeral, Mark's colleagues attend the wake. Brooklynn and Erwin were there all the time.

Fred, Victor, Stallone, and Jason didn't know about Mark's death.

*One day passed*

Nick and Eden were sitting on the couch in the lounge.

Eden: "It's nighttime."

Nick: "So what?"

Eden: "Mark will be there."

Nick: "What you mean."

Eden held Nick's hand and walked him outside where they could see the sky. When they reached outside, Eden pointed his index figure towards the brightest star in the sky."

Nick looked at the sky and said, what do you mean by that?"

Eden: "Aunt Brook told me that Mark has become a star, and he can see me."

Nick looked at Eden with his swollen eyes and sat beside Eden while saying, "Oh Eden, you are so innocent. I hope I would give you a better future."

Eden looked at Nick and replied, "You will."

*On the other side*

Brooklynn entered the room with a tray in which two cups of coffee were settled.

Brooklynn looked at Erwin, Erwin was sitting and passing a smile while looking at Eden's pictures on his phone.

[Erwin took some pictures of Eden on the weekend when they were enjoying the lake site.]

Brooklynn sat on the couch next to Erwin and said, "So you are missing Eden."

"Don't you miss him, well I was missing him you are right", Erwin mumbled?

Brooklynn: "I wonder what would happen to Eden."

Erwin: "Do you know, that Mark was a transgender and Eden is also a transgender and Eden was born in the richest family but his parents handed him (Eden) over to Mark. Mark took good care of Eden until he could but now I also wonder what would happen next."

Brooklynn: "How are those parents who send their children away from them just thinking that they gave birth to a transgender person. I don't understand what era they are living in and it shouldn't matter for the parents to think that they gave birth to a transgender child. And as far as this is concerned to Eden, he is so cute and such an intelligent child, he doesn't look like a transgender from any feature, he looks like a normal kid."

Erwin: "What do you think about Eden? I mean what would you think if you were at his mother's place?"

Brooklynn: "I don't know how his mother must have felt after leaving him, but I always wish to have a child, I want Eden to call me a mother."

"Brook, just thinks about it that if you adopt Eden as your child, so you have to realize that you can never expect Eden to enhance our family members", Erwin muttered.

Brooklynn: "I've always wanted someone to call me mother instead of someone to enhance my family members. I want him to have a better future and honestly saying I can't even imagine Eden to be with Nick because Nick can't afford his (Eden's) expenses. What do you think about Eden?"

Erwin: "I like Eden, and I also want him to be our family member."

Brooklynn: "So how about we talk to Nick about that matter?"

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To be continued!!!