Substitutions of circumstances!

Erwin: "Yes, you are right, we must talk to him about it."

Erwin took a sip of coffee while continuing to look at Eden's picture on his phone.

Brooklynn passed a smile and peeked at Eden's picture on Erwin's phone.

Erwin: "He looks so cute in this one."

Brooklynn: "Wow, I looked like I am his mother in this picture."

They both chuckled.

Nick slept in Mark's room with Eden.

*The new day begins*

It was Tuesday.

Nick was making breakfast in the kitchen and Eden was drawing a cartoon.

A bell on the corridor rang.

Nick: "Eden go, boy, help me in opening the door."

Eden ran towards the corridor, he (Eden) opened the door while saying, "Who is this?"

Brooklynn: "surprise!"

Eden became happy and hugged Brooklynn and Erwin.

Nick looked at the lounge but he couldn't saw Eden, so he stepped in the direction of the corridor while saying, "Eden you..."

Nick got quiet after looking at Eden while hugging Erwin and Brooklynn. Nick passed a smile and said, "Mr. Erwin and Mam Brooklynn."

Erwin, Eden, and Brooklynn released the hug and looked at Nick.

Eden: "Look Nick we got Erwin uncle and Aunt Brook."

Erwin: "Wouldn't you let us in?"

Nick: "Oh come in please."

Nick headed the way to the lounge and gestured at the sofa while saying, "Please have a seat."

Brooklynn and Erwin sat on the couch. Erwin was holding a shopping bag.

Eden sat with Brooklynn and said, "I am happy to see you here, can I go with you."

Erwin: "Eden look, I brought a gift for you."

Eden asked in an exciting tone, "Really!"

Erwin nodded his head as yes and yes, "Come on take it!"

Eden stepped near to Erwin and took the shopping bag.

Erwin: "Let's go to the dining table to solve this puzzle."

Eden and Erwin went to the dining table.

Nick and Brooklynn chuckled by looking at Eden and Erwin.

Brooklynn looked at Nick and said, "Nick come on have a seat here."

Nick sat on the couch beside Brooklynn.

Brooklynn: "We are here to ask your permission."

Nick: "Mam, you already helped me a lot please, don't ask my permission and just order me."

Brooklynn: "Look, Erwin told me that Eden is transgender, So Erwin and I decided to ask you that can we adopt Eden as our child."

Nick: "Mam, Are you sure that you want to up bring a transgender child?"

Brooklynn: "We thought about it a lot, please, we are keenly attached and attracted to Eden so we want to give him a better and a promising future."

Nick: "So, you think I cannot give Eden a better future."

Brooklynn: "Nick, please don't get us and our thoughts in a wrong way we just want to be Eden's parents. I always wish to be a mother, I always want someone to call me a mother and I want to up bring a child, please."

Nick: "I need some time to think about it, but I have some conditions, if you meet them, it is fine, otherwise I am sorry."

Brooklynn: "What conditions?"

Nick: "First, I don't want Eden's real parents to know about you and to reach you. Second, you'll make Eden a perfect person. Third, don't restrict him (Eden) to meet me. Fourth, take him far or to another city with you."

Brooklynn: "Okay! I agree."

Nick: "Are you sure?"

Brooklynn responded: "Yes."

Brooklynn looked at Eden and Erwin who were playing and laughing.

Brooklynn: "Look, Erwin also loves Eden, Erwin was looking at Eden's picture last night and he told me that he loves Eden."

Nick looked at Eden and Erwin and said, "Okay then, you can take Eden with you, but be sure to protect him and take good care of him because you know that this is the biggest responsibility to adopt and up bring a child even the child is a transgender. You know what, Society disgraces us very badly."

Brooklynn: "I hope you would be okay if we pared yourself from Eden! Because you also want Eden to be happy and he will be happy with us."

Nick took a deep breath and said, "So you didn't go to your workplace today, right?"

Brooklynn: "I changed my evening shift and I have only two appointments in the evening with my patients."

Nick: "So what about your husband?"

Brooklynn: "He has his own law firm and he took his day off from his office."

Nick: "Oh I see."

Brooklynn: "Let's go out for a breakfast!"

Nick: "I already was preparing the breakfast, you can go out and take Eden with you."

Brooklynn: "okay we'll take Eden with us but I want you to join us."

Brooklynn looked at Erwin and said (Loudly), "Am I right Erwin?"

Erwin: "what?"

Brooklynn looked at Nick and said, "Let's go to see what they are doing."

Nick and Brooklynn stepped in the direction of the dining table.

Erwin and Eden were creating a building with mini mine craft blocks.

Brooklynn: "Erwin, I am hungry. I want to have the best breakfast at the hotel."

Erwin looked at Brooklynn and said, "Okay, let's go."

Erwin looked at Nick while saying, "Let's go, gentleman!"

Nick: "I uhh, you guys have fun and you guys can take Eden with you but not me."

Erwin: "Of course Eden will go with us but you also have to go with us."

Erwin looked at Eden and mumbled, "Am I right Eden?"

Eden: "You are right."

Brooklynn: "have you heard that, Eden also wants you to go, so why not?"

NICK: "Okay then let me lock the house."

They ate a cheerful breakfast at a rich restaurant.

After then, Nick and Eden returned to their house while Erwin and Brooklynn headed to their workplaces.

Nick and Eden were sitting on the couch and watching a movie.

"Eden," Nick muttered.

Eden responded, "Yes, Nick."

Nick: "Do you like your Aunt Brooklynn and Erwin Uncle."

Eden: "I love them."

Nick: "What if I have to go far from you and leave you with them.

Eden: "Where are you going?"

Nick: "Uhh I Uhhh, I want you to live with them because I am going out of town for some work."

Eden: "Can't you take me with you?"

Nick: "No, no kid is allowed there."

Eden: "what about me?"

Nick: "That is the reason I want you to live with them."

Eden: "Even though they love me and I love them too but I love you too so I don't want to leave you anywhere."

Nick: "I am the one who is leaving you so you don't have to blame yourself. Their house is so big and they have a car, they buy luxurious clothes and gifts for you every time, so you have to live with them."

Eden: "But I like this house and I don't want to live with anyone else."

Nick: "I have to leave you because of my job."

Eden started crying while saying, "But I'll miss you."

Nick: "I promise you that I'll come to meet you."

Eden: "Is this good for me?"

Nick: "Yes my dear."

Eden: "Okay."

*On the other side*

Brooklynn and Erwin were watching the TV.

Erwin: "So what did Nick said?"

Brooklynn: "He has given us some conditions that if we fulfill them it is fine otherwise he will not hand over Eden to us."

Erwin: "So what are the conditions?"

Brooklynn: "First, he doesn't want Eden's real parents to know about us or to reach us. Second, we'll make Eden a perfect person. Third, we wouldn't have to restrict him (Eden) to meet Nick. Fourth, we must take him (Eden) far or in another city."

Erwin: "I didn't think Nick to be that much concerned about Eden, but I like that."

Brooklynn: "Hmm, But now you realized that. So what do you think about Nick's given conditions."

Erwin: "All the first conditions are relevant and I agree with them but the fourth one is quite stupid I mean I can't immigrate to another place. My business is well settled here and if I moved on from here, I would probably be at a disadvantage because I have become well acquainted with the people here."

Brooklynn: "Then we should talk to him."

Erwin: "Okay let's suppose that if Nick agreed with us, we would have to prepare Eden's separate room."

Brooklynn: "You are right so Eden likes to have a robot, how about we design Eden's room in a robot style."

Erwin: "I'll talk to an interior designer to décor and design Eden's room, not only that. Even we have to buy some toys and other accessories for Eden."

Brooklynn: "I know my patient, she is the principal of the best school here so I'll talk to her for Eden's admission."

Erwin: "But be sure to discuss the real gender of Eden."

Brooklynn: "Okay! I am so excited."

Erwin: "Indeed you might be very excited but not more than me."

Brooklynn: "Shut up Erwin."

Brooklynn and Erwin chuckled.

On the other day,

Erwin completed his office work in a hurry and headed back to his house.

Brooklynn had a day off at the hospital.

Erwin called an interior designer. The interior designer sat the whole interior of the room.

They (Brooklynn and Erwin) bought so many toys and accessories for Eden.

Brooklynn and Erwin talked to Nick about staying in the same city, Nick and Eden were mentally prepared.

After a week, Eden's room was completely set.

It was a Saturday,

They (Erwin and Brooklynn) went to Nick's place to take Eden.

Brooklynn and Erwin rang the bell in the corridor.

Nick opened the door.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how much you like my story.}


To be continued!!!