The dramatic change in habits!

Nick passed a smile and said, "You are here!"

Brooklynn: "Yes."

Nick let them in and shouted at Eden, "Eden, look who's here to pick you up."

Eden ran to Brooklyn and the others and said, "Have you come to pick me up?"

Brooklyn and others look at Eden and smile

Brooklyn said, "Yes, we're here to pick you up. Let's go to our home. There are lots of toys in this house and your room is waiting for you."

Eden: "Our house? But mine is this house and your house is not mine."

Erwin: "Oh but we bought so many robot toys and a robot room for you in that house."

Eden looked at Nick and said, "Nick, Should I go with them?"

Nick nodded his head as yes while smiling.

Brooklynn: "Let's go."

Erwin held Eden's hand started to step out when they (Brooklynn and Erwin) stepped out of the house, Nick was standing in the corridor and Nick had teary eyes.

Eden looked back towards Nick and released his hand from Erwin's hand and ran back to Nick while sobbing.

Brooklyn and Erwin stopped at looked back at them (Eden and Nick).

Nick sat on the floor with the support of his knees and spread his arms to hug Eden.

Eden hugged Nick while saying, "I love you, Nick, I miss you, Mark."

Nick released the hug and said, "You are not the only one who misses him, I also miss Mark."

Nick looked at Brooklynn and said, "Please take good care of Eden."

Erwin: "Don't worry gentleman. We'll take good care of Eden. He is our son now."

Nick: "Thank you so much. You both are angels."

Erwin and Brooklynn passed a smile towards Nick and looked at each other.

Brooklyn stepped near to Eden and put her both hands on Eden's shoulders and said, "Let's go to our house son."

Eden looked at Brooklynn with his teary eyes and stepped out with Brooklynn.

Eden was looking at Nick.

Nick was crying and looking at Eden while waving his hand.

Erwin opened the back door of the car for Eden.

Eden wiped the tears from his eyes with the help of his hands and got in the car while looking at Nick.

Erwin closed the door of the car.

Brooklynn sat on the front seat and Erwin drove the car.

They reached home.

Brooklyn and Erwin took Eden to his room.

Erwin opened the door of Eden's room.

Brooklynn was putting her hand over Eden's eyes to surprise him.

When Erwin opened the door of the room, Brooklynn uncovered Eden's eyes.

Eden opened his eyes and he became shocked with an opened mouth.

Erwin looked at Eden and said, "Come on boy, close your mouth."

Eden: "Is this my room?"

Brooklynn: "Do you have any doubt?"

Eden: "Uhh no."

Erwin: "Do you like that?"

Eden: "No."

Brooklynn: "No?" But we decorated it with so much love and as much as we know you like robots."

Eden: "I said I don't like that, I love that!"

Erwin and Brooklynn chuckled and said, "Oh Eden."

Erwin: "You almost made us depressed."

Brooklynn: "Well, Eden you must be hungry because Erwin and I were also waiting for you so let's have dinner together."

Erwin: "Brook, you didn't cook anything!"

Brooklynn: "Yes, that is the fact and I have ordered some food that is in the kitchen. I'll go and serve to settle the food into the dishes. Now you show Eden's wardrobe."

Erwin: "You are right."

Brooklynn went to the kitchen and arranged the food on the dining table. Erwin showed Eden his (Eden's) wardrobe and Eden became happy to see the toys and other accessories.

They ate dinner together and after eating, all of them headed to their rooms to sleep.

It was midnight time,

Eden was not used to sleeping alone at night, he became upset and anxious so he woke up and started crying loudly.

By any chance, Erwin was out of his room to drink some water in the kitchen, he (Erwin) heard a sound of sobbing so he stepped near Eden's room to peek in and see if everything is okay or not. When he (Erwin) opened a door lightly just to peek in, he saw Eden while sitting and crying.

Erwin became worried and rashly entered the room and said, "What happened dear, why are you crying so hard?"

Eden: "Because I am not used to sleeping alone and I miss my house."

Erwin: "This is your house now, If I tell you the story, will you get back to sleep?"

Eden: "Mark often read some storybooks for me at night. Can you tell me a story?"

Erwin: "Why not my dear?"

Erwin sat with Eden on the bed, Eden laid down.

Erwin: "Would you like to hear a story of a superhero like a superman or a spiderman?"

Eden: "I would like to hear a story about a superhero but not Superman it must be a robot.

Erwin suspiciously asked, "Why do you like robots that much, I mean when I was at the age I always like superman or Spider-Man."

Eden: "Because when I was in my old school I saw a movie on the robot the hero was Robot he always helped people and he killed the Demons."

Erwin: "I see so that's why you like robots."

Eden: "Not only that, I have memorized that I asked Mark to create a robot for me but he left me without creating a robot."

Erwin: "So if we give you a robot what would you do with that?"

Eden: "First of all I would name that robot and in the second I would be his good friend. "

Erwin: "Hmm, shall I make a robot for you?"

Eden: "Can you create a robot?"

Erwin: "Of course why not dear? I will create what you said I will create a robot for you as soon as possible."

Eden: "Thank you, uncle."

Erwin: "Let's start our story, there was a doctor in the hospital one day he decided to go and explore a new place in the mountains so he went to the mountains with his friends and he died when his mother got to know that her child has died in the landslide. She took her son back to her hometown and she was a scientist she has created so many robots in her life she didn't want her son to die. Social fitted and artificial intelligence brain in the skull of her son and made him into a robot, So Eden what..."

Erwin looked at Eden as the name of the robot, but he became quiet because Eden slept already. Erwin passed a smile cover him (Eden) up with the blanket and left the room silently.

On the other day,

They (Erwin, Brooklynn, and Eden) were eating their breakfast.

Brooklynn looked at Eden and mumbled, "Eden, do you know where are we going today?"

Eden responded, "No, I don't know."

Brooklynn: "Let me tell you then, we are gonna go to your new school for your admission."

Eden: "A new school?"

Erwin: "Don't want to go?"

Eden: "No I just want to continue in my old school."

Erwin: "But I have listened that your new school is the best school in the whole town and they have good teachers with good students and the school is very vast, and you know what they have a play area where so many students can participate in games live football volleyball and much more they also have so many swings there."

Brooklynn: "You would like your new school."

[Brooklynn talked to her patient that was the dean of that school. Brooklynn told her that Eden is her adopted child and he is transgender, she also reclaimed and insisted the dean keep it a secret. That lady was agreed to keep it a secret and not to talk about his (Eden's) gender to anyone else.]

Brooklynn and Erwin took Eden to the school for his admission, They enrolled Eden in that school. Eden took a whole visit to that school. Eden was happy that the school was very beautiful and big.

They (Brooklynn and Erwin) bought new stationery and a new uniform for Eden.

After buying, Erwin went to his workplace while Brooklynn took Eden to her hospital.

{Because Eden couldn't live alone in the house.}

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how much you like my story.}


To be continued!!!