The hidden feeling inside the heart!

Doctor: "You don't have to worry, He is right. Luckily, his small amount of blood was lost. He is fine but his wound is a bit deep and you have to be more careful."

The doctor looked at Brooklynn and said, "I think I have seen you before somewhere."

Brooklynn: "I am the gynecologist at the main emergency city hospital."

Doctor: "It's good to see you, doctor."

Abruptly, A voice came, "Zhi".

Zhi looked at the hallway.

A man with a lady appeared towards Zhi.

That man was Zhi's father.

[Ji Chang was a taekwondo world champion when he retired he started his taekwondo academy.]

That woman was Zhi's mother.

[Mia Chang was a celebrity cooking expert and a housewife. Her mother was the host and a cook of the show named, "Cooking crush (With Mia Chang)". She had short inverted black-colored bobby hair.]

Zhi hugged her parents while crying.

Her father (Ji Chang) wiped the tears from Zhi's eyes with his thumb and said, "I told you not to cry. Why are you showing me this face?"

Mia: "Shut up Jing".

[Mia often summoned Ji Chang as Jing.]

Zhi: "Dad, thank you for making me strong. Mom, Thank you for taking good care of me. I love you both."

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at Zhi's family.

Zhi's parents looked at Brooklynn and Erwin.

Mia: "Daughter, who are they?"

Zhi looked at Brooklynn and Erwin and said, "Aunt Uncle, They are my parents."

Mia: "Hello."

Brooklynn: "Hello."

Ji Chang: "Zhi, where is Eden?"

Zhi: "He is resting."

Ji Chang: "Is he okay now?"

Erwin: "Yes but he got a bit injured."

Ji Chang: "Your child is such a good boy."

Mia: "He always makes us delighted when he gets to our house."

Brooklynn: "Thank you so much."

At a second moment,

A nurse came out of the patient's room while saying, "The patient is awake you can now go in and meet him."

All of them (Brooklynn, Erwin, Zhi, Jing, and Mia) stepped into the room.

Eden was sitting with the back support of the bed.

Eden looked at them.

Brooklynn: "Oh my God!"

Eden: "Mom, I'm fine."

Erwin: "Why did you get into the fight?"

Brooklynn: "Come on, Shut up Erwin."

Mia: "Who did that to both of you."

Mia was looking at the floor with embarrassment.

Brooklynn: "It was their class fellow."

Jing: "Zhi, I taught you to do self-defense but I think it's such a waste."

Eden looked at Zhi and said, "Why are you looking down continuously."

Zhi: "It's all my fault I should step in and help you but I didn't."

Eden: "Come on sister, you helped me a lot."

Brooklynn, Mia, Jing, and Erwin chuckled.

Brooklynn: "It's alright, nothing bad happened and Eden is still alive."

Eden took a bed rest of three days.

Eden took hold of some days off from school.

Whether the police found the information about Larry and they went into Larry's home, where he lived his mother.

His parents were divorced.

[Larry's mother's name was Scarlett and his father's name was Anthony and his brother's name was Bryce. Bryce was in the army but he died two years ago due to a bullet shot.]

Larry's mother (Scarlett) left his father (Anthony) because. He (Anthony) was a gambler.

His mother was a model and an actress. Larry was mentally unstable and he was a psychopath because of his family relations but he never felt needy for money his mother was rich.

One day,

Larry's mother was out of town due to her drama shoot.

Larry was watching the TV, he was absent from school that day. Suddenly a bell rang on the corridor.

Larry opened the door.

There was a policeman out of the house, waiting to get Larry.

The policeman: "Kid, you are under arrest."

Larry became shocked and asked, "How? I mean why?"

The policeman: "In the case of chaotic harassment."

Larry: "What the hell are you talking about?"

The policeman: "You knock your class fellow down whose name is Eden."

Larry: "No I didn't."

The policeman: "Yes you did it, Larry."

Larry: "Show me the proof then."

"Let's go with me to the police station, then I'll show you the proof," The policeman responded.

Larry: "What if I don't obey you?"

The policeman showed the handcuffs to Larry and said, If you don't cooperate and go with us, then I will have to force you."

Larry went to the police station and he (Larry) was locked up in the Jail in the case of chaotic harassment.

Larry got arrested.

The police officer was handling the case.

(Stallone got promoted to the upgraded level. That's why he was not in the police station.)

The police officer called Scarlett so many times, but her phone number was out of range. After one day, when the police officer called Scarlett, she received the call.

The police officer told her (Scarlett) that her son (Larry) is arrested in the case of chaotic harassment and knocking his class fellow down.

Scarlett became stunned and said, "What? No, No, officer! my child is purely good he can't do anything like that. Please it's a misunderstanding, just let him go."

The police officer: "If you don't believe me, then I can do nothing, I suggest that if you want us to release your son, then come here and I'll tell you the whole scene of your son while committing a crime."

Scarlett: "Where is my son now, is he with you?"

The police officer: "Yes, he is locked up in the prison."

Scarlett: "Okay, I'm coming."

The police investigated Larry, that why did he commit that crime, but Larry didn't say a word.

Larry was silent all the time.

Scarlett covered her face with a mask and a p-cap then she (Scarlett) went to the police station. Scarlett reached the police station.

The officer asked her (Scarlett) in his office, but Scarlett said, "I want to see my son first."

The police officer to Scarlett in the meeting room where the prisoners meet their family and relatives.

Scarlett and Larry were sitting alone in the meeting room.

Scarlett was observing her son (Larry) Larry was looking at the floor with his bowed head.

Scarlett broke the silence while saying: "You made me come here for the first time in my life, I have never been in the police station to mee a prisoner in my life and you are my son moreover a prisoner, are you not ashamed to do that. You are only 15 years old. How could you commit such a crime?"

Larry looked at Scarlett with his brave expression and said, "I hate Eden and I hate you also. Even I hate every single kid who is happy with their parents. Have you ever thought why do I hate you?"

Scarlett: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Larry: "Now you are thinking that I am talking bullshit? You just as yourself, that why am I like this. In these fifteen years of my life, I have never seen you or anyone else doing admiration of me. When I was four years old, you divorced my father and sent my 10 years old brother to a kid's military center. Then he (Bryce)got killed two years ago from today. Do you know that I hate you being with your teammates and you came to the home in a drunk situation? We have never sat together to see a movie or to enjoy our day at home. I have never played any game with my father, I have never gone shopping with my mother, even I am grown up with myself, you or no one helped me in in my growth. I have always wanted you to love me. Do you think that you would be ashamed to call me your son in front of the world? I am the only one who should be ashamed because you are my mother. Like Eden, every child comes to school with their parents. But your driver dropped me at school every time. I have become the worst boy because my parents never gave attention to me."

Scarlett stood up and said, "You are a complete psychopath I have to do something with you. But at first, let's go home."

Larry: "I'm not going anywhere."

Scarlett: "Shut up Larry."

After saying that, Scarlett stepped out of the meeting room and headed to the senior officer's office."

The police officer: "We can not let him go with you, Mam, please try to understand."

Scarlett: "Please officer you should try to understand. I'll comprehend to him. He is just 15."

Police officer: "I don't know what to do but I called the parents of the injured child."

Suddenly Brooklynn and Erwin arrived with Jing.

[Mia was at Brooklynn's home, she was taking care of Zhi and Eden.]

A police officer stood up while looking at them.

Scarlett turned her head to look back and suddenly stood up while saying, "Doctor Brooklynn?"

Brooklynn: "Miss Scarlett?"

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how much you like my story.}


To be continued!!!