The conflagrated commitment!

Brooklynn became shocked to see Scarlett.

The police officer: "Do you know each other?"

Scarlett replied: "Yes she is my doctor! But what is she doing here?"

The police officer: "She is the mother of that child who is in the hospital right now because of your son."

Brooklynn stepped towards Scarlett while saying, "So Larry is your son. Am I right?"

Scarlett: "Yes, he is my son I am very embarrassed I am so sorry he is just a kid he became envious and committed that crime."

Brooklynn: "You don't have to be embarrassed and I know he is just a kid but have you thought that why did he comment on that crime and why did he get envious of my kid?"

Scarlett: "I didn't get your words what are you trying to say?"

Brooklynn look at the police officer and asked permission, "Can I see her child?"

Scarlett: "I already told you doctor you don't have to say him I told you he is just a kid and I am sorry for him?"

Brooklynn looked at Scarlett and replied, "I want to say him right now, so please don't stop me."

Scarlett: "Are you arguing with me?"

Brooklynn: "Yes, you are right I am arguing with you, do you know what is the condition of my child (Eden) right now. He skipped his school he was badly injured when I saw him hide his pain from me I couldn't stop myself from coming here and he forbid and restricted me to come here to see Larry, but you know what when I came here, I saw you I know you should take the sign of your child but I know you kept him as a secret you told the world you had only one child that was Bryce he died two years ago and you had never told anyone about Larry. You are saying that you are his mother? You are such a bad mother not bad I think you are the worst mother I have ever seen."

After saying that Brooklynn went to the meeting room and waited for Larry to come.

When the policeman took Larry to the meeting room he sat next to the chair of Brooklynn.

Larry raised his eyebrows and inquired, "Why are you here, are you to scold me like the lady who is called to be my mother did? Are you were to take the side of your son? I know he is a good kid and everyone likes good kids I am a bad kid so everyone hates me?"

Brooklynn: "Look, Kid, I am not here to school at you or to take the side of my child. Even Eden didn't want me to come here and to talk to you, I am here to talk to you in person to ask you that why did you do that what have my child done to you that worst?"

Larry: "I don't know I just hate him. Everyone likes him since the beginning, even I hate every child who is happy with their parents."

Brooklynn: "May I ask you the specific reason for that?"

Larry: "I don't know I just am envious of every child, I didn't get the love and affection of parents. I hate everyone and I just want to like myself."

Brooklynn: "Do you know that you are only 15 and you are making your own life worst. You should know that you are not harming us, you are harming yourself."

Larry: "My father was a gambler, when I was only 4 years old my mother divorced him and started to live with me and my brother, after some time my mother sent my brother to the kids military academy to get trained to become a soldier. She never gave any attention to me she forgot that I am her son I have never got love from a father and a mother when my brother came to see her during his holidays, she loved him a lot to him to do some shopping and to have fun when they were enjoying outside together I was only watching the TV or playing video games at my house. We never dine together, I never got any love and affection for him even she hid me from everyone. When I saw Eden or any other kid being happy, I wanted to make them like me."

Brooklynn: "Oh, I understand you very well and I will try to explain to your mother that it is not your fault they (Your Parents) are to blame for not paying attention to you. And I hope that they will understand my words and that what has happened to you will not change everything, but they will treat you very well from now on, and I'll request her for this secret to reveal to all. That you are their son. But before that, you have to make a promise to me that you will never harm or envy any other child and will be kind to my child (Eden) because Eden needs a good friend, and if you continue to be his good friend, he will be very good to you. If you don't, no one will be worse than me."

Larry: "Okay, deal."

Brooklynn passed a smile towards Larry and said, "Let's go."

They both went out of the meeting room.

Everyone was seeing them.

Brooklyn looked at the police officer and said. "Release him."

Larry looked at Jing, Erwin, and The police officer and bowed his head with embarrassment while mumbling, "I'm sorry to harm them, I will never do that again please forgive me."

Erwin looked at Brooklynn and said, "Okay, the kid now you can go to your home and have some rest as well. I invite you whenever you want to come to our home to meet Eden."

Jing: "Me too, you can also come to my home whenever you want."

Larry: "Thank you so much you are such good people."

After that, all of them went out of the police station,

Larry and Scarlett went to their home, Scarlett was very angry at Larry.

*On the next day*

When Larry went to his school, he was ashamed so he apologized to Eden and Zhi for his behavior.

The two forgave him and befriended him Now the three became very good friends and started going to school together.

One day,

Brooklynn called Scarlett.

She (Scarlett) was our home so she attended the call and said, "Hello who is it?"

Brooklynn: "That's me, Brooklynn."

Scarlett: "May I ask you the reason for memorizing me today?"

Brooklynn: "I wanted to see you at a specific place can you come over?"

Scarlett: "Yes, of course, I was free to send me the location I will come there."

Brooklynn set the location to her (Scarlett).

After sometime,

They both met at a coffee shop near Brooklynn's hospital.

Scarlett: "Tell me why did you call me here?"

Brooklynn: "Would you like to drink a cold coffee or black tea I think green tea good be the best choice?"

Scarlett: "Doctor, please don't change the topic just let me know why did you call me here?"

Brooklynn: "I'll tell you you have to order something to drink. Because we can sit here like this."

Scarlett: "Mocha Latte."

Brooklynn called the servant and ordered one Mocha Latte for Scarlett and one Green tea for herself.

Scarlett: "Shall we talk to the main point now?"

Brooklynn: "Yes okay, I want to ask you first that why did you do that to your child?"

Scarlett: "Now what's wrong I did?"

Brooklynn: "May I ask you who is Larry to you?"

Scarlett: "Unfortunately, He is my son."

Brooklynn: "Unfortunately? You have a big hand in making your son a spoiled and bad person."

Scarlett: "How do you think that?"

Brooklynn: "Did he never tell you that you did not pay attention to him? The mistakes of you and your husband have had a bad effect on his mind."

Scarlett: "Did he told something to you something?"

Brooklynn: "Just think about it by yourself. You should be happy that you are lucky to have a son, Just think of those ladies who don't have any child."

Scarlett: "What do you mean by that?"

Brooklynn: "I've always wanted to be a mother, but I've never been able to be a mother, Then I adopted Eden and gave him all the mother's love and attention that every child has the right to get."

Scarlett: "Then whose child is he?"

Brooklynn: "I don't know who are his real parents but now he is my son."

Scarlett: "When I visited Larry in the police station, then he told me some bad facts about his life."

Brooklynn: "So what did you think?"

Scarlett: "I was mistaken and I think you are right."

Brooklynn: "Oh that's a relief."

They both chuckled.

When Scarlett reached home she found Larry while studying."

Scarlett made sandwiches and juice for him (Larry) and went to his room while holding the tray.

Scarlett: "My son must be very hungry, I've made some food for you. Just eat it tell me about the taste,

Larry: "I am not hungry."

Scarlett: "I am sorry son. I promise you that I'll not keep you as a secret anymore. I'll tell the whole world that you are my son."

Larry looked at Scarlett and raised a suspicion: "Really?"

Scarlett: "Yes, I am serious."

Scarlett ask her manager to schedule a live broadcast as an announcement where Scarlett and Larry sat together on the sofa and Scarlett revealed the secret and moreover, she also announced her retirement from both acting and modeling because Larry didn't want his mother to be an actor or model.

That's how Larry got his mother's (Scarlett's) attention and affection.

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To be continued!!!