A compassionate devotion!

One day Scarlett called Brooklynn.

Brooklynn was in the hospital.

When Brooklynn's patient left, She called back to Scarlett.

Scarlett: "Hi, Doctor Brooklynn. How are you?"

Brooklynn: "Hello, I am fine. How are you?"

Scarlett: "I'm perfect. I was thinking if you could come with me to the children's school to know their report about their study."

Brooklynn: "Yeah, it's a good idea but let me ask Mrs. Chang."

Scarlett: "Who is she?"

Brooklynn: "She is the mother of Zhi."

Scarlett: "Oh I see."

Brooklynn: "Yes, okay then I'll call her and as her if she is available or not."

Scarlett: "Yes, sure sure."

Brooklynn called Mia.

She was free. Scarlett brought Brooklynn and Mia with her in her (Scarlett's) car.

All the three ladies went to the school.

There they (Scarlett, Brooklynn, and Mia) met the principal (Isabel).

They (Mia, Scarlett, and Brooklynn) entered the principal's office.

Isabel was sharing them and waiting for them because Brooklynn already told her (Isabel) that she is coming.

How did these beautiful ladies remember me today?

Brooklynn: "We are here to ask the report for our children that how are they studying in their class."

Isabel: "You know mam that your son (Eden) is such a good kid he (Eden) is a top student in his class. Even though every teacher likes him (Eden)."

Brooklynn: "Thank you so much, principal."

Mia: "How is Zhi going."

Isabel: "She is such a delicate and intelligent girl."

Scarlett looked at Mia and Brooklynn and then looked at Isabel while smiling.

Scarlett: "What about Larry how is he doing?"

Isabel: "He is being very good and he is improving himself I am happy with him.

Scarlett passed a smile and said, "Thank you so much, principal."

Brooklynn got a call from her nurse/assistant.

Brooklyn looked at her phone and said, "Excuse me."

Brooklynn received a call why staying a bit away from them (Isabel, Mia, and Scarlett).

After hanging up the call,

Brooklynn looked at them and said, "I 'm sorry I have to go is an emergency patient waiting for me in the hospital."

Scarlett: "Let me drop you!"

Brooklynn: "No, it's alright I'll go by myself."

After then, Brooklynn left them and Scarlett and Mia headed back to their places.

After some days,

Brooklynn, Mia, and Scarlett decided to go to the amusement park with their kids. There they enjoyed it a lot.

The friendship between Brooklynn, Scarlett, and Mia was getting better day by day just like the friendship between their children (Eden, Zhi, and Larry).

That's how all of them were living cheerfully.

Months passed,

Jing and Mia invited Brooklynn, Erwin, and Scarlett with their children (Eden and Larry) for their daughter's (Zhi's) birthday.

They happily celebrated her birthday.

That's how all of them started meeting together on every occasion like this.

*On the other side*

Jason went abroad for business with Victor and he left Rocella and Kevin alone in the house.

Raina got married to Victor's assistant.

In these 10 years,

Jason and Victor became very good partners and their company got a memorable and respected level.

While Fred got married to Angeline.

They both met at the ceremony of Kevin's 18th birthday.

Jason and Rocella forgot about Eden But there was a memory and love in their heart's core for Eden.

The relationship between Kevin and Christine was getting bounded and started to like each other, they were now more than friends.

Eden became 16 years old.

One day,

Eden and Larry made a plan to visit Zhi at her home.

Even didn't tell Brooklynn about that plan. When the lady arrived at Eden's home, Brooklynn was unaware.

Brooklynn: "Larry, you are here?"

Larry: "Hello Aunt. I am here to take Eden with me to Zhi's place."

Brooklynn: "Oh! I see, Eden didn't discuss with me about your plan today."

Eden went out of his room.

He was fully dressed up as he was going on a date.

Eden: "Larry, you are here."

Brooklynn and Larry looked at Eden with their shocking facial expressions."

Larry: "Eden, we are going to Zhi's place because she is suffering from fever but you are dressed up like you are going for a date."

Brooklynn stepped near Eden and smelled his collar.

Brooklynn: "You are going to visit a patient but I think first of all I should check you to the doctor."

Eden: "Why? Do I look bad?"

Larry: "You look awkward."

Eden: "Really?"

Brooklynn and Larry chuckled.

Eden: "I'll change."

Larry: "You look charming, let's go."

They (Larry and Eden) led the way to Zhi's place.

Eden brought a bouquet of Lavender because Zhi liked Lavender while Larry brought white condolence flowers that are generally used for awake.

They rang the bell of Zhi's house.

Mia opened the door.

Mia: "Hello kids, how are you both?"

Eden and Larry bowed their heads while saying: "We are fine how are you Aunt."

Mia: I am fine, Thanks to both of you. Come in, Come in."

They both (Eden and Larry) entered the house.

Eden: "Aunt, where is Zhi?"

Mia: "She is in her room."

Mia noticed Eden and said, "Eden, you look handsome. Are you returning from your date?"

Eden and Larry looked at each other.

Larry laughed and said, "Ahahah, Eden!"

Eden chuckled a bit and said, "No, Aunt. I don't have a girlfriend."

Mia: "Don't worry you'll get one at your age but you are only sixteen now and you have to focus on your career first."

Larry: "What about me?"

Mia: "I am saying to both of you."

Mia took Larry and Eden to Zhi's room.

Zhu was playing a game.

Eden and Larry entered the room with Mia.

Mia: "Zhu, your friends are here."

Zhu: "Oh you both are here."

Larry stepped forward and gave a bouquet of condolence flowers to Zhi.

Larry: "May your soul rest in peace."

Zhi looked at Larry with a serious note on her face and responded: "I am not dead yet, I just got a fever, Larry."

Larry: "We don't know anything about life, you don't know where you are today, you don't know where tomorrow."

Zhi, Mia, and Eden chuckled.

Zhi: "Shut up Larry."

Zhi looked at Eden's hand.

He (Eden) was grabbing a bouquet of Lavenders.

Zhi passed a smile and mumbled, "Eden, is this bouquet of lavenders for me?"

Eden: "Yes."

Eden stepped forward and gently settled the bouquet at the side table.

Mia: "You will be the most caring man in your future."

Eden looked at Mia and bowed his head while replying, "Thank you, Aunt."

Mia: "It's alright dear. Okay then you guys enjoy and I'll go for cooking."

Larry: "I'll go with you!"

Larry and Mia stepped into the kitchen whether Eden and Zhi were in Zhi's room.

Zhi: "By the way why are you dressed up?"

Eden: "Do I look bad?"

Zhi: "No, you look handsome but.."

Eden: "What?"

Zhi: "You are making me awkward like Larry and I look downgraded in front of you, rich boy."

Eden: "You are also rich and Larry is also rich. So don't mention me in the richness."

*In the kitchen*

Mia: "Larry do you like cooking?"

Larry: "I love the way you cook. Do you know? I watched all the episodes of your cooking show."

Mia: "I am cooking since Mia was only three years old."

Larry: "Wow, you are the best lady."

Mia: "You know how to praise a lady."

Mia chuckled a bit.

Larry: "Praising? I was admiring you. Because you are good."

Mia: "Okay dear thank you so much for your love and admiration, well what would you become in the future?"

Larry: "I would become a cook like you!"

Mia: "Aww you are so sweet."

Larry: "Where is my dear uncle?"

Mia: "He is out of town for the tournaments."

Larry: "Oh I see, so does he know about Zhi's fever."

Mia: "No I didn't tell him."

Larry: "Why?"

Mia: "He does not like our daughter (Zhi) to be weak or sick and he (Jing) can't come here from there anyway."

Larry: "Oh I see you are right."

Eden, Larry, Mia, and Zhi lunch together.

After then, Larry and Eden headed back to their homes.

Brooklynn noticed Eden so many days after that day, Eden was getting closely bounded to Zhi as the time flew.

One day when Brooklynn, Eden, and Erwin were dining together.

Eden's was settled at the dining table (in front of his eyes).

A message arrived on Eden's phone.

Eden stopped eating and looked at the phone.

Eden passed a bit chuckle.

Brooklynn and Erwin noticed Eden.

Erwin: "Eden, you know that you are going against the manners. So you better eat first and then use your phone."

Eden looked at Erwin and said, "You are right I am sorry."

Eden put his phone back on the table and started to eat.

Brooklynn looked at Eden and said, "By the way whose message made you chuckled and smile?"

Eden: "It was Zhi."

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at each other with serious expressions.

After eating rapidly, Eden rashly stepped into the room.

Brooklynn and Erwin observed him.

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To be continued!!!