A valued slant!

Erwin: "Why kid, Is everything okay?"

Eden: "Yes, daddy I just wanted to see him it is a weekend today so I decided to meet him and I didn't see him for a while."

Eden, my soul, look at how swollen your eyes are. It seems that you have been crying all night and have not slept. I know what happened to you last night, but what happened to you happened to us. Please tell me what you would do if you were in our place and I know you are still young.

Eden bowed his head down to the floor and said," Mom, Dad! It was very difficult for me to face the truth but I thought to myself all night or if it happened then maybe there is some good in it because if I have more feelings for someone in my heart then maybe I could not control it but it is good that you have already told me and then I will try to get it out of my heart and I will not have any such desire in my heart and mind."

Erwin: "Today I see that our decision to raise and adopt you was a very good decision that I always wished that if I had a son I would make him a sensible and well-rounded person and you will fulfill my desire mine to be a successful person. Give me the happiness in my life that I or Brooklyn once wished."

Eden stepped forward near to the bed where they were sitting sat on the floor with the support of his knees and held their hand while saying, "I promise you that I will make myself a mature and good person. I shall be a successful person and now I aim to fulfill this wish of yours. But what if my classmates and friends know about me like they know that I am a transgender will they hate me?"

Brooklynn: "You know, When you grow up in front of people and front of this society and become successful people, then believe that they will not hate you, but would rather sit with you."

Eden: "Okay."

Erwin: "But promise us that you will not bring your truth to the world until you become a successful person."

Eden: "I promise you, dad, I promise you, mom. I love you both."

Brooklynn: "If you I want to see Nick then you should go and meet him."

Eden: "But I don't know where does he live."

Erwin: "Your mom, and I'll take him to you."

Eden: "Oh thank you so much."

Then they (Brooklynn, Erwin, and Eden hugged each other."

After sometime,

Brooklynn called Nick, He received a call.

Brooklynn: "Where are you, Nick?"

Nick: "I am at my salon."

Brooklynn: "Can I come over to your salon?"

Nick: "Doctor Brook, is the matter to ask? You can come over whenever you want you just don't have to ask me about coming here."

Brooklynn: "Okay thank you, Nick, you better stay at your salon don't go home and I'll come over to take you to the restaurant to have a good dinner with you."

Nick: "Okay thank you doctor but can I ask you the reason for remembering me today all of a sudden after so many years?"

Brooklynn: Yes, I just wanted to see you and have a good chat with you I was bored. You don't think that much there is not a specific reason for that. So shall I take you to a place like a good restaurant?"

Nick: "Yes doctor, But the treat is on me right?"

Brooklynn chuckled a bit while replying, "Oh ok ok no problem."

Nick: "Well, I have a customer and right now I am performing hair treatment I'll give a message or call to you to come over and take me to your specified destination but you have to wait!"

Brooklynn: " ok ok ok Nick, I'll wait."

Nick: "Thank you, doctor."

After saying that, Brooklynn and Nick and their conversation by hanging up the call.

[In 20 more than 10 years, He (Nick) bought the same salon where he used to work as a hairstylist and he had become a quiet man. He remembered Eden all those years, but he didn't want Eden to remember him. He became a celebrity hairstylist.]

An hour passed, Brooklynn was still waiting for Nick to call her but suddenly her phone rang. Brooklynn received a call while saying, "Nick, Are you free?"

Nick: "Yes."

Brooklynn took Eden to Nick's salon, Brooklynn didn't tell Nick that she was going to take Eden to that salon with herself just to meet him (Nick).

When they (Brooklynn and Eden) reached Nick's salon, Brooklynn was driving the car.

Brooklynn: "We are here Eden!"

Eden: "This place? Have I visited this place before?"

Brooklynn: "Yes, you did my dear! I always remember when you were only three years old when I saw you at this place for the first time and you know what, you got my attention and attraction that no one did."

Eden: "Oh really was it that much pretty?"

Brooklynn: "No you were not pretty you were charming."

Eden: "So, shall we get out of the car and entered that salon?"

[That place was a bit change it was upgraded. The name of that Salon was upgraded by 'Macken']

{The name Macken was a combination of the names; Mark, Nick, and Eden.}

First Brooklynn opened the corridor. Eden followed Brooklynn while looking around.

Eden was quite suspicious about the place because he saw the same place and his vision a few months ago. But Eden remembered Nick and Mark's name names but he couldn't remember their faces. He (Eden) remembered that Brooklynn and Erwin adopted him. He also remembered the moment spent with Mark and Nick.

Brooklynn stepped into the salon while saying, "Nick!"

Eden was behind Brooklynn.

Nick fast a smile and look at Brooklynn, but when he (Nick) stepped a bit closer he saw Eden and became shocked while saying, "Oh my God! Are you here with Eden?"

Brooklynn looked at Eden with a smile on her face. Eden also looked at Brooklynn with blank expressions on his face.

Nick put his left hand on his opened mouth in surprise and the tears came out of his eyes.

Brooklyn pointed to Eden to move forward, and Eden moved forward.

Eden bowed his head down in the greeting expression, "Hello, Nick how are you?"

Nick suddenly hugged Eden while saying, "What a pleasant surprise I feel relieved to see you."

Eden put his both hands on Nick's back ok and rubbed while consoling and replying, "I also feel relieved to see you after a long time."

They both released the hug.

Nick: "I am so sorry dear, I didn't visit you."

The tears popped out of Eden's eyes.

Eden: "I missed you so much. Even I forgot your face."

Brooklynn: "Do you two intend to stand here and talk? I think we should go to the restaurant. Because I am starving."

Nick: "Okay you both should wait I'll pack up first."

After closing the salon,

They headed to the restaurant.

Brooklynn drove the car while Nick set on the passenger's seat and Eden sat in the backseat.

There they ordered some food.

Eden and Brooklynn were sitting together beside each other while Nick was sitting on the chair next to Eden.

Nick while eating said, "How is your study going?"

Eden: "Yes it's good."

Brooklynn: "Did you know that my son is very good and intelligent? He always takes the topper position the whole school."

Nick: "That's a good thing, kid. You know, Mark wanted the same thing. He wanted to see you succeed in the same way."

Eden: "You have been away from me for so many years. Have you never missed me? Have you never wanted to see me?"

Nick looked at Brooklynn and responded while changing the topic, "I think the food here is very good, hidden you should eat more salad and meet."

Eden understood that Nick didn't want to discuss the topic of past."

Brooklynn: "So how is your business going?"

Nick: "It is going so well, even I enjoy doing hairstyles of celebrities."

Brooklyn chuckled and mumbled, "Yes so if you're a celebrity hairstylist."

Nick: "What about your husband how is he and what is he doing right now?"

Brooklynn: "He also wanted to come with us but he got a call from his client's so he had to go there. Well, What are you doing this Christmas?"

Nick: "I have two Special clients for Christmas eve."

Brooklynn: "When will you be free?"

Nick: "After 05:00 pm maybe?"

Brooklynn: "Okay, let's join us at our home and celebrate Christmas together."

Nick: "Hmm, sounds relevant, okay I'll try to do my work rapidly."

Brooklynn: "Yes but you shouldn't try to do the work you have to come I am inviting you and I am insisting on you so please..."

Nick: "Okay."

They did a good chat and they spent a good time together after eating lunch, Brooklynn drove Nick back to his salon."

Eden was still serious and silent.

Brooklyn noticed Eden and asked, "What happened son?"

Eden: "Nothing, I was just wondering about why did Nick change the topic?"

Brooklynn: "The topic? Which topic?"

Eden: "When I asked him that did he never miss me or never try to see me, then when he suddenly changed the topic and I got white and I got no words to say."

Brooklynn: "This is because maybe he won't want to discuss the past."

Eden: "I want to ask him."

Brooklynn: "I suggest you, Don't put so much pressure on your small and innocent mind right now, my dear."

Eden: "I think you are alright I shouldn't discuss the past with anyone this is the present and I have to focus on my future."

Brooklynn: "Don't worry."

Another day,

Eden went to his school, but he didn't talk to Larry and Zhi.

A week passed like this, Eden didn't give any attention to his friends or anyone else they noticed Eden's behavior with them. When Larry and Zhi greet Eden or tried to talk to him (Eden), he would not talk, and he would get up and leave immediately. They were very worried.

One day, Larry and Zhi were sitting in the cafeteria.

Zhi: "I don't understand did we talk something nonsense to Eden?"

Larry: "I should also think so but I couldn't remember clearly that what did he said to him that he is ignoring us all the time."

Zhi: "Should we go and say sorry to Eden."

Larry: "Sorry? About what?"

Zhi: "I don't know I am just worried about him (Eden). "

Larry: "Honestly saying, I think he is showing off his attitude."

Zhi: "But what does he need to show off his attitude to us? We best friends since childhood."

Suddenly Eden appeared, Eden was there to buy some milk bottles.

Zhi and Larry stood up while looking at Eden.

Larry: "Eden, come here."

Eden looked at them and step near to them.

Eden: "Yes?"

Larry: "What's up dude?"

Eden: "I am good."

Larry: "Come on have a seat."

Eden: "Aah I'm sorry I have to go and study."

Larry: "Bro, did we performed something wrong?"

Eden: "What do you mean by that?"

Zhi: "You showing your attitude I am in your ignoring us and we were observing you."

Eden chuckled a bit at them and said, "No, I don't have any attitude, and by the way, as you hold no our exams are next month so I just want to prepare myself for that."

Larry: "Yes but it's a second last year now so you don't have to worry about the examination."

Eden: "I would prefer birds that you have to focus on your studies as well to get better grades. We are in high school and the next year, it will be our last year of high school and we shall have to go to the university after graduating from the school."

Larry: "You are alright, I trust you to get can get better grades I trust Zhi and myself also so don't worry and have fun."

Zhi: "Please Eden sit with us, Otherwise we will think that the trouble of exams has taken our friend away from us, Am I right Larry?"

Larry: "For the very first time in your life."

He looked at them, smiled a little, and sat down and started talking.


Larry: "Oh I forgot to ask about the ball night, well who would be your dance partner?"

Eden: "Uhh I am not coming."

Zhi: "What? You are not coming for what? I mean why what is the reason?"

Eden: "I have to go to meet someone special?"

Larry: "Meeting someone special sounds relevant but in the situation as if you have a girlfriend I mean you want to see your girlfriend so that's why you are not going there is this the only reason?"

Eden: "uh Oh I forgot my notes in the library so I have to go there I am sorry to let's see again I mean uhh later ok."

Larry: "He is very hiding something from us he is stammering."

Zhi: "Is he really into someone else?"

Larry: "He is a good boy and he is also very handsome so every girl can easily do have a crush on him."

Zhi: "I wonder that who would be that special one in his life."

Larry looked at Zhi and said, "I can easily tell you that you are being jealous."

Zhi: "Shut up Larry, why would I be jealous of him?"

Larry: "No, No, you are not exactly jealous of him you are just jealous of that special person."

Zhi: "Oh my God what should I do to you."

Larry: "By the way, I didn't found my partner yet so you still have a chance to get a partner."

Larry lean towards Zhi and whispered, "Let's be the dancing partners in the ball night."

Zhi: "Okay."

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how much you like my story.}


To be continued!!!