Scene of desperation!

Eden stayed at home on the Ball party night.

Eden became quiet.

He started to take his life seriously.

Brooklynn and Erwin gave a full time of attention and affection to Eden. So that he does not miss anything and he does not do anything wrong.

On the next day,

There was a Christmas Eve and they celebrated their day.

As Brooklynn invited Nick to come over to their home and have dinner together. So Nick arrived there with a bouquet and some gifts for them.

Brooklynn: "Nick, Erwin, and Eden would give you their company and I'll settle the food on the dining table."

Nick: "Okay."

Erwin and Eden sat and accompany Nick in the lounge.

Erwin: "Is this is your first time visiting home?"

Nick: "Yes."

Erwin looked at Eden and said, "He loves you so much. As much as Brook and I do. "

Eden: "Thank you, Nick, thank you so much for giving me your time and love."

Nick: "You don't have to thank me, because I did all that by my heart."

Suddenly Brooklyn appeared and said, "The dinner is ready, let's have a good dinner together."

Nick looked at Rice balls and said, "Eden, you know you always like to eat rice balls. Mark was also a great cook and he often made this dish."

Eden: "I hope I could memorize him or I could see him."

Nick: "I also hope that."

Brooklynn: "May his soul rest in peace."

Nick: "Thanks to you all you invite me here."

Erwin: "You can come over to our place whenever you wanted and we would like to meet you often."

Nick: "Sure, Sure."

They (Nick, Eden, Erwin, and Brooklynn) dine together cheerfully.

When Nick was stepping out to head his home back, Eden said, "Now you know the way to our house. You come to see me. I will wait for you."

Nick: "Sure, you must be good to your parents as well, okay?"

Few months passed.

Eden become 18 years old kid, in these months he maintained a proper distance from his friends (Larry and Zhi). He would greet them and talk to them, but he would not talk freely to them.

Zhi started liking him. She wanted him to be with her forever and treat her well. But he didn't talk to her and he (Eden) ignored her. It was a Sunday, Zhi was sitting in her room while looking at all the pictures that she had ever taken with Eden. Her tolerance became over boded, She told up and decided to go to Eden's home and ask him about his behavior. Zhi didn't tell anyone about that she didn't let Larry know.

She got ready she held a book in her hand and stepped out of her room. Her mother was sitting in the lounge and watching the serial drama looked at her (Zhi) and raised a question, "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Zhi: "I was facing trouble while preparing some notes. So I decided to go to Eden's place and ask him about the problem."

Mia: "Okay but don't get too late."

Zhi: "Okay thank you, mom, bye."

Then she headed to Eden's home.

After some time, Zhi reached Eden's place.

She rang the bell of his home.

Brooklynn opened the door.

Brooklynn: "Zhi, you are here."

Zhi: "Hello Aunt how are you."

Brooklynn: "I am fine. What about you? How is your study going?"

Zhi: "I was facing trouble in preparing my notes so I decided to ask Eden's help about that. May I ask him please?"

Brooklynn: "Come in dear."

Zhi entered the home and saw Erwin.

Erwin: "Zhi, you are here after a long time."

Zhi: "Oh yes uncle, long time no see."

Brooklynn called Eden.

Brooklynn: "Eden, your friend is here."

Eden comes out of his room while asking, "Now who..."

When Eden looked at Zhi, He became quiet and mumbled, "Zhi, Why are you here?"

Zhi: "I am here to ask you about my notes, I was facing some trouble in preparing my notes so I decided to ask you to help me."

Erwin: "Now that you have come out of your room, please close this corridor, we are going outside."

Zhi: "Are you guys going out for a weekend date."

Erwin: "Yes you are right. We've been on a date for a long time, so we thought we'd both be free today, so why not today?"

Brooklynn: " actually the grocery of our house is run out of stock so we both were free today and we decided to go and shop person grocery we asked Eden to go with us but he told us that he is not in the mood to go so we are leaving him at the home and you guys should complete your work."

Zhi looked at Eden.

Eden was serious.

When Brooklynn and Erwin left, Eden locked the corridor from inside and headed to the lounge.

Eden: "Tell me why are you here."

Zhi: "I am here to get your help."

Eden looked at the book cover and said, "You know that history is not our subject."

Zhi looked at the book and said, "I think I got the wrong book with me do you have a book of physics?"

Eden: "Are you stupid or do you think it is easy to make me fool?"

Zhi took a deep breath.

Zhi: "You got it right. I want to talk to you in person."

Eden started to use his phone while replying, "I am listening you can talk now."

Zhi: "Eden, is there something buttering you?"

Eden: "Why are you asking me this certain question?"

Zhi: "Many months have passed and you have not spoken to me in any good way. Has there been any mistake on our part? Tell me if I have made any mistakes. I don't like the way you talk to me. What have I done to you that you talk to me like that? I have been worried for so many months. Can I know the reason for your behavior? Why are you talking to me in such a bad way? Tell me if I have made a mistake. If I have hurt you. Tell me, I don't like you ignoring me like this."

Eden: " I just don't want to talk to you or anyone else. It doesn't mean that you are or anyone else is mistaken, I am the one who should be sorry for my behavior but I don't want to face anyone I don't want to see anyone, I'm so sorry I just ignored you a lot and I hurt you but please, you better leave me because I am not a good friend are a good person."

Zhi: "I waited for you to propose me to be your dancing partner at the ball but you didn't and I was thinking as if I propose you by myself just to be with me and become my dancing partner but when you told us that you are not coming to ball party, I felt like I was disgraced badly I don't know why but I think, you were my best friend since my childhood. Now at this stage of life, I think our friendship is at a loss. I started to like you 1 year ago I couldn't create the courage to tell you that I like you how much I like you you can even imagine my feelings for you. I don't want to leave you I don't want you to be with anyone else or I don't want you to behave with me like this it hurts me a lot I promise you to never hurt you. I will make you happier please Eden just one chance please I beg you give me one chance to be with you."

Eden: "I am so sorry."

Zhi: "I am being desperate to you and I think it should be a desperate one to get you and I don't think you have any feeling from myself but I have feelings for you and I don't want to hide my feelings anymore. I like you Eden I like you so much."

Eden: "But I don't have any feelings for you."

Zhi: "Don't talk to me like this it hurts me and why don't you look at me?"

Eden: "Because I don't deserve to see you."

Zhi: "You are wrong, you don't look at me it means you don't want to see me crying."

Eden put his phone on the side and looked at Zhi with his shrank eyebrows.

Eden: "I am so sorry, Zhi you are always a friend like a sister to me. You helped me a lot and I respect you as my sister."

Zhi: "I don't know anything I just want you to be with me."

Eden: "You can not make me yours because I am a very bad guy and I don't want you to be with me."

Zhi: "I am sorry if I am mistaken anywhere or at any stage of life."

Eden: "It's not your fault, it is just written by fate."

Zhi: "Do you have feelings for someone?"

Eden: "No, I just want to focus on my studies, it is not what you think."

Zhi: "It is good to focus on your studies but you know, my parents also like you. I can wait and I promise you that I won't distract you from studying and working hard."

Eden stood up and said: "It's irrelevant for you to stay here and waste your time in insisting on me. You better leave."

Zhi: "Are you asking me to get out of your house."

Eden: "Yes. You are right."

Zhi: "You know, you are losing me forever."

Eden: "I know."

Eden opened the corridor for Zhi and mumbled, "Go to your home safely."

Zhi was crying and she went out of Eden's home.

Eden was looking at her from the corridor.

After closing the door.

Eden went to his room and cried.

Eden started talking to himself.

Eden: "I hate myself, I rejected the girl I like. I didn't want to spoil her life. I didn't want to depress her. I didn't want to hate me but now I am acting to make her hatred of myself."

Eden: "Why, Why am I like this."

Eden: "Why do I wear these boyish clothes, why do I react like a villain?"

Eden: "I have my feelings but I can not express them. Why am I a transgender?"

After crying hard,

The bell on the doorstep rang. Eden went out of his room after washing his face. Eden reacted normally as nothing happened. He stepped towards the corridor and opened the door.

Brooklynn and Erwin appeared.

They were carrying plastic bags.

Eden passed a smile towards them and said, "Mom, Dad. Welcome home."

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at him (Eden).

Eden looked at the plastic bags that they (Brooklynn and Erwin) were carrying in their hands.

Eden grabbed the bags from their hands and quietly stepped to the kitchen.

Brooklynn and Erwin were looking at Eden.

Brooklynn: "Awww, my son is so gentle and caring."

Eden looked at them and mumbled, "You guys go and sit in the lounge."

Erwin and Brooklynn smiled at sat on the couch in the lounge.

Eden poured the water in two glasses and settle them in the tray."

Eden walked into the lounge and served the glasses of water to Brooklynn and Erwin.

Erwin: "Thank you, my dear."

Brooklynn: "Zhi, left early."

Erwin: "Oh I see Zhi came here we thought we'd like to sit and have a good chat with her."

Eden: "She got a call from her mother and her work was accomplished."

Brooklynn: "Okay."

They (Eden, and Erwin) helped Brooklynn in settling the grocery in the kitchen.

In the Evening, Brooklynn was preparing dinner in the kitchen while Eden and Erwin were sitting in the lounge and watching the funny family show on the TV.

Eden looked at Brooklynn in the kitchen and moved there (Kitchen) to help her (Brooklynn).

Eden stood near Brooklynn while putting his hands on the counter.

Brooklynn looked at Eden for a second and said, "What did Zhi say to you?"

Eden: "She asked for my help in preparing her notes and I helped her. Then she had to go in a hurry."

Brooklynn looked at Eden and said, "I am your mother and I took a guess that she came here just to talk to you."

Eden: "Wow, my ninja mother so let me know that why do you think such a matter?"

Brooklynn: "History is not your subject dear. So let's be honest, what did she say to you?"

Eden: "She was curious about my behavior."

Brooklynn: "I didn't see your friends for a while, did you argued with them?"

Eden: "I ignored them and I didn't talk to them in such a friendly manner."

Brooklyn: "They are your friends and as being honest, The lucky person is the one who will carry on his childhood friendship till the last moment of his life."

Eden: "Zhi started to like me as I did but I rejected her."

Brooklynn: "Good."

Eden: "Anyways, mom what did you bought for me?"

Brooklynn: "I bought your favorite flavors of macaroons in caramel and black sesame."

Eden: "Wow! You are the best mom."

They cheerfully dine together.

Subsequently dining together, they (Eden, Brooklynn, and Erwin) went to sleep in their rooms.

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To be continued!!!