An exotic spot!

Eden arrived there.

He visited the University.

There was a group of boys and girls standing in the hallway (They were chatting).

Eden looked at them and stepped close to that group.

Eden: "Excuse me?"

Eden: "Excuse me?"

They looked at Eden.

A girl from the group: "Yes?"

Eden: "Hello, I am a new student here. I want to see the clerk's office so can you lead the way for me?"

A boy: "Of course, why not. Even you are our junior."

A girl: "What is your name pretty boy."

Eden: "My name is Eden."

Another boy: "So you are a foreigner. Am I right?"

Eden: "Yes."

A boy: "What do you want to become or what is your goal?"

Eden: "I am here to become a neurosurgeon."

A girl: "It is great but you have to pay full of your attention to your studies."

Another boy: "Yes this is the advice for you from your grandmother."

All of them (laughed): "Hahahahahaha."

Eden: "Thank you for your advice, please guide me in a direction towards the clerk's office."

A boy: "If you do one thing, go straight from here and turn left. There you will find the board of clerk's office."

Eden: "Thank you so much."

Eden went in the direction and searched for the board of clerk's office.

A lady in grey-colored short hair with fair skin complexion, putting on the spectacle on her eyes and wearing the light blue colored dress shirt with grey dress pants, Her white doctor long coat was expressing her as a doctor. She stepped near to Eden while looking at him (Eden) and asked, "What's wrong, kid? Are you lost or are you waiting for your girlfriend?"

Eden looked at the lady and the badge that was attached to the coat. She was a professor in the neurosurgery department and her name was Julia.

Eden: "Hello, Mam. I was looking for a clerk's office."

Julia passed a smile and raised a question: "Who told you that this is the direction of the clerk's office?"

Eden: "There was a group of some seniors standing in the hallway, I requested them to guide me in the direction and they guided me in this direction and I reached here but couldn't find the clerk's office."

Julia: "Are you a new student here?"

Eden: "Yes."

Julia: "Let me give you an advice, don't ask the way with the seniors."

Eden became confused and asked: "Why mam, Did they guide me wrong?"

Julia: "Yes, made a fool of you. This is the direction to girls' restroom and changing room."

Eden: "Oh I see. Can you please lead me?"

Julia: "I am going to the clerk's office, you can go with me."

Eden: "Thank you so much, professor."

[Julia and Eden walked to the clerk's office while chatting.]

Julia: "Is alright. Well, what is your name?"

Eden: "It's Eden."

Julia: "Are you a foreigner, Eden?"

Eden: "Yes."

Julia: "What do your mother and father do?"

Eden: "My father is a human rights lawyer, he has his law firm. My mother is a gynecologist."

Julia: "Wow! You belong to an educated."

Eden: "Thank you so much, professor."

They reached the clerk's office.

Eden filled the requirements form.

The clerk looked at the gender portion. 'Custom' was selected.

The clerk looked at Eden and asked, "May I ask you a question?"

Eden: "Yes?"

The clerk: "Why did you choose to become a neurosurgeon?"

Eden: "I wanted to fulfill my family's wish."

The clerk: "I am impressed that your family is supporting."

Eden: "Yes."

The clerk: "If you need any help regarding your requirements, just feel free to discuss with me."

Eden: "Thank you, sir."

The clerk: "Moreover, never let anyone know your gender here because the seniors might disgrace you."

Eden: "Okay sir."

Julia: "What do you mean by gender?"

Eden looked at Julia.

Julia was sitting on the chair beside Eden'chair.

Eden: "I am a transgender."

Julia: "Oh alright, don't feel humiliated."

Eden: "Thank you, mam."

The clerk looked at Julia and mumbled, "This kid topped in his school."

Julia: "Wow, that's impressive."

Eden: "Thank you, Mam. Thank you, sir."

Eden headed the way to his dorm.

He enrolled himself in the boy's dormitory.

When he (Eden) entered the dorm, Eden knocked on the doorstep of the room in the dormitory.

A boy wearing spectacles dressed in the night suite person opened the door.

He looked at Eden and said, "Hello, How may I help you, Gentleman."

Eden: "Hi, I am your new roommate."

A boy: "Oh I see come in, come in."

Eden: "Thank you."

Eden dragged a suitcase into the room.

[There was a small kitchen on the right side of the room.

A normal wooden dining table was there. Four portions were settled there in every corner. MaMattressesere plotted upside every potion. There were wardrobe adjustable cabinets to put the stuff and a study table was there.]

Eden was looking around the room.

A boy looked at Eden and mumbled, "Eden, your portion is settled there."

Eden looked at the boy and inquired, "How do you know my name?"

He leaned his hand forward to shake (hands).

A boy: "My name is Charlie."

Eden: "Hello Charlie."

Charlie: "Are you a foreigner?"

Eden: "Yes."

Eden: "Oh I see."

Eden stepped near his spot while dragging the suitcase.

Eden sat on the bed and mumbled, "Do you mind if I unpack my luggage."

Charlie: "No not at all, you must be tired I'll make coffee for us."

Eden: "Okay thank you."

Charlie: "You're welcome."

Charlie moved to the kitchen and started to make the coffee.

Eden unpacked his luggage.

He (Eden) pulled out a frame collage of four pictures.

[It was a white-colored wooden collage frame with a silver thin boundary line. The picture on the right top was of Eden, Brooklynn, and Erwin together. In that picture, An eight years old Eden was sitting with Erwin and Brooklynn. The picture on the left top was of Eden running while holding the paper plane and Mark was standing behind Eden. The picture on the right bottom was a selfie taken by Nick with Mark and Eden in the mustered fields. The picture on the left bottom was of Nick and Eden together, Eden captured a selfie with Nick when he (Eden) recently met Nick.]

Eden settled that frame on his study table.

Then Eden pulled out two Robots, one was made by Mark and the second was made by Erwin. Eden arranged those robots in the drawer of his study table.

Then Eden pulled one more picture with the hanging frame. That picture was captured on Eden's school Graduation.

Then Eden settled his clothes and other stuff in his wardrobe.

Charlie made coffee and sat on the chair of Eden's study table.

Eden and Charlie chatted cheerfully.

Charlie looked at all the pictures and mumbled, "You must love them so much."

Eden: "These people are the reason for my upbringing."

Charlie: "Your parents are young."

Charlie pointed Mark and asked, "Who is he?"

Eden: "He was my most favorite person and the inspiration in my life."

Charlie: "Oh I see. I'm sorry for your loss."

Eden: "It's okay don't be sorry."

Charlie pointed at Nick's picture and said, "And he?"

Eden: "He is my mom's friend and mine also."

After some time, two boys came into the room while laughing loudly.

A boy glanced at Eden and ignored him.

Charlie leaned forward and whispered, "You have to be careful with them, they are demons."

Eden: "Are you serious?"

Charlie: "Yes."

A rude boy's name was Darrik, Another boy's name was Henry.

Hendry was friendly and always made cold jokes.

Darrik was rude, he was a playboy.

Everyone ignored Charlie because he looks a bit dumb but he is intelligent though.

Eden called Brooklynn and Erwin.

*The first day of Eden's class*

Eden woke up and freshen up.

Went to his university.

Eden led the way to his class.

Eden captured videos and sent them to his family group.

[Nick, Brooklynn, Eden, and Erwin were in that group.]

Eden met new people. By any chance, Julie was his (Eden's) professor.

Eden enjoyed his first day, he was with Charlie all the time.

Charlie was also a student of the neurological department.

Brooklynn, Erwin, and Nick missed Eden just like Eden missed them.

One day,

Eden was missing his old friends (Larry and Zhi). He (Eden) had the phone numbers of Larry and Zhi.

Eden made a friends group and invited Larry and Zhi to it.

Eden kept the group name as, "Besties."

*In the group*

Eden: "Hello, guys how are you both doing?"

Zhi: "😲"

Larry replied: "You memorized us."

Eden: "I am so sorry to both of you. I want to apologize to you both for my bad behavior."

Larry: "We missed our friend."

Zhi: "Hello!"

Eden: "Hi Zhi. How are you?"

Zhi: "I am fine. What about you?"

Eden: "I am fine."

Larry: "Are you at your dorm?"

Zhi: "Show us your room?"

Larry: "😄"

Zhi: "🙄"

Larry: "🙄"

Zhi: "🤥"

Larry: "🤥"

Zhi: "🤔😑"

Larry: "🤔😑"

Zhi: "What the hell is wrong with you Larry."

Larry: "What the hell is wrong with you Zhi?"

Zhi: "Why are you copying me?"

Larry: "Why are you copying me?"

Zhi: "Huh copycat."

Larry: "Huh copycat."

Eden: "It means you guys haven't changed a bit."

Zhi: "🤧😅"

Larry: "😷🤢"

Eden: "Good to see you unchanged!😂"

Larry: "👹"

Zhi: "👻"


[That's how Eden, Zhi, and Larry became back to normal.]

*On the other side*

Rocella and Jason were happy with Kevin.

One day,

Rocella, Jason, and Kevin were eating lunch.

Rocella: "I like Christine."

Kevin looked at Rocella and passed a bit smile.

Jason: "She is a good girl."

Rocella: "I want to talk to Olivia."

Jason: "About what?"

Rocella: "About making her(Christine) as our daughter."

Jason: "You are right but first we should ask someone about that."

Jason looked and Kevin and said, "Kevin, what do you think about marrying Christine."

Kevin: "Dad, Mom. You guys can do whatever you want. I wouldn't stop you."

Rocella: "You mean will you marry Christine?"

Kevin nodded his head as yes.

Jason: "Then invite them to the dinner, and we'll discuss the matter at the dinner."

Rocella: "Yes, you are right."

Rocella called Olivia and invited their family to the dinner.

They enjoyed the dinner together.

After eating dinner, All of them were sitting in the lounge and chatting cheerfully.

Rocella was sitting with Jason and Kevin.

Olivia was sitting with Stallone and Christine.

Rocella looked at Jason and then she looked at Christine.

Rocella: "Christine dear. Come here sit and with me."

Christine moved and sat with Rocella and Jason.

Rocella held Christine's hand while looking at Olivia and Stallone then said, "I have a request from you."

Olivia: "Yes?"

Rocella: "I want to get something from you. I hope you guys would not disappoint me."

Stallone: "Come on Mrs. Jason, You can ask us whatever you want."

Rocella: "If it is the matter then, I like Christine and have chosen her for my son Kevin. We want to make your daughter our daughter. In simple words, this means that I want my son to marry your daughter."

Olivia and Stallone looked at each other with smiling faces, Christine and Kevin looked at each other happily.

Stallone: "That's fine, but did you ask your son about that?"

Jason: "We are happy in his happiness and he is happy in our happiness so it is the same thing."

Olivia: "We also like your son and we are understanding what you are trying to say Mrs. Jason, And what could be happier for us than to choose the child we have seen growing up since childhood for our daughter?"

Olivia looked at Stallone and said, "What are you waiting for, they like our daughter and we like their son. Let's accept their request."

Stallone: "No, we can't accept their request like this."

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To be continued!!!