The moment of getting married!

Rocella and Jason looked at each other.

Olivia: "What do you mean?"

Stallone: "Christine is my only daughter, we should celebrate."

Rocella: "You almost scared us."

Olivia: "Me too."

Jason: "So how do I celebrate."

Stallone: "You guys have to come over to my home next week."

Rocella and Jason looked at each other and chuckled.

Jason: "Okay."

*Next week*

Olivia prepared the dinner. Rocella, Jason, and Kevin brought a bouquet and some sweets.

They dined together and chatted.

[Now Christine and Kevin were officially fiancés.]

*One day*

Kevin was sitting in his office.

{At the age of 21, Kevin started his own business of interior designing.}

Stallone called Kevin, Kevin received the call.

Kevin: "Hello, uncle how are you?"

"I am fine. Are you present in your office?" Stallone inquired.

Kevin: "Yes."

Stallone: "Okay I want to see you, do you have some time to spare for me?"

Kevin: "Yes I always have time for you."

Stallone: "Okay then I am coming to your office."

Kevin: "Where would you bother to come? I'll come to you"

Stallone: "I have never seen your office before. I will see your office under the same pretext and I will also talk to you."

Kevin: "Oh I see, do you know the location?"

Stallone: "No, You have to send me your location."

Kevin: "Okay uncle, I'll send it to you."

Stallone: "umm hmm, I'm waiting."

Stallone hung up the call.

Kevin texted the location of his office to Stallone.

Stallone arrived there after a few minutes.

Kevin welcomed Stallone in his office.

Stallone sat on the couch that was settled in Kevin's office: "Wow, I am amazed to see your office it is good and you have established your office as a real gentleman."

Kevin chuckled: "Thank you so much uncle, so let me know what do you want do you want coffee or green tea or you can order anything you like?"

Stallone: "Come on dear, If you ask me about eating or drinking anything now, it will seem to me that you are trying to send me away after eating or drinking something, so let's talk for some time."

Kevin: "I'm so sorry uncle if you felt offended, so how are you doing? How did you memorize me? "

Stallone: "I want to see my son-in-law's office."

Kevin: "How do you like that? And by the way, I feel happy to see you here."

Stallone: "Well, I also wanted to talk to you in person."

Kevin: "Yes?"

Stallone: "Kevin dear, Christian is my only daughter, Olivia and Christian also like you. It doesn't mean that I don't like you, I also like you and I also wished you to become my son-in-law. I have given my daughter everything she needed I don't know what she thinks of me but I love her more than she loves me. I know you will love my daughter as much as I love my daughter or maybe more than I love her. After getting married to you, she will be far from me. I have always wished that my daughter would get a good house and loving people. Those who get my daughter can keep her happy and can fulfill her every wish. Jason is my childhood friend he is not only a friend to me even he is a brother, when your mother (Jason) requested me for Christine I looked at my wife do you know why I looked at my wife (Olivia)?"

Kevin: "Because maybe you didn't expect that to happened?"

Stallone chuckled and responded, "No you are wrong, We both looked at each other, not because we weren't expecting it, but because we were surprised that what we wanted to say came out of our parents' mouths and after listening to your parent's thoughts. We were glad that just as we think of their son, so they think of our daughter. Just as your parents talked to you before they spoke to us, so we talked to our daughter, so we did not hesitate to say yes, and we said yes to your parents right away. Like your grandmother became attached and attracted with my daughter but after her death now your parents became attached and attracted with her too and I am very happy to see that. I want you to be a good person and prove to be a loving and caring husband. I want you to make my daughter happy I am sure you will fulfill my wish."

Kevin: " don't worry uncle I'll make her happy and I'll be proved to be the best and caring husband."

Stallone: "After claiming that, you made my feet relieved."

Kevin and Stallone chuckled.

Kevin: "Now, let's have dinner at the best place I know the best restaurant near my office so let's go and the treat is on me."

Stallone: "What a wonderful time it was when I took Christine and you out and today you are taking me out. There is no doubt that time passes very quickly."

Kevin and Stallone went to the restaurant and had lunch together.

They (Stallone, Jason, Olivia, and Rocella) decided the specific year for the wedding ceremony of Kevin and Christine.

Kevin and Christine went to go for shopping their wedding dresses.

They invited some specific guests like Fred, Angeline, Victor and so many other friends and relatives.

*One night*

Jason, Rocella, and Kevin were dining together.

Rocella: "What did you think about living in a new house with Christine."

Kevin: "Do you guys want me to live out of this home in another home?"

Jason: "What's with your question? You don't want to leave us, right?"

Kevin: "Is it necessary to leave you and let you both stay here alone."

Rocella: "If you like to live somewhere else with your future wife, so why not we are just asking for your suggestion."

Kevin: "I don't want a go anywhere I just want to live here, I can't leave my parents alone."

Jason: "What does it mean that if you leave us, we will be eaten by ghosts or zombies?"

Kevin: "Now, you tell me when you got married why did you live with your parents? I mean you had rich and you could afford to live alone but why did you live with your mother?"

Jason: "Because your mother didn't want to to leave my mother and I also couldn't bear to leave my parents alone."

Kevin: "Well, let me live here with you I am not going anywhere, okay?"

Rocella and Jason looked at Each Other while passing a b smile.

Rocella: "You have gotten smarter over time."

*A year passed*

It was a wedding day, Christine got ready by the best makeup artist she was wearing a branded peach-colored maxi gown.

That gown was made of silk and covered with embroidered net fabric. Christian wore peach-colored high heels there were recovered in her gown. There was a long tail cloth in a cape style on her back that was fitted with her Shoulders. Her hair was loosened with loose curls, the hairstylist styled her hair in a wavy mid parting style while on the left side, a hair clip of butterfly style with peach color and silver beads on that clip was getting an attraction because of the glam, light Diamond bracelets in her hands making her hands look beautiful, a luxury peachy floral butterfly drop earrings with their silver tassels making ears more attractive.

"So gorgeous," Olivia mumbled.

Olivia was sitting on the couch and looking at her daughter while getting ready.

Suddenly Rocella and Raina entered the bridal room while holding a velvety jewelry box. Olivia looked at Rocella and Raina and stood up, Rocella stepped near to Christine, Raina I was also invited in in that ceremony. Raina clenched the jewelry box. Rocella opened that box with both of her hands, a most beautiful Morganite and diamond halo pendant gemstone that was attracting everyone's attention in the bridal room.

Rocella helped Christine in wearing that pendant.

Rocella: "Trust me, you look the most gorgeous bride I have ever seen."

Christine passed a smile and mumbled, "Thank you so much aunt Rocella."

Rocella: "Mommy, I am not your aunt, I am your mother. Always remember my dear why you are not my daughter in law even you are my daughter you are not going to you are law's home you are going to your home."

Christine hugged Rocella and responded, "Thank you so much, mommy."

Rocella: "It's alright my dear."

On the other side,

Kevin was getting ready for his wedding ceremony, he was wearing a peach-colored three peace style modern-fit groom suit, but the dress shirt was in white and the book type was made of silk fabric, it was in peach color.

Kevin buttoned his coat, a white-colored designer brooch was on the left side of his coat. That grows was glamming and a king's crown was designed on both sides of that brooch. They were connected by two silver-colored chains.

The wedding ceremony was started, Christine covered her face with a thin net fabric peach color that was decorated with silver-white beads/pears.

She was holding a bouquet of pretty light pink and white roses in her left hand. A Peach colored rope in silk fabric was tied in a bow style. She was gripping Stallone's left hand in a crossing style with her right hand.

She was walking with her father on a carpet that led the straight way to the stage. All the lights were switched off and a white spotlight was pointing to Christine and Stallone. Another spotlight was pointing at Kevin.

It was a fantastic scene, elite romantic piano and violin music was playing in the side by the musicians.

Everyone was staring at the gorgeous bride the theme of their wedding was different and unique.

That's how Christine and Kevin got married.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how much you like my story.}


To be continued!!!