Burn to ashes!

On the one hand, his brother (Kevin) was getting married, on the other hand, he (Eden) had just completed one year of studying abroad.

He missed his family (Nick, Brooklynn, and Erwin) and friends (Zhi and Larry) so much in that one year, or the only one who stayed with him this year was Charlie. Charlie gives friendship support to him (Eden).

Darrik was very rude to Eden, you never talked to Eden. Henry made Eden laugh and chuckled just because of his (Henry's) silly dad jokes.

Eden called Nick, Brooklynn, and Erwin every day. He sent messages in his group chat to Larry and Zhi.

After passing one year of his studies he enrolled himself in the second year of neurosurgical sciences.

One day,

Brooklyn decided to clean up Eden's room.

When she was cleaning up the room she found a wooden box under the bed. Brooklyn became curious and asked herself, "How did this box get under this bed, and if so, where did Eden get it from? Why did he hide this box under the bed? Should I open this?"

Brooklynn settled that box back to its spot (under the bed).

And went out of his (Eden's) room after cleaning up.

Brooklynn was looking at the TV while sitting in the lounge, she was visualizing that box.

Brooklynn (In her thoughts): "Should I open that box?"

Brooklynn: "Whatever he is my son and I can see everything."

Brooklynn stepped into the room, and open that box to give some letters and pictures.

The two pictures of Eden, Mark, and Nick why taken away by Eden with him. The robot made by Mark was also taken by Eden.

Some letters in the box, Brooklynn read all the letters one by one.

When it came to the last letter, the last letter was covered in an envelope and it was closed.

Brooklynn opened the envelope and looked at a picture and a folded page.

That was the last letter written by Mark.

A lady sitting with the back support while e carrying a newborn baby in her arms looking at that baby. An old old lady was standing with that patient, a 5 years old kid was sitting with a patient. A man I was standing with the patient on the other side. All of them were looking at the newborn baby.

That patient was Rocella, that old lady who was standing with the patient was Lauren, a five years old kid who was sitting with the patient was Kevin, a man who was standing on the other side with the patient was Jason, and the newborn baby was Eden.

Brooklynn focused on that picture and tried to memorize those people.

Brooklynn (in her thoughts): "I things I have seen these people before but I cannot memorize where did I meet them?"

Brooklynn looked at a letter and started to read it.

"Eden my dear, I hope you are doing well. I think I am writing my last letter to you, my dear I don't dare to tell you all this by myself Because if I told you all this in front of me now, there would be nothing left in me. Of course, I loved you more than my life and should have showered my whole life on you. I want to tell you some truth today. There is a truth which, once you know it, I do not know what kind of attitude you may have towards me. Just as children have parents, so do you have parents. You also have a brother. You also had a grandmother who probably died because of my mistake. Your grandmother always wanted to have a granddaughter, but you were born. You were born into a rich family, your parents hid your identity from everyone and your grandmother and the rest of the people told you that you are a girl. Your father thought it was a bad thing and a nuisance to spoil a cell, so he gave me a six-month-old baby to make you a good person and gave me the responsibility to take care of you. I molded you into a child and named you Eden. But in all this conflict, I fell in love with you. I did not want to take you away from myself, nor did I want to be away from you. That is why I hid this picture. I was scared. I didn't want you to meet them. When your grandmother saw you a few years later and found out the truth about you, she had a heart attack and she died. Now I think I will not run away from my death and illness for long. Forgive me if you can. I wanted to see you as a good person. All the people who call me respectful today are just because I lived a boyish life. I endured many waves of abuse and hardships. I taught you in an orphanage school just so that you would not feel inferior when you see other children with their parents. I want you to become a good person. Show those who gave me the responsibility to make you a good person, you will get a time in your life in which you will also be the victim of people's abuse. But don't give up and stick to your goal of success and don't listen to anyone. I hope you will forgive me. Take good care, my dear. Bye."

The tears dropped on the page, Brooklynn was shocked and stunned to read that letter. Brooklynn started sobbing.

Brooklynn again looked at the picture and said, "She is Rocella. She was my patient who visited me for her baby. She was curious to know the gender of her baby. She gave birth to a transgender. It was me who told her mother-in-law (Lauren) that her daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby girl even the newborn was transgender.

Eden is that kid, Eden is Rocella's child. It was my first case about transgender. I was confronting such a case like that for the first time in my career. Eden is with me. I would never let Eden go away from me. He is my child. What if Rocella gave birth to him? I was the one who was able to up bring him. Does Eden know about that? But his behavior hasn't changed yet. I think I should as Nick about this matter."

Brooklynn called Nick and asked him to meet at a restaurant near Nick's salon.

Brooklynn brought the letter and the picture with her.

Brooklynn showed that picture and the letter to Nick.

After reading that, Nick inquired, "Where did you find this letter?"

Brooklynn: "A wooden box was settling under Eden's bed in his room."

Nick: "Oh I see that box."

Brooklynn: "Do you know about that box?"

Nick: "Mark prepared that box for Eden as a goodbye gift."

Brooklynn: "A goodbye gift."

Nick: "Yes but we read every single letter except for this one, that eve."

Brooklynn: "Did Eden know about that letter and did he read that letter."

Nick: "I don't think so. Because if he had read the letter or seen the picture, he would have turned to me and inquire me about that."

Brooklynn: "Oh I see but what should I do to this picture."

Nick: "Fire that letter."

Brooklynn: "What but why?"

Nick: "It's all for good. Don't think that much just burn it up."

Brooklynn: "What if he knows about that?"

Nick: "I am telling you again that if he had read this letter his attitude towards you would have changed and he has never talked to me about it before. This means that he did the only good thing is not to read it. Burn it to ashes."

Brooklynn: "You better take this and burn it because I don't dare to do that, But I don't want to take a child away from his parents."

Nick: "Parents? Are you talking about parents who gave their six-month-old innocent child to Mark? And after Mark's death, you took care of him, you and your husband took care of him as parents. How can you say that easily? His (Eden's) parents already took him away from themselves. Today they (Rocella, and Jason) are happy with their son's marriage. They don't care about their children at all, so it would be better if you don't worry about them either."

Brooklynn: "You are right."

Brooklynn gave the envelope of the letter and a picture to Nick when Nick went to his home, He (Nick) burnt that envelope to ashes.

That's how they hid the actuality from Eden.

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To be continued!!!