Obliviousness in information!


{Author's Note => This chapter contains some words of depicted abuse, that might be upsetting for some readers.}

In the darkness of night,

A man wearing a red-colored hoodie was running in the deserted street. That man was crying hard. There are some flyers glued on the bulletin board of the university. The picture of Eden was on the flyer paper and a red cross above it. Everyone was staring at him pointing at him in a disgracing manner.

"You are a transgender, you can study here, you are making our university a disgraced place, get out of here, stop it stop sharing why are you studying, you wouldn't get anything after studying, go ahead man this is a lipstick of my girlfriend put it on, do you want to dance like a girl, hahah, she would like or she would like being a ballet dancer, transgender can never be anything, you can't do anything, you are wasting your time get out of here, You have defiled this place. Get out of here. Why are you standing here? Yes, you have the courage. If I was in your spot, I would probably leave, you brat hid your reality, look at your face you look worst, you are such a miserable person, I hate you, Eden, you don't deserve to be rewarded, you jerk, you lied to us, Boys' clothes don't suit you. Go and wear a frock,....."

The same voices were echoing in his ears.

He was holding his head and standing confused. He did not even dare to move from there. He grabbed her head and sat down, but fell to his knees. He was breathing heavily, but suddenly some people started to throw eggs and tomatoes.

Eden loudly said: "No."

Suddenly he woke up it was his dream, he was sweating.

He saw someone sitting at the dining table and talking to someone on the phone call.

It was Darrik. Darrik was talking to his father on the phone and mumbling, "I know dad! I have already wasted a lot of your money on my wasteful spending. But now I want to earn money by myself I want to do a job please let me do..... What girlfriends? I broke up with her no it's not because I fell in love with someone else, but because I wanted to focus on my studies. Now I thought I would never fall in love with a girl anymore."

Eden couldn't understand anything. It was very dark in the room so he was worried. He wanted to drink water, his hands were trembling. When he put his hand towards the holder with a glass of water shaking his hand to drink water, the glass fell and the whole room was so broken that the glass broke. I heard a voice. Luckily that glass was plastic. When he came down to fetch water in a state of distress.

When Darrik heard the sound of the glass, he suddenly stepped near Eden.

Eden was crying. he sat on the chair. Eden was looking on the floor. Unexpectedly, He saw someone's feet, looked up, and saw Darrik standing while holding a glass of water in both of his hands.

Darrik: "Are you alright?"

Eden grabbed the glass of water from his (Darrik's) hands and replied, "Thank you so much I am ok?"

Darrik set beside Eden and mumbled: "You know, there is a huge difference between to be ok or to be fine."

Eden looked at Darrik and raised a suspicion, "How?"

Darrik: " To be fine indicates that the person is alright and he has nothing to worry about or anything like that and whether to be ok means that the person is not fine he has something in his mind that is bothering him so let me ask you what is bothering you?"

Eden: "I realized you talking to me like this for the first time and you have never talked to me before."

Darrik: "Do you want to go for a walk with me?"

Eden: "Okay."

They both went out for a walk when they were walking.

Darrik said, " when I was a kid my mum and dad got divorced. At that time I was in a situation where if there was a year, I would stay with my mother for half of that year and half a year with my father. I did not like it when my parents were so far away from each other and I was so divided. When I heard the sound of this class falling, I ran towards you. I thought something had happened to you. As I turned 21, I decided to leave both of them and I came here or my father paid for all my comforts himself, or I came here for medical treatment. Did I know that my heart would be set on something else? I have wasted my two years when I think it hurts a lot. You are my junior. I want you to be a good person and focus on your studies and not focus on any girl."

Eden: "Thank you."

Darrik: "Everyone thinks I'm rich so I'm too stubborn and bad. I liked a girl, but have to leave her away. I can't tell her that how much I like Tiffany."

Eden: "Why don't you tell her?"

Darrik: "I grew up on my father's money and I want to become an independent person so that I don't want to tell her. I want to become a successful neurosurgeon and then I would tell her."

Eden: "Oh I see."

Darrik: "By the way, why were you worried, I mean why did you wake up in the paled look, did you saw a ghost or a nightmare?"

Eden: "I saw worst than that."

Darrik: "Oh, What did you saw? I hope sharing will decrease your stress."

Eden: "I uhhh... Promise me you will not tell anyone."

Darrik: "I promise you. You are a brother to me."

Eden: "I am a transgender."

Darrik: "What? You? Really? But you look like a normal man."

Eden: "Yes."

Darrik: "Oh my God, Do you live with your parents?"

Eden: "My stepparents. They are like my real parents."

Eden told Darrik the whole truth about his life.

Darrik was shocked but he understood.

Darrik was good to Eden.

Months passed like this,

Eden and Darrik became good friends.

Everyone was observing them.

*One day*

Charlie, Henry, Eden, and Darrik were sitting together in the cafeteria.

They were drinking coffee together.

Darrik's phone rang, he attended the call and went out of the cafeteria.

Henry, Charlie, and Eden were sitting together.

Suddenly, Tiffany appeared.

She looked at Eden and stepped near to him.

"I want to talk to you Eden," Tiffany mumbled.

Eden stood up and replied, "Why?"

Tiffany: "Please give me a minute."

Eden looked at Charlie and Henry.

Eden moved a bit away from them (Charlie and Henry) with Tiffany.

Tiffany: "I want to apologize to you."

Eden: "For what?"

Tiffany: "I became selfish and asked you out. I want to request you as your friend."

Eden: "It's okay, what request?"

Tiffany: "I was noticing for so many days that you and Darrik are being very close to each other just like brothers. So can you, I mean... As being honest, I like Darrik. But I don't know how to confess my feelings to him so if you don't mind asking or discuss him about my feelings so...uh..."

Eden: "I understood, you like Darrik and you want me to discuss your feelings towards him. But I still didn't understand that why did you ask me out?"

Tiffany: "I want to make him feel jealous. Because he told me that I would not find another guy."

Eden: "You wanted to use me. Hmm."

Tiffany: "So, will you help me?"

Eden: "Sure, I'll talk to him."

Tiffany: "Oh thank you so much Eden you are so sweet."

Eden chuckled a bit and unawarely Tiffany hugged Eden in excitement."

Eden became shocked and said, "Hey please stop it someone's gonna watch us."

Tiffany: "So what? It is a sister's love for her brother."

Eden chuckled and hugged her back while saying: "Thank you, sister."

Darrik turned and looked at Eden and Tiffany while hugging.

Darrik hung up the call and furiously stepped towards them.

They release hug and chuckled.

Darrik loudly muttered, "Eden!"

Tiffany and Eden looked at Darrik while smiling.

Eden: "Hey, Darrik why...."

Darrik suddenly slapped Eden so hard with his right hand.

Tiffany and Eden were shocked.

Tiffany shouted, "Darrik."

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how much you like my story.}


To be continued!!!