Confusion blasted by revealing!


{Author's Note => This chapter contains some words of depicted abuse, that might be upsetting for some readers.}

Eden was shocked.

Everyone gathered there, after hearing Tiffany's scream.

A girl said, "Darrik slapped his friend."

Charlie and Henry ran out in a hurry to stop Darrik.

Darrik: "I thought you were my best friend, I thought you could understand I shared everything with you and how can you do such a thing even though you know everything you are not ashamed of at all."

Eden: "Darrik! What are you talking about? This is not what you think."

Tiffany: "Eden is right, Darrik. You misunderstood."

Darrik: "Misunderstood, you are the one who misunderstood him. You were got caught while hugging my best friend, do you know who is he? I tell you he is a transgender."

Tiffany: "What are you insane? Can you realize what are you talking about you are saying this about a gentleman that he is transgender? Have you lost your mind?"

Darrik: "Yes, I lost my mind I think I became a fool from this brat, and I am right he can tell you. Eden is a transgender."

Tiffany: "Oh my God! Darrik you have become a stupid man."

Darrik: " well do you think I'm talking nonsense, or I'm lying. If so, he is standing in front of you. You better ask him by yourself he will tell you the truth. Even not just to you, he will tell everyone that who is he, because I need him to reveal his reality in front of everyone."

Tiffany looked at Eden, he was crying.

Tiffany: "Well, leave it at that, whatever the truth is, I don't know, and in other words, you should know what we were doing standing here. You guys were good friends everyone was noticing that I thought I should discuss him so I called him here and requested him to discuss hue the matter that I like you, he accepted my request and claimed to me that he will talk to you. I became over-excited for us and hugged him in gratitude. Otherwise, I am ashamed of myself, Eden is like a little brother to me. And you thought something is happening between us, shame on your thoughts. With this thought of yours, you should drown in the little amount of water. And I never imagined you would have such a bad thought."

Darrik looked at Eden and inquired: "Is she speaking the truth."

Tiffany: " I remember that we already broke up and you don't have to interfere in my private matters."

Eden: "She is a sister to me."

Tiffany: "I didn't want to explain anything but just for the sake of himself, I am telling you one thing. Yes, I wanted Eden to get me or be my boyfriend but he rejected me at a moment. And told me that you are a good guy, I misunderstood you, and you. you behaved ignorantly and slap him for no reason."

Darrik: "I'm so sorry Tiffany, I am so sorry Eden."

Everyone was whispering, Who is he, is he transgender.

Eden left and stepped into his room. Darrik Henry and Charlie followed him.

Eden closed the door and cried.

Darrik knocked at the door, Charlie and Henry were standing behind him (Darrik).

Darrik: "I'm so sorry Eden, I didn't mean to hurt you. Even when I saw you hugging Tiffany, I became stupid and slapped you and told the truth in front of everyone. I am so, so sorry. Eden wiped his tears with his hand and stepped near the corridor the door was opened from inside.

Darrik looked at Eden and hugged him while saying, "I performed a huge mistake I am so sorry I didn't mean to do that."

Eden: "It is not your fault, I just cried because someone told me that there comes a time in the life of a transgender person when the truth comes out to the world and I think that time has come for me. I don't know what people will say about me in the future and what they will think. All I know is that I come here to study. I will have to endure some things."

Darrik: "Eden, My friend! Don't you ever think that you are alone because you are not alone we are with you? Charlie, Henry, and I will be there for you every time."

Henry: "He (Darrik) is right."

Charlie: "You are the best Eden."

They hugged together.

*On the next day*

Eden went to the campus. Everyone was staring at him.

Two girls were sitting with him on his left side. They saw him and got up and went somewhere else to sit. No one is sitting next to him. den sat in the class.

Everyone was ignoring him.

Everyone was looking at him with a weird and strange look. After completing his lecture when he went out of the classroom with Charlie, some boys and girls were standing on the side and talking about Eden. Eden himself behind the door.

A boy: "Have you guys seen him acting like a normal gentleman?"

A girl: "But it's just an acting he is not a gentleman though."

Another boy: " yes and you know what I think, in the future, everyone might doubt on us just because of that brat because he was deceiving everyone in his boyish look."

Another girl: "Whatever I just care for the girls like Tiffany, who wanted him to be their boyfriend. And a spot I thought he is a gentleman and Darrik was joking about his gender what he was bright like when I saw the proof."

A boy: " yes he selected the custom gender."

A girl: "He was a complete liar."

Hearing their words, Eden ignored them and passed by in front of them.

They were still looking at him with their narrowed eyes.

While walking behind Eden, Charlie stopped in front of those people and looked at them while saying, " you guys better mind your own business, you don't have a right to you speak like this. By the way, A person should peek into his collar before calling someone bad, so please look at yourself first and see how you are and talk about the other."

A boy: "Oh shut up you dumb man."

Charlie took a deep breath by saying, " nothing can happen to you guys, huh idiots!"

When Tiffany passed by the bulletin board of the campus with Darrik.

They both saw paper flyers glued on the bulletin board. Eden's was there and the rejection cross of red color. And a quote written, "Girls be aware of Liars like him!"

Darrik and Tiffany looked at each other and they took off all the glued flyer papers and started tearing them.

Eden was standing on a corner looking at them (Tiffany and Darrik) and crying.

Many months passed, in the same conflict people used to call him with bad voices and offensive words but his friends were with him every step of the way.

One evening he (Eden) was walking along with his friends (Darrik, Charlie, and, Henry). On the way, five boys of his university were standing on one corner of the alley.

After glancing at Eden, a boy loudly mumbled: "Dude, my girlfriend is upset with some of her clothes, so she wants to give her clothes to someone. I advised her to give her clothes to that brat transgender. well, what is her name?"

Another boy: "Eden."

Another third boy: "Yes but only giving clothes wouldn't be the relevant solution you should buy some makeup cosmetics for her on him. Oh my god now I don't know who is that person should I call him or her what should I call ugh..."

those boys chuckled.

Darrik step near to them and fight with them, those guys were continuously calling Eden an unlucky person.

Eden locked himself in the room and stopped going to the campus or outside. Eden became mentally unstable.

But he didn't let his parents know about a whole scene.

People mentally abused him and cursed him.

One day,

Julie entered Eden's dormitory with the clerk and they both suggested Eden to everything on the speakers that were featured in the whole campus and connected with a broadcasting room.

Darrik, Tiffney, Charlie, Henry, Julie, and the clerk went to the broadcasting room with Eden.

Eden sat on the chair near the mic.

Eden wore the headphones and started the mic.

" Hello everyone, I hope you guys are giving attention to my voice. Yes, my name is Eden, I am transgender. I don't know if you will consider my words or not but today I want to say one thing to you which is something that maybe if I don't say it to you today, I will regret it all my life. There is an opportunity for me to share every single thing of my heart with you all. I hope you will listen to me. I am transgender but I have never had any problem with my gender being fearless but today it has been because you guys have forced me to start hating myself. Someone told me that there comes a time in the life of any transgender person when his secret is revealed to the world and some people of the world support him and some people treat him badly. Some people have been very kind to me. They have supported me a lot my whole life. They have a big hand in making me a grown-up person and people like you know my truth today. Some of you may be sorry about me. I feel but some people think I'm bad, I think I'm a bad person. Tell me yourself, Was it my fault that I was born transgender? Whose fault was it that I was born in my family And my parents handed me over to someone? Did they hand me over to save me from a society of people like yours? I don't know my real parents. But soon after my guardian died, I was adopted by some good people and they sent me here to make me a better person so that I could keep up with the world step by step, and from that one of them Pretend to be a successful person in which a person like me is called a bad person, There are many transgender like me who can do something by studying and being educated, well but there are some who can't do anything. I'm here to study like a normal person. I want you guys not to call me bad names. Don't call me weird. Please don't even try to change me the way I am. I am a normal person, I want to live like a normal person. I never wanted my truth to come out to you like this but if you stop teasing me I am exhausted of being bullied, I can't stand it, I can't go and sit with those. My friends are lively who live with me as a support today they stand They sit with me, yes! they don't mind sitting with me, they don't mind talking with me, they talk to me freely, so why can't you do that? You are human too. Imagine for a second you were transgender living like me in this entire world. I don't want there to be any effect happened in my career or my studies, I promise you that I will leave here within two years, but I can't stay crying anymore. I don't have the courage. Please and I'm sure. That you will follow my lead. If you do not follow, then I will understand that I am of no use. Please do support me. If you guys want me to feel apologetic or be sorry for lying to you or deceiving you, then I am so sorry right now I will sit on the Floor by the support of my knees. I hope you guys will accept me for these two years I promise you I will go with you please thank you."

After saying that hidden stool while crying and hugged his friends. All of his friends for everyone in the broadcast room was sobbing.

That's how everyone stopped the teasing and bullying of Eden.

Some months passed,

Eden was attending his class on campus.

Victor arrived at the dormitory.

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To be continued!!!