I felt my leg tap on the hardwood floor as I tried to eat my lunch as fast as possible without alerting my foster mother. As I ate another mouthful, I couldn't help but glance at the four people around the table. Cheryl Johnson was a pretty blonde, woman in her mid 30s who works at an insurance agency. Carl Johnson was a slightly portly man who works at an office. What office? I have no idea but the man spends most of his days there.
Next were my foster siblings. Ava and Nate were an year older than me were twins. Ava is blonde like her mother and quite small despite her age and Nate had brown hair and was quite athletic. The youngest of my siblings, Randy was only 8 and was already a bigger hellion than his older siblings combined. Being a foster child, none of the kids really warmed up to me but Randy was worse in a way. He actively tried to get me in trouble and had a habit of destroying my belongings. He was reason why I even needed a hidden compartment inside my drawer.
Overall, this family wasnt the worst one I had, Cheryl is a bit strict and a bit distant but I always attributed it to me being a foster child. I had always suspected that they only took me in because the city offers certain subsidises to family above a certain number. It didn't bother me too much i guess. Like I said they weren't the worst parenst I have had. One had taken great pleasure in trying to starve me for one reason or the other and another I have long suspected was part of an human trafficking ring since they monitored my weight, height, bmi, lengths much like how one would measure a cow that was about to be put to slaughter. Thankfully, I ran away from that those crazies.
It took me a while to make my way back to my room as it was my turn to clean the dishes. I wasted no time, locking the door before taking out the book. I tried the lock, hoping that I won't have injure myself again to open it. Thankfully, I didn't have to resort to that as the lock opened by it self to my touch. I then flipped the page to the rest of the entry hoping find out more about author.
It continued...
"What he showed me couldnt be expressed in words. I saw countless worlds exiting nearly shoulder to shoulder to our own. I saw civilisations eons more advanced than our own. My master wanted to test me. To see if I would have the courage to continue when faced with what was lied on the other side of the mirror. Yet every horror evey genocide every monster I saw merely steeled my resolve. I watched the world get pulled to its knees by the Spanish flu. Yet when compared with actual horrors hiding in the cosmos, it seemed so trivial. It also inspired me to write this book. Which contains the knowledge I had obtained throughout my journey.
For the safety of you, the reader, I will seal most of the book. To unseal them, you will need to utilise the knowledge within. Believe me when I say that this is for your own good as magic is not something to be taken lightly. Peruse the index to find your way to an unseal portion of the book. "
I then turned the pages and found the said index. And it seemed that the author was right. Most of the titles and page numbers were obscured with the only chapter in clear English being. "Basics of mana and the foundations of magic." And well, that's where I went.
Mana was a metaphysical energy found in nature which was utilised by mages to power their mystic arts. Though I suppose anyone who has ever played a decent rpg game would know that. Most schools of magic uses mana as the fuel while the rest use it as a catalyst mainly in runecraft and Alchemy.
There are many diverse 'languages' for utilising mana. Some require oral incantations, other are solely based on magic circles or need a specific focus ie; wands, staffs and such. However the first thing I had to worry about was establishing a connection to the a metaphysicalrealm to siphon mana from it. It can be both an easy and dangerous endeavour at the same time especially if one were to try and do it without following the instructions.
Most of the new initiates are expected to tether themselves to Earth's metaphysical realm. While it was possible to find a more mana rich realm, with it came the risk of accidentally merging with a less harmonious realm. For example, the Dark Dimension. Once you bind to a dimension's mana flow, it would take an extremely elaborate ritual performed by 2 grandmaster level mages to unbind you. And seeing that I didn't have one of speed dial, I would have to play it safe and bind myself to Earth's metaphysical realm.
I stared down at the final page of the chapter, which had the binding the ritual detailed on it. One needed to make a (shockingly easy) concoction using various herbs, drink it and meditate on a night of a full moon while reciting a mantra. Words had power in the metaphysical realm and the mantra would attract its mana towards me. The concoction will increases my body's sensitivity to mana and make it more receptive to mana thus helping me guide it into my body. Full fledged mages also used it to when they were low on mana to increases its replenishment rate. The reason why it had to be done in a night of a full moon was because apparently, mana becomes condensed under moonlight as the moons metaphysical realm and Earth's metaphysical realm superposes with each other during that time.
I suspected that this was but one of many possible ways to become a mage but Hampton must have researched multiple methods before writing one of the more simpler rituals. Almost as if he was expecting for someone to train themselves with this book without a teacher.
Regardless, I wasn't going to be doing this ritual until the day after tomorrow when the next full moon was due. I will try attempt finish the concoction tommorow by making a visit to the market. Some of the herbal medicine stores may have the required herbs for sale, or could point me to them.
The very next day:
My patience has been running this these past couple of minutes. Most of these "herbal" medicine stores were no better than snake oil salesmen who had tried to get me buy "essential oils", 'Psychic vampire repellents' and 'vibrating rocks'. Most of them cost more than the everything I owned combined, except for the book.
Thankfully, it wasn't a complete waste of time as I managed to get some of the more common herbs. I just needed a ginseng root and s few petals of a blood lily and a wolvesbane flower. The first two were going to be a problem as they are somewhat exotic.
I suddenly noticed a small store from the corner of my eyes. It lied on a narrow alleyway away from the hustle and bustle of the streets. What set it apart though, was an imprint of an eagle on the corner of the shop's name which was aptly called, 'The Dragon's Chamber'.
"Welcome." An elderly eastern woman greeted me as I entered. I searched her face trying to get a bearing on her as I made my way to her. I took out a piece of paper, where I had listed the herbs I was looking for.
The woman put on thick pair of round glasses as she read through the list. She then turned to me with a kind smile before motioning me to the register before moving further into the store. A few minutes later, she came outside clutching a small paper bag filled with what I had asked for. Not only that, the bag also contained the ingredients I had already bought from previous shops. The woman as if reading my thought spoke. "It's is best to use fresher ingredients for what you are about to do."
I stared at the woman in shock. She obviously knew what I was up to and my expression has all but confirmed it. Moreover she wasn't wrong either. The herbs I bought weren't of the best quality but beggars couldn't be choosers.
" Are you.....? " I began speaking only for the woman to place her index finger over her lips in a silent shushing motion. Her smile never left her face as she did so.
"All will be revealed in time. Take these as a gift." The woman motioned to the herbs.
" What? No I can't accept these. They are....."
"Worry not. I have more enough of them lying around. Please take them. Its is not every one finds a youngster on the same path of knowledge as you." the woman said soflty yet something made it impossible for me to refuse her. I nodded stiffly before thanking her then began walking out.
Half away to the door the woman called out. "Do visit us again. We always have many varieties of products to aid you on your journey."
I turned around before replying. "Thank you. I will." before exiting store. The easier part was now done. All that's left for me to do is wait for tommorow.