Chapter 2

I coughed over the handkerchief I wore over my face as I continued to stir the foul smelling liquid. I never expected it to smell and taste like roses but it actually smelled rancid. I would have thought that I had made a mistake in brewing if book itself hadn't specifically mention just how the smell was going to be for 5 whole pages.

It was a good thing that I had the foresight to sneak out into the woods of Forest Park for this as no doubt that my foster family and every family in a 12 mile radius could have smelled me doing this. Still at least the smell was keeping the animals away. I could have almost sworn that I heard a bear run away in fear. I turned my gaze to the sky where the moon was beaming down in all its glory. Just a few minutes more and I could begin the ritual.

The 'potion' stopped bubbling, signalling that it was ready. And I poured it into a cup I had bought from home. I sat down cross-legged on the grass with the moonlight shining onto me. I took a series of deep breaths before chugging down the drink in a single gulp. The drink tasted bitter but it wasn't as bad as what the smell would have led you to believe.

I began meditating, trying to clear my mind as much as possible. Minutes passed but I didn't feel any different. Yet continued and eventually my efforts bore fruit. I felt a tug away from within myself. And I also felt an if I was submerged inside a lake as I felt something flow around me like water. The flow felt calm at first before gradually picking up speed. As the rate of flow increased, I also felt my body heat up. Just as it said it would in the book.

Around half an hour passed and I felt as if I was inside a waterfall while simultaneously also covered in magma. The flow had become so fast that and my body had become so heated. Yet I pressed on, as I realised that it was about to end at any minute.

My respite arrived around 10 minutes later when the flowing energy suddenly slowed down before beginning to flow into body as if it was a pitcher and i was an empty glass. I waited until the flow subsided before letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I slowly opened my eyes and the world seemed different. I still saw the same as I had before but there was a underlying flow surround it all now, unseen.

I took a glance at my clothes, which were now drenched in sweat. I attempted to stand up but began to feel weak on my feet. The ritual had taken a lot on my body and I knew I had to get back home before I collapse. I hastely gathered everything before sluggishly making my way out of Forest Park.

I then caught a train which took me back home to the surburbs of Queens. By sheer willpower, I managed to make it back to my room, without waking up the entire house before unceremoniously collapsing on to my bed, my bag and shoes haphazardly discarded onto the floor. As I lay on my bed facing the calender, even with my waning consciousness, I realised some thing.

Tommorow was the first day of highschool....

Tommorows going to suck so bad. I thought just before I let sleep embrace me.

(AN: So I wanted to make the first few chapters about how MC gets her powers and I forgot to mention too much about her. Starting from the next chapter I will be talking more MC herself as well as her social circle. And also about the current world.)