Wax Better

3rd POV

Nervous breakdown nearly got her,

One halted having no ideas of such states,

She stands up straight gathered the power,

It bottled her from judgemental senses.



Dee was wearing a hijab when her father calling for her. "Yes! I'll come down now!" She shouted from upstairs. She quickly clasped a brooch in her hand to tighten the hijab. She ran to her chair, grabbing her bag and descended downstairs to the dining room. She recited eat prayer and took a plate and cup on the dining table. There was sardine curry puff, otak-otak, chicken fried rice and a jug of tea. She spooned a spoonful of chicken fried rice and grab 2 sardine curry puffs as well as ate them before pouring the tea into her cup.

On the other hand, Nurul was feeling much better after a week of illness. She took her last pill after breakfast and all the medicines were completely swallowed at the minute and her physiognomy glowing as the packet of pills was empty. No need to eat medicine anymore. For now. She was stepping to her desk as she watched a Chinese drama ensuing breakfast before the loo called for her, urinate. She sat in her seat and keep up with watching the drama while enfolding her small pillow in her arms. Suddenly, her phone vibrated as someone messaged her.

A message from Aifaa

"Salam. What are you doing right now?" She texted her as she was bored and got nothing to do as in at this moment. She was laying on her bed while rolling to the right and to the left umpteenth times.

"Wasalam. I'm watching a Chinese drama" Nurul replied with furrowed eyebrows. Why?

"Oh... am I distracting you? I'm bored..." She asked while pouting. Alalala(cute - said in a gentle tone).

"Nay... Wanna watch the drama with me?" Nurul sent, hoping she will accept her offer thus she has time to waste without being bored. In the company of her.

"What drama? Should we invite Dee as well?" She asked and was a bit joyful as she has something to do right now. Yay!

"A mystery and romance drama. Oh, yeah. I'll message her" Nurul replied and immediately texted Dee not long after.

"Salam, Dee. Wanna watch a Chinese drama with me and Aifaa?" She typed and instantly send a message to her. Aifaa then sends a message to her reply not long after.

"Ah, okay okay. But... I'm alone at home and I have to take care of it. How?" She discerned the moment she glanced at her door and pursed her lips. A petulant baby was seen now in her room. Mood changing.

"Don't worry... we have google meet and zoom. You can choose either one" Nurul promptly appeased her and will not force her to come if she cannot. If there is a will, there is a way.

"Oh yeah! Yes, yes! I didn't think of them... sorry hehe. Google meet la(an affirmation, dismissal, exasperation or exclamation - used to change a verb into a command or to soften its tone)" She perceived there was another way to watch the drama with her best friend. 'Dense, how come I didn't think of it?'

"Okay then... google meet coming..." Nurul replied and opened the app later. She then sent a link to Aifaa to invite her as well as the other clicked it and was inside Nurul's meeting room.

'What is she doing? Busy, maybe?' Nurul thought as she waited for Dee's message. It was Aifaa's turn to text Dee as Nurul did not tell her anything whether she already replied or otherwise.

"Dee oo Dee?" Dee was somehow quiet when Aifaa mentioned her in their group chat. They then watched the drama without her as she might be busy after waiting for 5 minutes and no green symbol on her profile to boot.

Both of them watch the drama in silence. No words were uttered. Only the blast zephyr could be heard. Plus, the voice of actors and actresses were in lead. A few hours flew by just like that and Dee replied at last. Finally. The two were done with the drama as they binged episodes of the mystery and romance drama for hours and stopped when Aifaa felt sleepy. Therefore, she took a nap for minutes before washing her face and subsequently prayed asar.

"Sorry guys. I'm working..." She replied back. At a good time where the other two were free and just sitting and laying on their bed.

"Wait, you already working?" Aifaa thereupon questioned with a frown on her countenance. Answers were needed.

"Where do you work?" Nurul's turn to query in a matter of seconds. Wow.

"Yes, and I work at a motor car company. I'm helping my dad in his office" She answered their questions and told them further.

"Also... sorry for the late reply. Peace!" She added while chuckling as she could imagine what face they did just now. To a greater extent, they were not ahead of her yet she sensed it.

"Ah..." Nurul's brows knitted and sighed. No more wasting time together at least that was she thought so.

"Oh..." Aifaa pretty much blurs but an 'oh, she can't hang out with us anymore' was visible on her front after Nurul's sigh.

"Ala(sigh)... you are going to be busy from now on..." Nurul instantly replied. Sadly.

"I thought you are free" Aifaa also replied as fast as possible to her message. Sighing as well.

"Haha..." She giggled when they sent messages right away. The other two realised she is going to be busy from today onwards.

"Working on Sunday?" Aifaa curiously asked for the who knows how many times at this point. Who works on Sunday though? Ain't no supermarket and mall were closed on the weekend, my dear.

"You are working on the weekend too?" Nurul queried the same question after. Being a nosy-parker she was as well as the other one also. What? You guys are police officers now, huh?

"I'm just practising today. My dad trained and enlighten me on what my task was. That's all" She explained while smile ear to ear as to she and her father working on Sunday. Got spent her time with her lovely father.

She arrived at her house not long after. She was texting with them while slowly stepping out of the car. Her father already walked to the door and she remained pacing slowly to the door let alone the phone still lingered on her hand. Not knowing her father accidentally locked the door forgot his daughter was still outside. The phone has remained there, she thought her father did not shut the door yet and keep walking.


Till she bumped onto the door quite hard. Her phone fell down on her feet. Just noticed the door was closed and she immediately picked up her phone. She was relieved as her phone just crack a bit and her right hand pulled down the doorknob but stuck. She pulled it down one more time nearly opened the door but realised it was locked. 'What? Why dad locked the door? I'm not yet inside'

She knocked on the door numerous times until someone opened it and it was none other than his father. "Yes??? Wait, why are you outside?" Her father asked then recognized his daughter was outside. What's she doing outside?

"Dad, you locked the door before I even touch it" She lazily said with a resigned front.

"Oh, yeah? Ah... I forgot I brought you to work just now" A forgetful father indeed as he was getting old day by day.

"Dad... how com- you know what, never mind... at least you opened back the door" She whined for a second then gently spoke with him and went to her room, showered as well as prepared for dinner.

Whilst Aifaa was playing Call of Duty Mobile with random people as she was bored, again. Nothing much to do for the day as she does not have any idea what to do. Her back was hurt thus she moved to her bed and plonked on it almost fell down but had time to balance herself while peepers not leaving the screen since the start. Whoa, paying attention to it too much.

The other one merely stayed in her chair, carried on with her Chinese drama while eating banana chips. Yet her younger brother, Amran and Suhairul appeared out of nowhere and disrupted her teasingly. The two want her attention as they missed their fierce older sister to nag and talk with them. Sharing any story or experience. To have a precious time together but without the little sister, Zafirah, as she was busy gossiping with her best friends in her room.