The Visit

3rd POV

4 days flew by with Aifaa and Dee working and Nurul resting at home. The dark grey and orange environment showed it was already fifty-one past six and almost maghrib. After the work time ended for Aifaa and Dee, the three of them decided to visit one of their classmates, Amanina. Nurul was the one who persuaded them to visit her as companies to reciprocate her kindness on the day they played at the arcade after the unexpected encounter. But before that, Nurul waited for Dee and Aifaa to shower and be prepared for the journey.

Aifaa was driving to the address that Farahain gave to Nurul while Dee was talking with Nurul about the possibilities that would happen to Amanina. Aifaa merely heard what they chat about and tilted her eyebrow. But peepers looking straight to the lane. Hands steered to the left then to the right and the lane was vertical again so she steered back to the natural position.

"You believe what Farahain said to you that day?" Dee asked, sceptical of Farahain's behaviour. Why apologise out of the blue? It does not make sense.

"Yes, 100% sure because I can see it in her eyes" Nurul answered with confidence as Dee did not listen to the sorry and reasons that day.

"Okay, if you say so... I think she is stress or such" Dee reacted.

"Yeah, could be that but I think someone made her mad or might be she is sick" Nurul excitedly added.

"Hm, maybe. Yet she was fine though at school. Why she is like that at home? It's her house, not a jail" Dee hesitantly thought.

"Ya, she looks good. Or someone disturbed her not?" Nurul knitted her brows trying to find the answer.

"I bet she doesn't have a good relationship with her mother or father and other things also developed to it and made her become that crazy" Dee plainly said.

"I guess so. But it must be tough for her to live that kinda life till she is out of her mind. She is nice what" Nurul retorted.

"Might be one of them did the nasty things to you" Aifaa interjected saying that maybe someone does not like her spesh her personality.

"What are you talking about?" Nurul instantly queried.

"I'm just saying. Who knows, right?" Aifaa nonchalantly said.

"No, I don't think so. She treated me gently, okay. It's not nice accusing people like that, Aifaa" Nurul said not wanting to accuse as Amanina has been serving kindly to her even they were not close and threw a piercing gaze at her.

"Who knows if sh- okay, okay. I'm sorry" Aifaa quickly replied.

"Yes, no proof don't indict" Dee made a grotesque mug.

"My fault, my bad. Not gonna talk about it, I promise" Aifaa surrendered.

"But... are you okay, Nurul? Aifaa asked as she worried about her health.

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me" Nurul answered back.

"Tell me instantly if you guys abruptly feel unwell or uneasy. You hear me?" Aifaa told as she still has time to drive back home.

"Alright, boss" Dee answered with a salute sign.

"Don't worry, we are fine and I already got my energy back" Nurul happily smiled. She knew Aifaa was worried about her since that horrible dark day.

"By the way, please don't say anything awful about Amanina. She is not like what you think" Nurul added.

"Aye, aye captain!" Aifaa disregarded what she thought about Amanina earlier and obeyed Nurul. She will follow what she ordered.

They reached Amanina's T-conjunction street after 15 minutes drive. There was a slight noise in the area and the street was smaller than they predicted thus they walked until arrived upfront her house. Plus, Aifaa cannot bring the car into the small pathway and had to tread about 5 to 10 minutes before reaching the destination as well as communicated side by side with the two. Sweat fell onto their faces and their bodies became a little unstable. Dee and Nurul were absorbed to find Amanina's house thusly left Aifaa behind.

There was a tiny gold rusty talisman with a plain transparent stone in the middle on the long grass they stepped along the pathway. But the two did not see it, only Aifaa sensed it as she accidentally footed on it. She saw it thus halted from treading. She scooched down and closely looked at it while moving the long grasses to the side till she found another weird thing. She found a few red grains of rice alongside it. Why are these things on the grasses? Most importantly, who are these?

She raised her eyebrows and just remembered she needs to accompany Nurul so she hurriedly left and jogged to her and Dee. Abruptly, the atmosphere became uncanny. The three of them did not realize it yet they reached ahead of Amanina's house not long after. The two began pushing each other to decide who will be the one knocking on the door. Aifaa looked at them, oddballs.

"What are they doing? Ya Allah! Just knock the door and ask for he- ey!" Aifaa muttered.

She then paced forward to the door while shaking her head disagreeable with their demeanours. The other two merely gazed at her feeling guilty. Both of them stay put like a monument thinking about their probabilities earlier. Dee assumed Amanina was just ill and nothing severe occurred while Nurul was vice versa. She began to feel eerie in her surroundings and her lips twitched as well as her eyelids fluttered.

"Assalamualaikum" She knocked twice with a serene mug.

"Nobody is home?" She mumbled and knocked quite hard for the second attempt.

'Aik? Nurul told, Farahain said she always at home?' She questioned under her breath and the sentence was rather a statement than a query.

"Nurul, no one open the door. Ho-" She craned yet her communication was impeded.

A sound of a damaged door was made and the three of them immediately snapped in unison. Aifaa was startled while the two widened their eyes in surprise. They gasped and hearts thumping beyond regular. An old woman in her late 40s showed herself behind the door and a frown was visible on her front. They heavily breathe and soothe the shocking mental.

"Yes? Who are you?" The old woman asked while looking at each of them.

"Is Amanina home?" Aifaa did not answer her question but queried her instead.

"U-um..." The old woman's countenance changed into a sorrowful one and asked one more time who were they.

"I'm Aifaa"

"I'm Dee"

"I'm Nurul"

"We are her classmates" Each of them introduced themselves.

"Farahain told us she's somewhat ill. That's why we come here today. And sorry for coming this late and didn't tell you beforehand. We don't have Amanina's phone number" Nurul explained and apologise.

"It's okay, you already came. I'm her mother, by the way" Amanina's mother said. They nodded their heads perceived what she had said as expected.

"She is unwell since 6 months ago and never gets out of this house since then..." Amanina's mother expressed as she does not know what to do anymore and worn out with everything related to her daughter. She already brought her daughter to the clinic fourfold but no disease was found. The doctors even said she was fine.

"We are sorry" Dee purposely murmured in a low voice. This went unnoticed by her best friends including Amanina's mother. The three of them looked at each other with apologetic signs after.

"You guys wanna visit her, right? I have to warn you girls first before you enter her room. You have to be cautious because she could harm any of you. She is active at night" Amanina's mother told then led them to her room. Her mother also has been hurt before as her daughter roughly pushed her till she fell on a floor.

Her mother unlocked the door. The moment moving in slow motion. Flabbergasted could be seen on their mugs with anatomies a little trembling.

'She looks... Ya Allah!!! What happe-' One of them thought in horror and soon called her for confirmation.

