~Chapter Seven~

Miki fluttered his eyes open.

Kakoa. The golden wolf. She needed him. And he was going to find her.

"Now I just have to-" Miki stared down at his hand and shoulder. They were caked in blood, the edges around the wound black, stinking of infection. "That man." Hate and putrid anger sprung from his tone, the fire from his wounds not even strong enough to conquer the power of the flames in his hate.

The White Gowned Man was nowhere to be seen. Miki sighed in relief. "For now. For now I'm safe." He whispered.

Still sprawled on the ground, Miki planned his scheme in his head. The pain hurt, but he ignored it, determined to get to Kakoa.

Sudden sorrow dropped in his stomach. Akito. Akito would know what to do.

Miki took a deep breath, pressing the sadness back.

Miki took a look towards his surroundings. He was in a black room, no light. Though he could see clearly from his wolf features, the shadows haunted him. He crawled forwards, his shoulder protesting against the movement.

He froze as he saw blood sprayed across the wall and carpet.

"Wh-what?" His voice was barely a whisper.

A knife was spread across the floor, it's blade painted in scarlet.

"It-it's not mine...." His voice trailed off, scanning the room, his head only turning, his body still.

He closed his mouth, terrified to say anymore. The door opened, but no one was there.

Light shone in, vanishing the blood and knife away, nowhere to be seen.

Miki sat up straight, thoughts running marathons in his head.

"I have to get out of here." Miki ran fingers through his hair, suddenly calmness overwhelming him. *What's happening to me?* He thought frantically.

His vision suddenly glitched, his vision turning to black and white to vibrant, vibrant to normal. Miki was now sure this wasn't normal.

"This is messed up." His tone suddenly turned to Akito's deep voice.

"What the-" He stopped, freezing at the his voice. It sounded like Amaya.

Miki shook his head. He swore to himself he wouldn't speak.

He stood up, his arm screaming in pain. Miki scrunched his eyes closed for a few seconds, wincing against the agony.

Cautious, he inched towards the door spilling sunshine in the midnight-black room.

His vision glitched again, messing with his steps. He walked without knowing, almost slamming himself into a door. "What the heck?" He whispered, looking at his hands.

He felt a small hum in his neck. He completely froze, his heart stopping.

The hum went on, buzzing slightly. "No." He whispered. He knew exactly. He knew exactly what they had done.

Miki saw a a mirror in the hall and bolted towards it.

His heart stopped at his reflection, skipping a beat. A tracker.