~Chapter Fifteen~

Miki choked at the look of his mother.

"Oh, dearie, don't choke, you're safe with me." She said in an eerie voice.

Miki wanted to stay with her and figure out what was wrong, but he knew she was danger.

"Get away from me," He whispered hoarsely.

"Excuse me?" She laughed.

He tried to walk away, but couldn't leave his mother.

Her eyes were different—they were green, unlike her blue ones.

*What?* Miki wondered.

Her eyes were dull though. They seemed to be dead, not with life in them at all.

"You're coming with me." She said.

Before he could slip his hand away, she grabbed it, her grip like steel.

Miki tried to tear at off, but he couldn't. He was dragged into a building, dark like midnight.

He was forced into a chair, electrical sounds sounding and strapping him into the seat.

A bright light shone on him.

"Miki, is it?" A male voice sounded.

"Y-yes…" Miki stuttered.

"You are rare, Miki." The male voice said. The figure got closer, until a bearded man came out. He sat down across him with a clipboard in hand.

Miki nodded slowly.

"You're also dangerous." The man said.

"Why am I here." Miki said. "Why have you taken me from my family."

"Family?" The man laughed. "You don't have one. They're all dead."

"That's not true." Miki swallowed.

The doctor raised his brows and smirked. "Really?"

Miki looked across the room to see his lifeless but somehow alive mother.

He cringed at his words, "I have her."

"She's dead too." The doctor looked down at his clipboard.

"You're lying." Miki struggled between the grip of the straps.

The doctor's eyes scanned down until they steadied at a spot. He grinned.

"Mscilly, huh?" He smiled evilly.

*Oh no….* Miki thought.

"What are you talking about…" Miki said stupidly.

"Don't be like that." The doctor said.

Miki gulped.

"Tell me where it is." The doctor snapped.

"No…" Miki trailed off, knowing something bad would happen.

"Okay, then." He rose his hands, and the room was filled with guns.