Twin brothers undergoing initiation.

After Maggy and Sandy with their boys arrival the villagers arrived for traditional initiation the old and the young women and children. Joshua assembled the five boys who was to undergo initiation including Robin and David to challenge them the villagers were already preparing food for the ceremony others brought traditional brew to bless the ceremony.

Joshua sat in front of the boys very humorous and joyful old man.

"Today is the greatest day in your life you will pass through a stage from childhood to manhood" He said as he coughed and cleared his throat.

"First I need to know your name? Joshua asked them.

Robin stood and said his name.

"My name is Robin" Robin said and sat.

"That is wonderful of you, you are so keen and even in school you are brilliant boy, in the army the generals like responsive and disciplined person" Joshua said.

"How about the other boys?" Joshua asked.

They all stood.

They said their names respectively "David Leonard victor and Ronald" The boys said.

"Wonderful you are well disciplined boys you are going to be the greatest leaders of your time" Joshua said.

The boys smiled the women started singing traditional song as the people enjoyed the traditional brew Maggy sandy Sarah were busy in the kitchen to prepare food the young men lit the fire outside the tent knowing that the ceremony was to continue until the following day.

The music player was brought to the tent to entertain visitors and villagers as they wait for the initiation ceremony to start.

Joshua stood in front of the boys and held his walking stick.

"Boys this moment for you is the most painful moment as you going to undergo the cut, so get prepared I don't want to hear anybody crying its an embarrassing to our family and entire clan" Joshua said emotionally.

There were other old men coming to give encouragement to the initiates. They walked slowly with their walking stick and sat beside Joshua.

"Welcome my fellow elders this is our obligation to make sure our boys are given good direction for them to make good choices in life" Joshua said.

Another old man stood and looked at the boys Robin and David became a bit nervous.

"If I hear anybody crying or screaming, I myself I will skin him alive, or you better go away or tell us you are not ready, if any coward boy is here I urge you to tell us and we will leave you alone!" Reuben dared.

The boys were shocked didn't know what to do the other third elder stood.

"I know them they are courageous men when you asked that question nobody dared to stand or ran these boys are real men" Ezekiel said.

The boys were relieved and smiled at Ezekiel and listened keenly to what he was saying.

"Have you seen, this are warriors they are real men who are going to be the greatest leaders in their generation" Ezekiel said emotionally.

The boys looked at each other and smiled and liked Ezekiel statement. The old men looked at each other and smiled.

There was some noise around young men at the tent playing music and taking traditional brew waiting for the ceremony to start the darkness approached the ceremony at its climax women dancing and wailing others were being served food.

Maggy and Sandy stood at a distance as they observed the boys being advised on what was to happened to their boys.

"I know my boy Robin is very courageous" Sandy said.

"David too is as courageous as him remember they are twin brothers" Maggy said.

The light were switched on the place was illuminated and every activity was visible the food were brought to the boys and old men to eat evening meals as they wait for the initiation process to start.

The ceremony continued the women were busy with their chores while the youths were in the tent dancing for the latest music Joshua and his colleagues done talking to the boys the boys sat not knowing what next it was approaching nine pm and the doctor was on his way to come and initiate the boys women start wailing and singing dances.

The clothing was brought ready blankets was in place the women came to talk to the initiates for the last time. The ceremony was at its climax.

"I am happy that today on Friday December I am going to be a man" Robin said.

"Me too but I am sad that immediately after the initiation we might not see each other, bro" David reiterated.

"Remember we have to do this first then we will plan how we are going to meet again David I know you are going to Kisumu and me I am going to Nakuru to undisclosed location but I am optimistic that one day we shall meet and know the truth" Robin said.

"Yes bro that is true but remember we are going to be very smart for our mothers not to discover what we are after" David responded.

The doctor arrived Maggy and Sandy were very emotional they know exactly what their children were facing a knife which is a very painful experience for the boys.

"I wish there could be other way to initiate but not this painful process" Maggy said.

"Me too but there is no shortcut they have to" Sandy said.

"All the initiates to go to the homestead for initiation" Doctor said.

They were lead to the homestead for initiation reaching the homestead.

"The initiates you remove all your cloth" The doctor said.

The initiates removed all the clothing.

"Sit on the ground" The doctor instructed

They sat on the ground Robin and David felt nervous.

"Bro don't be frightened you are a man we are here together" Robin whispered.

"Yes bro we are together to the bitter end" David replied.

The doctor gave them injection and initiated them.

To the initiates it was a very painful experience but they remembered Joshua advice not to be an embarrassment to the society.