Robin and David getting high school admission letters.

David was tired after visiting the Kisumu national park they went to take lunch at the Kisumu city restaurant, it was hot they had to take a cold drink, Maggy was glad that, David did ask much about his brother, they ate heavy lunch fish served with rice.

"It was a wonderful day for us," Maggy said.

"I am glad you brought me here to enjoy myself but next time we are going to the lake for the whole day I want to enjoy the ride of the motorboat," David said.

The drive laughed when he heard David saying so.

"Don't worry I will take you there on Christmas eve for you to have fun there" Maggy assured.

David smiled Maggy tapped his head, they ate when they were done the driver took them to Kisumu hospital to the new house.

Sandy on the other hand took Robin to the restaurant and ate heavy lunch and went to Nakuru hospital to her new resident.

"You mean we are going to live here?" Robin asked.

"Yes this place is our new place of work," Sandy said.

"How about Maggy and David ain't they coming here?" Robin asked.

"Soon they are coming don't worry," Sandy said.

Sandy removed the bicycle from the car and the television set.

"Whose are those things bicycle and the television set," Robin asked.

"This is your bicycle it's for you I bought it for you as a present after your initiation" Sandy replied.

The driver brought all the baggage into the house and left while Sandy fixed the television set on electricity to see if it's functional as Robin removed the bicycle from the polythene.

"Mum thanks so much I am happy to have such an expensive mountain bicycle," Robin said.

Sandy was glad to hear that and she thought he will soon forget about David his twin brother.

"I want a good life for you I need you to work hard and become a great man," Sandy said.

Mum my ambition is to become a soldier to protect this country from external aggression" Robin said

"My son it will be well work hard in school and you will achieve your dream" Sandy advised.

Maggy in the Kisumu city removed her belonging from the car and went to the house.

"Mum where are we going," David asked.

"This is our home from today," Maggy said

Maggy opened the door and entered inside the house followed by David, David saw a bicycle in the sitting room he rushed and saw.

"Whose is this bicycle?" David asked.

"It's for my only boy in the house," Maggy said.

"Who is the boy you are talking about?" David asked.

"How many boys are in this house it's only you of course" Maggy reiterated.

David run around the room celebrating Maggy laughed he realized that their plan has succeeded in separating the boys.

"Mum thanks so much" David thanked him.

"You are the only son I have I don't know what I will do if one day I lose you to your other mother," Maggy said.

"Who is my other mother?" David asked.

"Don't worry I was just kidding don't take me seriously it's just a possibility it might or it might not happen?" Maggy said.

David composed himself because they had agreed with Robin not to make their mothers suspicious.

David kept quiet he was a bit tired and sleepy Maggy prepared his room.

"Your room is ready, it was a tiresome day go and sleep," Maggy said.

David went and he fall into a deep sleep.

Sandy started work at Nakuru hospital she liked the place very much, the cost of living there is much better compared to Kericho town, Robin was getting used to being alone he got new friends courtesy of the new bicycle also he often watch the action movies, he pictured on how Joshua used to narrate the stories about the great second world war and compared with the ones in the movies. Sandy woke up early to report to work David was still asleep he had nowhere to go and also no work to do.

"Wake up take your breakfast," Sandy said.

Robin woke up took his breakfast as her mother was prepared to go to the Nakuru hospital for work.

"Make sure you ride the bicycle safely here is a city not like Kericho town" Sandy advised him.

"Yes mum, but when does David come to Nakuru I miss my brother already?" Robin asked.

Sandy was very surprised by what Robin said.

"Who told you that David is your brother?" Sandy asked.

"People refer to us as identical twins and that I know he is my real brother," Robin said boldly.

"But you have your different mothers you, you have me and David has Maggy as his mother" Sandy responded.

Robin laughed sandy rushed to the hospital shading tears that was the most difficult question to crack to an energetic young man curious about many things.

In the hospital, Sandy worked asking herself many questions,

"When Robin comes of age is he going to be curious to know his past?" Sandy asked herself

"And if one day he discovered that I am not his biological mother, how is he going to take me as his mother or a stranger?" Sandy asked herself

Cynthia her colleague in the Nakuru hospital discovered that Sandy is in a dip thought she went to where she is.

"What is happening you are new here and I have realized that you already have a stressful week already what is bothering you?" Cynthia asked.

"Nothing it's just I have a very inquisitive adolescent boy" Sandy reiterated.

Cynthia laughed at Sandy.

"You mean an adolescent boy is disturbing you with a lot of questions?" Cynthia asked

"Yes he is very inquisitive and that makes me very uncomfortable," Sandy said

"I understand when you are a single parent children ask about their father and they wish they had one because in a school other children talked very much about their father," Cynthia said.

"I am lucky I am married having a good caring husband and that makes my children very confident when he is around," Cynthia said.

Sandy kept quiet she didn't want to tell her the reality

It was a second last week to the end of the Christmas holiday the minister of education released the examination for the primary Sandy called Maggy.

"Can you watch the television the minister of education is releasing the examination" Sandy said.

Maggy rushed and switched on the television and it was written breaking news national primary examination is out David rushed in to watch the television he was surprised that their primary school examination is out.

"Mum, I know we did well don't worry," David said.

"Don't worry even if you didn't pass the examination there is always next time" Maggy said.

David was very surprised to hear that, he thought her mother will be mad if he will fail.

"There is a number to be sent for us to get the result text cod of the school and index number," David said.

Her mother send and her mother received shocking news about outstanding performance.

"You performed very well three-fifty marks out of four hundred" Maggy shouted.

Her mother was not happy she went and sat sadly on her seat David realized.

"Mum I passed the examination you should be happy for me," David said.

"No, it's not that I am happy but you will leave me and go far away for three months without seeing you" Maggy responded.

"What can I do mum I passed the examination I know I will receive the admission letter from the national school in Nairobi," David said

"Are you comfortable with the national school? Maggy asked.

"I am not sure mum, maybe I need to hear your perspective first?" David asked

There was a call from Sandy Maggy received

"Robin has scored three hundred and fifty out of four hundred marks," Sandy said happily.

Maggy was surprised and wondered what is happening to the boys scoring the same whenever they do an examination.

"Also David has scored the same marks!" Maggy responded.

"They are going to the same national school, what are we going to do not to go to the boarding schools?" Sandy asked

Maggy moved away for David not to hear the conversation David realized but he pretended that nothing has happened Sandy moved away from Robin, Robin realized he went to where his bicycle is a ride to pretend as if he has not realized anything.

"What are we going to do l don't want my son David to go to the day school?" Maggy said.

"Let's talk to them we may convince them to go to the best day school in the city," Sandy said.

That I a good idea let me talk to David you talk to Robin and let's pray that they will accept to go to the day school.

It was very difficult for the two mothers to break the news to the two boys and convince them to go to day school. David was riding his bicycle on the road he saw someone coming with the letter toward him.

"Are you David king?" The man asked.

"Yes I am the one," David said.

"Here is your admission from Mango high school its the best national school in Kenya congratulations," The man said.

David received the letter written by Mango high school. He ride the bicycle very fast to go and break the information to her mother reaching the house her mother was mobbing the house Maggy very surprised and a bit nervous he saw the letter in David's hand.

"Whose letter is that?" Maggy asked.

"It's mine its admission letter from one of the best national schools in Kenya" David breaks the news.

Her mother almost fell on the ground David held her not to fall and took her to the sitting room to sit and regain her energy back.

"Mum what is wrong I thought the information will make you happy I am shocked you are not happy with it," David asked.

"If you are not happy with it I will go to the school of your choice mum if you die who will take care of me and pay my school fees?" David said.

Her mother smiled and started feeling well David realized.

"Mum which schools do you want me to go to? David asked.

"I am not feeling well my son I would like you to go to Kisumu day secondary school," Maggy said.

"If that will make you feel better and not sick I will go and even report on the first day the schools are going to open since the school is only two hundred meters away from our home," David said.

Maggy woke up from the seat and hugged David happily.

There was a call from Sandy Maggy received the call.

"Robin has received the letter from the best national schools in Kenya Mango high school," Sandy said.

Maggy is very shocked.

"David too has received the letter from the same school but David has accepted to join Kisumu day secondary school," Maggy said.

"How did you convince him please explain for me," Sandy asked.

When he brought the letter I was mobbing the house he broke the information and with shock "I fell on the veranda David held me and took me to the house by seeing how my condition is he asked me which school would he like to go to and I said to him Kisumu day and he accepted for him to be seeing me if I am well"Maggy narrated.

"That made him accept is because of my medical condition of feeling dizzy when I am shocked and fall" Maggy added.

"He told me if I die there is no one to take care of me," Maggy said.

Robin moved closer to her mother to hear what they were talking about.

Maggy ended the call Robin wanted to know which school David is joining.

"Which school is David joining," Robin asked.

"He is joining Kisumu day secondary school" Sandy replied.

"Why, Mango is the best national school in the country?" Robin asked.

"David is concerned is his mother's health he wants to be looking after her mother because he knows her only he doesn't know any other" Sandy said.

"Call David's mother I need to talk with him," Robin said.

Sandy called Maggy and Maggy picked.

"Robin wants to talk with David," Sandy said.

Maggy handed the phone to David Robin moved away from his mother so that his mother could not hear what they were saying.

"Can you move away from your mother?" Did Robin tell David?

David moved away made sure his mother does not hear what they were saying.

"Are you sure that you will join Kisumu day secondary school? Robin asked.

"Yes, I am sure my mother did not like it when I received the letter she fell she almost collapsed" David narrated.

"I understand even me I am thinking of joining Nakuru day secondary school," Robin said.

"You remember what we promised one another is for us to be disciplined as much as possible and not to make them suspicious of what we know," David said.

"That is trust let's behave as if we don't know anything for us to investigate our identity when we come of age," Robin said.

"I suggest you join the best day school of you're choice in Nakuru" David advised.

"Yes I will let me break news to my mother right away," Robin said.

"Remember after high school we are going to search one another for us to search for our identity," Robin said.

"Yes bro we must its a crucial mission for us," David said.

The ended the call David rushed to where her mother was and handed her the phone.

"I have decided to go to Nakuru day secondary but not Mango high school," Robin said.

Sand excitedly hugged her happily sandy was happy to be close with her adopted boy so to Maggy.