Wesley feeling guilty for not marrying Maggy.

Maggy composed herself waiter brought the food chicken stew and rice they ate it was very delicious Wesley saw that Maggy has composed herself and enjoyed the food.

"How old is your boy?" Wesley asked.

"He is thirteen years old and he is in form one," Maggy said.

Wesley was very surprised to hear that his firstborn is in class six he avoided dwelling on that topic.

Maggy realized that Wesley is still in love with her also Maggy is so madly in love with him but she tried not to show him.

"After we broke up without marrying one another l, where did you go? Wesley asked

"I was posted to Kericho to my first station" Maggy replied.

"How about you?" Maggy asked.

"I applied for a job at Kisii hospital and I was considered," Wesley said.

"It's been long but I am surprised that you have a child in secondary school," Wesley said.

Years are flying liken clouds once they are gone you will never recover anymore" Maggy said.

They were done eating they went out of the restaurant.

"Before I forget I need to buy school necessities for David let me go to the supermarket," Maggy said.

"It's okay we shall go together I need to assist you to buy something for your boy" Wesley responded.

They return to the supermarket they entered picked the trolley and went round to buy the school requirements.

They came to the teller to pay for the product, they were done and went out of the supermarket.

"It's time for us to part," Maggy said.

Wesley didn't like the idea he looked at Maggy, Maggy smiled.

We will meet some other time I want to go to my house for me to prepare Robin for school tomorrow" Maggy said.

"I understand me too my kids are reporting to school tomorrow I need to hurry just give me your phone number I will be calling you" Wesley responded.

They exchanged their contact and they parted.

The following day the school was opened and David reported the students were very happy to hear the performance of their school in drama and music festival competition done in Kericho day secondary school.

As the years passed Robin and David went from one form to another performing very well they did the fourth form examination and Robin led Nakuru county while David lead in Kisumu county.

David thought of what he had promised one another with his twin brother to find one another when they finished secondary education, for him he didn't know where to start searching his brother Maggy had long forgotten about Sandy and Robin, Maggy seated watching news with David there was an advertisement of recruitments of soldiers David remembered what Ken has said.

The advertisement state that the recruitment exercise was to be don't on the following Monday at the Kisumu stadium.

Maggy watched but she was not keen but David heard about the requirements and he realized that he qualified.

He went inside his room and arranged the educational requirements and placed them in his bag ready to go for a military recruitment exercise.

"On Monday I need some cash I need to go to the type cafe to check the university letters have been posted online," David said.

"It's okay inform me on Monday morning and I will give you the money make sure you don't forget," Maggy said.

David was very happy to hear that on the other hand, Robin was watching the news he saw the military recruitment exercise around Nakuru town.

Robin checked if he could qualify for the recruitment exercise and he found that he qualified he went to his room and assembled the necessary documents and put them into his bag he didn't tell any plan to his mother.

He came back to the sitting room Sandy was very happy at that moment how Robin performed very well and became the first in the county Veronica became second Dr. Ben didn't believe.

"What plans do you have since you will join the best university in Kenya and you will pursue medicine," Sandy said.

"Monday I a going to check if they have posted their admission letters on their website please I need the cash for type cafe for browsing," Robin said.

"That is a good idea Monday morning make sure you remind me," Sandy said.

Robin mind was in the military recruitment he was not going to the type of cafe but he was going to the military recruitment exercise.

Both Robin and David are in different places planning to go to the military recruitment exercise.

Major ken at the Gilgil barracks came out of his office to meet the recruiting officers they were ready to go to the field for the recruitment exercise major General ken removed several photos from his pocket and handed them over to the recruiting officers nationally.

"Have you seen that man I don't know where is he but I would like him to be recruited to be in our team" Major General Ken said?

The soldiers looked at the picture closely.

"What is the name of the boy," Duncan the recruiting officer asked.

"His name is David wherever he is he must join our team to be a soldier," Ken said.

The following Monday morning David went to the recruitment area in Kisumu as Robin went to the recruitment area in Nakuru town.

The recruiting officers had already arrived, they were ready to recruit new soldiers one of the soldiers saw David approaching.

"Here is David General Ken was right," the soldier said.

David went and join other recruits the recruits were so tense that they shivered as they wait for for the next course of action Damsel looked at Davids's photo closely as he observed David from a distance, David busy looking at his documents if they are in order.

"All the candidates who want to join the military stand on a straight line!" Damsel shouted.

The recruits were very many David already has lost hope of joining the military he recalled what Joshua to him five years ago during their initiation day.

"Don't you ever give up before trying' David recalled?

"You remove your shirts we need to see your necked chest," Damsel said.

The recruits removed their shirts.

"Place your shirts on the ground!" Damsel shouted.

"I need the following person David Kigen step forward," Major Damsel said.

David didn't believe what he heard he was still delayed on the line.

"I can see you David step forward!" Major Damsel said.

David stepped forward and Damsel smiled and looked at David.

"Hand over your certificates, I hope you have your original secondary school certificates," Damsel said.

"Yes, sir I have all the documentation!" David shouted.

Damsel and other military officers laughed at David when he shouted.

"That is the spirit soldier!" Damsel said.

"Come into the tent receive your appointment letter," Major Damsel said.

One of the military officers took the original certificate to Damsel, Damsel looked at the documents he was very surprised.

"You are a university product are you sure you want to join the military? Damsel said.

"Yes, I want to pursue medicine in the military that is my dream yet to come true" David said.

The damsel was very surprised to hear what David has said.

"Then you are in the right place welcome aboard," Damsel said

Other military officers clapped their hands on hearing that David want to be a doctor in the military.