Chapter 5 - Kaguya Otsutsuki surrounded by ninjas

"No worries, I can go out of here as long as you want me to. Even If I got out my powers won't return because of the seal."

Finn nodded and tired to get Kaguya out of the seal. Next thing, Finn opened his eyes looked at his right side to see a women.

This women had the same look as Kaguya Otsutsuki. Kaguya immediately run out of this house and looked at the moon and this world. From Finn's home, one could see the entire village. Kaguya looked towards the village and her surroundings. She felt unimaginable joy.

Finn followed Kaguya because he was worried that she might run away. But for the first time, Finn saw Kaguya's smile which immediately captured his heard. She was beautiful, too beautiful for a mortal.

The moonlight fall on her face and made her look even more gorgeous.

Finn felt his cheeks getting hot because he was blushing and his heart beat had already risen to another level.

Finn went near Kaguya and saw her looking towards the moon.

"Don't worry. I am planning on travelling in future. I will take you to see lots of beautiful places."

Kaguya just looked at Finn and nodded without showing any expression. "I am going to sleep. Be careful and don't stay outside for too long." Finn left as he was getting sleepy.


The morning sun greeted the earth with a golden light. Finn also opened his eyes and saw Kaguya princess sitting on the edge of the bed. Finn only had one bed so Kaguya wasn't able to sleep.

Finn for some reason felt bad about it and apologized.

"Sorry Miss Kaguya, I only have one bed. But don't worry today, I will go and bed new mattress and pillows for your." Kaguya nodded and said nothing. She still had that expressionless face. Kaguya's powers was sealed which made her weak as a mortal. That means, she needs to sleep, eat like ordinary people.

Finn washed his face and made simple breakfast for him and Kaguya. Kaguya curiously watched Finn making breakfast. She had a look of a innocent child who wanted to know more about this world.

Kaguya ate food for the first time in thousand years and felt that she was indeed alive. Finn saw this scene and smiled. He knew that it will take time for Kaguya to get used to a different living style.

"We will need to buy some fresh vegetables and meats for lunch and dinner." Finn said as he washed the dishes. Kaguya also helped Finn by washing her dishes. Finn was surprised and didn't expect the princess to work.

Noticing Finn's questioning gaze, Kaguya said. "I am trying to get used this different lifestyle."

Finn returned to his bedroom and decided to try his luck with a free draw.

"System, start rotating the lottery wheel."


Finn nervously hold his hands together and prayed for something good.

[~Congratulation to host for learning transformation Jutsu.]

Finn was little disappointed but he was satisfied. "Well, it's better than nothing."

"Miss kaguya, I am going to buy to fresh vegetables and meats for our lunch and dinner." Finn loudly said while going out. Kaguya nodded and kept finished washing the dishes.

After doing her work, Kaguya came out and near on rock. The whole village was surrounded by forest.

Kaguya was thinking about her future, she already had let go of her past.

"First I should find a way to reclaim my powers. For now, I will just Travel with Finn and see how far this world's people have came." Kaguya was in deep thinking and didn't notice 3 low ranking shinobi approaching.

"Look at the woman. This so beautiful and has big boobs and perfect ass."

" even her plain clothes can't hide a sexy curves."

" She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

The three low ranking ninjas looked at each other in with smile and said. "Let's capture this bitch and sell her for a big price. Her beauty would definitely give us a huge amount of money."

Kaguya saw three low ranking Shinobi are approaching her. Kaguya was curious about their clothes. She could see that they were wearing hidden clouds village headband. But Kaguya had no idea what that lighting symbol meant.

"Miss I would like you to come with us." One of the ninja said with a his eyes filled with lust. Kaguya understood from his look that they wanted to harm her.

"If I had my powers then I would have crushed you three."

Kaguya was frustrated and angry. She was a princess and Ōtsutsuki clan members. Yet she had to endure humiliated from such lowly beings.

Kaguya tired to channel her Chakra but she found her body almost had zero Chakra.

" What did you say bitch? You should be grateful that we even bothered to look at you." One of the ninjas shouted in anger.

" What are you two waiting for? Let's discover her body secrets and satisfy ourselves."

The three ninjas surrounded her. Kaguya was in helpless situation. She was completely powerless even against a low ranking ninja. "If anyone dares to touch me then I would rather kill myself then let you guys have your way with me."

Kaguya had a look desperate.

"Hahahaha! We will see." One of the ninja was about to touch Kaguya when suddenly an kunai was stabbed in the back of his head and instantly killed him.

Finn appeared beside Kaguya at very fast pace and looked at the other two ninjas with a cold and murderous gaze.

" Your beauty is a trouble." Finn turned to look at Kaguya and gave her a big warm smile which made her heart beat rise for a second.


It didn't take long for Finn to buy vegetables and meats. He already had put everything in his inventory and was heading home.

[~Emergency Mission have been Issued. Save Kaguya from hidden cloud ninjas.

-Time limit:-3 minutes and 20 seconds

-Penalty:- Kaguya will die

-Reward:- Kaguya's affection 10+, SP points 10, Attribute points 15, Paper bomb knowledge. ]

Finn immediately understood that Kaguya was in danger. Finn immediately rushed towards his home in his full speed.

'I should able to increase my speed to certain level if a use my Chakra. Let's see moving my Chakra towards my legs might help me.'


'Fortunately, I was able to increase my speed and arrive here in time.' Finn looked at the 2 low ranking ninjas standing in front him with a angry look.

'This is going to be a tough fight.'

[~Finn Anderson


→Strength:-8 (Average strength)

→Speed:-9 (Average speed)


→Stamina:-10 (Host is weak.)


→Skills: Taijutsu (Elementary level)

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan (Sealed)

→SP points:- 5

→Attribute points:- 0

→Money:-9,200 Ryo.]