Chapter 6 - Fight against hidden cloud ninja, making explosion tags

"Brother! Kid, I will fucking kill you." One of the ninja rushed towards Finn with his kunai. Finn had concentrated his Chakra on his legs and to increase his speed.

The kunai was headed towards Finn's throat but Finn managed to step back and avoid the kunai by inches.

Finn made a back flip and threw the kunai towards the ninja in mid air.

Hidden cloud village shinobi wasn't fast enough to dodge the incoming kunai in such close range.


The Kunai directly hit his throat and killed him.

Finn landed on the ground and panted heavily.

" Bastard! How dare you kill my brothers?"

The last Hidden Cloud Nina's speed was much faster than his subordinates.


A punch landed on Finn, which sent him flying 1 meter back.

Cough! Cough!

Finn coughed mouth full of blood and looked his last enemy.

"Hahahaha! You bastard, I will play with you until you die." The smug and arrogant look on his face greatly angered Finn.

Kaguya was desperately thinking of something to save Finn. She didn't wanted this boy to die for her. Unknown to her, her eyes was filled with tears for the first time in thousand years.

Finn's hands was under his body so no one noticed Finn taking out a explosive paper tag from his inventory. Finn then wrapped the explosive paper with his kunai while keeping his eyes on his enemy.

Finn rolled on the ground and threw the kunai which was wrapped around the explosive tag towards the shinobi of cloud village.

As expected, He caught the kunai with his hand and looked at Finn with a arrogant expression.

"Hump! You think a kunai is enough to kill.. Boom!

The last arrogant bastard died from the explosion.

Finn was laying on the ground and felt pain in his ribs from that punch. Finn's body was still not strong enough to endure a full powered punch from a adult.

"Finn!" Kaguya rushed towards Finn and carried him inside the house. She knew that Finn was injured but she didn't had anything that could help Finn.

Kaguya let Finn's head rest on her laps and wiped her tears.

Finn didn't know that Kaguya had shed a tears for him. Finn was busy looking at his rewards. To not make Kaguya suspicious, Finn decided to close his eyes for the moment.

[~Emergency Mission have been Issued. Save Kaguya from hidden cloud ninjas.


-Reward:- Kaguya's affection 10+, SP points 10, Attribute points 15, Paper bomb knowledge. ]

[~Mission have been issued. Make Kaguya have favorable impression of the host.


-Reward:- SP points 5, Attribute points 5]

After receiving the rewards, Finn got knowledge on how to make paper explosive tags with pen and paper. Finn decided to earn some money by selling Explosive tags in the market.

Finn then opened his eyes and saw Kaguya looking at him with a worried look. This look filled Finn's heart with warmth. He was gald and very relieved that he was able to save Kaguya.

Finn blushed when he realized that his head on laying on her lap.

Finn sat up, but felt a sharp pain on his ribs from that punch.

'Dammit, it really hurts.'

Finn turned to look at Kaguya who had no idea what to do in such situations. Because normally she would just use her powers to heal Finn. So Kaguya was clueless, she could only show her care to Finn.

" From now on, please be careful. I will buy you some make up to hide your beauty." Finn blushed and looked away.

"Your beauty could even start a ninja war. I am just weak and not strong enough to protect you."

Finn looked at Kaguya with a serious expression. "So please, wear make up on your face when you go out. No from now, I will go with you. Just in case anyone dares to put their dirty hands on you."

Finn again blushed after saying the last part.

Kaguya felt that Finn's words made sense so she nodded. She didn't understand why Finn's face was getting red from time to time when talking with her. 'but he does look cute when he blushes.' Kaguya chuckled.

"Wait here, I will be back in half hour." Kaguya nodded. She didn't ask where Finn was going. Kaguya was beginning to trust Finn.

Finn went out and looted everything the three low ranking shinobi had. Finn found few food pills, kunai, explosive tags, 5,800 Ryo.

Finn put everything to in his inventory even the dead bodies.

Transformation Jutsu!

Finn changed his appearance to a middle age man. Finn then bought fake hair, makeup, women clothes, Bowls and chopsticks, mattress, pillow, paper and ink with 6,000 Ryo.

Finn returned and asked Kaguya to always change her face and clothes before goes out.

"Do not go in front of strangers. Always use this fake yellow hair with makeup to cover to your face and also change your clothes."

Kaguya nodded and understood that Finn was doing this for their own good.

"I am going to take a shower." Kaguya went to take a shower. Finn nodded and began to make Paper explosive tags.

" I have learned a part of fuinjutsu that allows me to make Paper explosive tags. The only problem is making Paper explosive tags also drains Chakra from the body. But for our safety I should make many explosive tags and put them in my inventory."

"I have 20 free attribute points. Mia, please add 5 attributes points to my strength, speed, Stamina and Chakra each."

Finn again felt a warm sensation throughout his body and felt his body was restored to its peak condition.

Finn then began to make explosion tags with papers and ink from the knowledge he gained after completing his mission.

Finn's made 20 explosion tags in 1 hour and found that his Chakra was completely drained.

"Looks like, I can only make 20 explosion tags with my current Chakra." Finn stored all the explosion tags in his inventory and went to his bedroom. Finn felt exhausted after making explosion tags which requires completely focus.

Finn's explosion tags are little special." I used English to make explosion tags. No one will understand English language from my previous world."

Finn opened his bedroom door and saw bumped into Kaguya.


Both Kaguya and Finn fall on his bed with Finn being on the top.

Finn felt that his hands was touching something soft, warm, big as mountain. Finn's right hand squeezed the big mountain and immediately understood what he was touching.

[~Finn Anderson


→Strength:-13(Average adult)

→Speed:-14 (average adult)


→Stamina:-15 (average adult)


→Skills: Taijutsu (Elementary level), Transformation Jutsu

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan (Sealed)

→SP points:- 20

→Attribute points:- 0

→Money:-9,000 Ryo.

→Kaguya's Affection:- 10+]

[~Mission have been issued. Grab Kaguya's boobs.

-Penalty:- Host will lose his little brother forever

reward:- SP points 5, Attribute points 5]