Chapter 12 - travelling to the land of fire, Azure dragon wings

Finn and Kaguya packed their stuff and stored them in Finn's inventory. Finn told Kaguya that he could store things in other dimensions. Kaguya also believed in Finn's words and didn't ask much. Kaguya was the quiet type girl who doesn't like to talk with others.

Finn had given Tsunade 10,000 ryo for their travel expenses.

Finn didn't had much items except his mattress, pillows, cooking utensils, a table and chairs, nothing. Rest everything was broken or very old.

Finn turned to look back at the first where he spent his childhood one last time and left the village with Kaguya by his side.

Kaguya and Finn rode the Horse-drawn vehicle. Yesterday, Finn took a bodyguard mission for a rich merchant who was going travel to the land of fire. Traveling with merchant would give Finn and Kaguya free excess to enter the land of fire country.

Kaguya changed her appearance with her transformation jutsu. Last week, Rin thought Kaguya transformation jutsu. Kaguya now can maintain her transformation for 15 hours a day. So Kaguya had changed her appearance to a ordinary 16 years old girl. People thought Finn and Kaguya was couples.

After three days of travelling Finn and Kaguya finally entered the land of fire country. Finn said goodbye to the merchant and went on different road.

While walking Finn sighed. 'These days my luck is very bad. I didn't get any missions nor got any useable items from lottery draws. I was starting to think that my luck was increased because of Rin. God I miss Rin very much, I really miss her blushing face.'

'System draw free lottery.' Finn completely had given up any hope of getting usable items from his daily free draws.

[~Congratulation to host for getting Divine item Azure dragon wings.]

Finn widened his eyes in shock and happiness.

Azure dragon wings:- Dragon wings that burns with heavenly blue flame. The heavenly blue flame is coated around the dragon wing making it's speed even more faster. The blue heavenly flame won't harm host. The blue heavenly flame will only harm users enemies.

Kaguya didn't understand why Finn was so happy. But suddenly Finn picked up Kaguya like a princess. Kaguya blushed in shame and struggled to get down.

" I will show a magic that will definitely surprise you." Kaguya nodded and stopped struggling but she still had a blush on her cheeks.

With Finn's thought two 1.5 meters big wings appeared behind Finn. The wings was dazzling in blue flame. But surprisingly Kaguya didn't feel any heat from the flame. The wings appeared on Finn's shoulder, above his clothes, separated by few inches from the body. The wings was like connected to Finn like a magnet.

The blue wings had blue feathers and had dragon symbol on the both wings.

" Get ready we are going to fly now." Kaguya tightly wrapped her arms around Finn's neck. She was still blushing, this kind of feeling was completely new to her.

Finn feel that both wings had become part of his body. Finn could easily control them with thoughts.

Finn flapped his big wings and slowly lifted Finn and Kaguya above ground. Finn slowly put more and more force. Finn and Kayuga rose in the air. Many people saw them because of the blue dazzling flame on Finn's wings.

Finn suddenly shot towards the cloud like a rocket. Kaguya tightly held Finn's neck and enjoyed the view.

Finn continued to go up then penetrated the clouds and flew above them. Finn did this because he didn't wanted others to know where he was heading.

Finn carried Kaguya like princess in the clouds. Finn felt that he could go even more faster but didn't dare go more faster because he was carrying Kaguya. He didn't wanted to take any risks.

Kaguya looked at the man whose neck she was holding. Both of their faces was very close. Kaguya felt that her heart beat was getting faster. Her face was red as a tomato. Kaguya really wanted to know what this she was feeling.

[~Kaguya's affection increased by 15+]

Finn also enjoyed the ride, it's like he was swimming in the clouds without a care in the world. It was already getting dark.

Far from here, Finn saw a village that really looked small. Finn removed all the flames from his wings so as to not catch any attention. Finn found that he could also control the blue heavenly flame on his wings. Finn can't attack anyone but can increase or decrease the flame bruinig ratio.

Finn and Kaguya landed kilometers away from hidden leaf village. No one saw Finn landing with his flame turned off. After an 1 hour of walking, Finn and Kaguya reached the doorstep of hidden leaf village.

Finn easily passed through the door when he stated that he was sent here by Tsunade, Finn also showed her signature as a prove.

"Kaguya, let's book a hotel for us then we will have dinner in out room." Kaguya nodded. she was still busy looking her surroundings. This was the first time Kaguya had came to any big villages.

The streets was lights on and Finn can see the streets was really crowded.

"Boss, give us a single room and dinner with meats." After checking our pass that we got from the checkpoint of the village gate, The shopkeeper gave us a single bed room."

Kaguya didn't say anything because in front of others we are acting as couples. But I did saw a blush on her cheeks, maybe I am just imagining things.

Our room had a futon laid on the floor with a bathroom. Just imagining me sleeping with Kaguya in the same room makes me very excited.

"Kaguya, you go and take a bath." Kaguya nodded and entered the bathroom. Finn noticed that Kaguya looked little flustered when they entered the room.

[~Mission. Touch Kaguya's ass and boobs for 10 seconds.

-Time limit:-Tonight

-Penalty:- Host will lose Kaguya's love

-Rewards:- Charm 10+, Chakra 50+.]

"Yeah! I was thinking when the perverted system would give such missions to me."

[~Host please don't blame Mia. It's Host thought that are corrupted. I am just giving mission according to the situation.]


Finn could only shut up and complete his missions.

[~Finn Anderson







→Skills: Taijutsu (Elementary), Transformation Jutsu, Kenjutsu (Elementary)

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan (Sealed), Sage body (Divine ), Azure dragon wings(Divine)

→SP points:- 10

→Attribute points:- 5

→Money:-54,750 Ryo.

→Kaguya's :- 45+

→Rin Nohara:- 67+

→Tsunade:- 9+

→Inventory:- Zangetsu Sword. ]