Chapter 13 - In Hidden leaf village, shopping

Kaguya came out after bathing, she had stopped using Transformation Jutsu. Just looking at Kaguya's wet hair which further increased her beauty, made Finn feel very hot.

"I will take a shower." Finn entered the bathroom and managed to clam himself. Finn then ate dinner with Kaguya. After dinner Finn took out another futon that he had stored in his inventory and laid it beside the other futon.

"Good night, Kaguya."


Few hours passed few both Finn and Kaguya laid on the bed. 'Kaguya should be sleeping by now.' Finn turned around to find Kaguya fall asleep. Her back was facing Finn's side and her legs was slightly bent.

Finn slowly moved towards Kaguya's bed without making any sound, by supporting his body with his body. Finn's heart was beating wildly, he could super nervous and excited for some reason.

Slowly Finn covered the 1.5 meters distance between them. "Please don't wake up. Please don't wake up." Finn was getting more nervous and excited.

Finn's right hand finally felt a soft mountain, the mountain's surface was very smooth.

The soft sensation and Kaguya body fragrance made Finn very hard. Finn still gently put his right palm on her right ass. After 10 seconds, Finn immediately moved his hand away and took few long breaths to clam down.

Finn then slowly raised his right hand and put his hand on her right boob. Through a thin cloth, Finn felt just how soft her boobs was. Finn unconsciously squeezed her boobs and but instantly pulled his hand away after realizing what he was doing.

[~Mission. Touch Kaguya's ass and boobs for 10 seconds.


-Rewards:- Charm 10+, Chakra 50+.]

After hearing Mia's words, Finn immediately went to the bathroom to relieve himself.

Kaguya opened her eyes, her face was red as tomato. She was also very embarrassed and excited when Finn touched her.

She didn't hate when Finn touched her instantly she wanted more.

[~Kaguya's affection increased by 10+]

Finn instantly realized that Kaguya was awake the whole time.

"Whatever. I will just pretend like this never happened."


Next day, Finn was standing in from of the 3rd Hokage. "Mia, how did I came here again?"

I was called to the hokage office after 3rd learned that his student have sent a letter along with a boy. 3rd hokage was amazed by Finn's Heavenly handsome face. Finn had royalty aura coming from his body.

" So Tsunade met you in a village and saw that you have talent of using Chakra. Not only that you even begged Tsunade to write a letter to allow you to study in Konoha Academy." Finn nodded.

The day before Finn set out, he and Tsunade cma up with this plan to allow Finn enter Hidden Leaf Village without any problem. But Finn never thought his actions would get 3rd hokage's attention.

" Finn, why do you want to enter Konoha Academy?" Finn knew that sooner or later he will be asked this question.

" My parents was killed in front of me. I struggled to survive in this bitter world. But I also found the love of my life, Kaguya. I just want to peaceful spend days with Kaguya."

" So you want to give Kaguya a happy life even though she can't use Chakra?" 3rd Hokage have heard many cases where orphan children from small villages join Hidden Leaf. So Finn's case wasn't something new.

Finn just seriously nodded.

" OK, I will allow you to join classes. I can feel that you have large Chakra reserve for you age this is very rare. So, I will directly promote you to special class."

Finn nodded with a big smile. "Thank you very much."

After Finn left the hokage office, 3rd hokage turned to his personal ANBU. "He is a good seed to pass the will of fire. Make sure to ask his class teacher to pay extra attention to Finn's development."

[~Mission. Graduate from academy within 3 months.

-Time limit:- 3 months

- No Penalty

- Will be determined by Host performance.]

Finn's blood was burning to complete hs new mission which looked more unique and challenging than other missions.

Since, Finn had free time he decided to look around the village. Before Finn left, Tsunade had given Finn permission to stay her home. So first, Finn went to Tsunade's house with Kaguya. Then Finn bought some clothes for him and Kaguya.

white zippered, high-collared, short-sleeved shirt and calf-length sandals, dark blue pants over a blue cloth that covers him from his stomach to his knees, which he secures with a purple rope belt.

Finn looked extremely handsome in this outfit. "How do I look?" Finn asked Kaguya. Kaguya blushed a little and said.

"Very handsome. The most handsome man I have ever seen."

" Let's continue our shopping." Finn pulled Kaguya's hand and began buy some clothes for her and Rin. Finn still miss Rin very dearly.

Finn senses had sharpened a lot after gaining Sage body. Finn detected that two Anbo was following him but after some time they stopped following Finn.

Finn guessed Danzo or 3rd hokage must have sent them to keep their eyes on Finn.

Finn's main objective was to find evidence against Danzo and expose him. That was Finn's objective but Finn also have another objective that is to learn more about ninjutsu techniques.

"I can't always keep hoping that system would reward me ninjutsu techniques instead I should find a way to learn them." That's why Leaf village is the best choice he has. Since, Finn knew almost everything about the village.

After whole day of shopping and touring, Finn and Kaguya returned home with some shopping.

Tsunade's house was very simple. The house had a big library which had information about Medical Ninjutsu and some basic low ranking ninjutsu.

The house had two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, bathroom. After little cleaning, Everything looked good as new. While, Kaguya was making dinner Finn decided to make more Explosion tags.

After eating dinner, Kaguya went back to her room and Finn went to his room.

Instead of sleeping, Finn entered Sage mood and felt all the Chakra signatures near his house and found that no anbu was watching over them.

" At least I was able to make 3rd hokage and Danzo believe that I am not a spy from other village. Tomorrow, First thing I am going to do is learn multi shadow clone jutsu."

Finn sighed and went back to sleep.

What Finn didn't know was, Kaguya was waiting for Finn to make a move on her. She was awake till mid night. She was expecting something from Finn.

Kaguya didn't liked to be touched by any man except Finn which she found odd. Anywhere Finn touched her, it always made her very happy, warm, excited; many emotions come her.

[~Finn Anderson







→Skills: Taijutsu (Elementary), Transformation Jutsu, Kenjutsu (Elementary)

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan (Sealed), Sage body (Divine ), Azure dragon wings(Divine)

→SP points:- 10

→Attribute points:- 5

→Money:-54,750 Ryo.

→Kaguya's :- 55+

→Rin Nohara:- 67+

→Tsunade:- 9+

→Inventory:- Zangetsu Sword. ]