Chapter 96 - Start of Training Hell

After winning the match, Sirzechs, Grayfia, Sona and her peerage left. Sona didn't went home because she was going to stay here for few days. Sona let her peerage do whatever they wished while she came to watch Rias training. Sona was curious and wanted to know how Finn is going to train her.


"Rias, I am assuming you are currently in Mid rank which is C rank." Finn learned that devils, fallen angels, and angles used different ranking system.

_Low class is F and D rank

_MId class is C rank

_High class is B rank

_*Ultimate low class is A rank while Ultimate peak class is S rank.

_Satan class is SS rank

_Super Satan class is SSS rank and also the highest rank.


Currently there were four Satans class devil in the devil faction and Sirzechs and Sona's sister was two of them. Based on that Finn's rank should be Mid or Peak of Super Satan class. There is also some rumors saying that Sirzechs is already in low Super Satan class but Sirzechs has never confirmed the news. Someone like Rias who possess the power of Destruction and has the Pure Devil blood, she also had the potential to reach Satan or even Super Satan rank.


'The former Shadow Monarch, Ashborn's power was in 10th rank meaning above Super Satan class. Since I haven't obtained all of this powers yet, my powers combined with what I had before getting Ashborn's powers, should give me the rank in 9th Tier or Peak Super Satan or Grand Marshal Grade.' Finn was lost in his thoughts.


Seeing this Rias felt little angry. "Hey stop dreaming."

Finn snapped out from his thoughts and looked at Rias who had crossed her arms on her chest, making her chest look even more bigger.

For a second, Finn couldn't help but look her chest. Finn is sure that Rias size is same as Tsunade or that red haired girl Mio. No I think her size was even more bigger. No no what I am thinking.


Rias caught Finn stare at the chest which made her little proud but she glared at Finn since she didn't liked it when a guy stared at her chest.

Ignoring Rias glare as if nothing happened, Finn spoke without showing any shame. "

For today we will focus on physical training." Seeing Finn speak without any shame, Rias just realized how thick Finn's skin was.


"Why should I do physical training?" Rias felt for her physical training was useless. Finn sighed and looked at Rias, did Sirzechs never thought her anything about fighting or what?

"What's with that look?" Rias asked, clearly felt annoyed.

Finn shook his head and replied. "Because in battle, just knowing how to cast spell is not enough. Even mages trains their body so that they can react faster. Earlier your team was fighting with me, but none of managed to counter my speed. And that was only 3/10 of my speed."


Rias lowered her head and she began to think. Seeing that Finn's words was having effect on her, Finn continued. "Your strength lies on your destructive power and other than other you don't know anything which can help you during battle not even basic healing spell. If you are only relying on your destruction spell, then you should make yourself more faster. Your casting speed should be even faster. Lastly if you don't train your body then despite being strong your body will be very weak."


Finn took out four weights which he used during his training time. Each weight was 5 kg, Finn placed four weights on her arms and legs.

Rias was having trouble even to stand, she looked like she was out of breath. "Isn't it too much. I can't even move."


"Now do 20 laps around the training field. No matter what you are not allowed to stop. If you stop then you will have to start again." The training ground was big as football field.

"Whatttt! This is impossible. I can't even properly walk not to mention walking and running 20 laps." Sona on the other side, felt pity for Rias. 'Watching Rias suffer...cough. cough I mean train is really fun. I wonder if she will manage to survive this week.'


Shadow Clone Jutsu

Finn created a clone of himself and let the clone take over. Finn teleported home because he wanted to spend some time with his girlfriend. Finn wanted to take Kaguya and others outside. Sometimes Finn felt very bad for leaving Kaguya to stay in the mansion alone. Finn never took Kaguya with her since she is currently weak and might get in danger.


Seeing the real one leaving, Clone Finn sighed and looked at Rias. Meanwhile, Rias and Sona stared at Finn in shock. 'What type of technique is that?' They wanted to learn such useful technique.


Finn took out a stick and hit Rias head.


"Why did you do that?" Rias glared at Finn. Finn ignored her glared and said. "If you don't start running then I am going to hit. If you stop then you training will be increased by 5 times."

"What!" Rias looked at Sona for some help but she just looked at Rias like she doesn't know her. Rias hatefully looked at Sona as she started to run.


Sona was trying her best to not laugh. Rias always laughs at Sona because of her sister. But now seeing Rias helpless situation, Sona hardly could suppress her laughter.

'Poor Rias.'


Scene change to Rising Dragon Island.

"Kaguya, I am back." Rias teleported in front of Kaguya who was helping Tio train.

"Finn you are back. Great now spar with me." These days Tio has gotten stronger. Kaguya's advice helped her a lot. Now she was looking for an opponent and Finn just came at the right time.


Ignoring Tio, Finn turned to Kaguya and said. "Go change your clothes. We are going on a date today." Kaguya's cold expression changed and a smile blossomed on her face. Seeing her beautiful, Finn couldn't stop himself from pulling her and kissing her lips. Kaguya was embarrassed to be kissed in front of Tio but Finn didn't care about Tio.


Being kissed in front of Tio, made Kaguya very embarrassed and made her face red. Kaguya then escaped from Finn and run away like a frightened kitten.

"Take you time. Meanwhile, I will spar with Tio." Finn shouted.

Seeing Finn kiss Kaguya in front of her, Tio felt little jealous. She also wanted her mate to care about her like he does to Kaguya.


"Tio, let's see how strong you have become?" Tio nodded and lead Finn to the battlefield located at the back of the Mansion.