Chapter 97 - Tio vs Finn [Second fight]

Over the past few weeks, Tio has learned many things under Kaguya. Training under Kaguya's guidance increased Tio power rank. Before Tio's power was in A rank or close or S rank but after training under Kaguya, Tio power is in SS low rank or Satan class Dragon. Tio is now confident that she can even beat the strongest black dragon from her race.


The reason Tio worked so hard is because he wants to avenge the death of her race. Tio lost her mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, cousins, uncle, aunt, everyone of her relative was killed.

Tio's father was the Black dragon king and Tio was the princess of her race. Tio's father didn't liked violence so he and his whole dragon race chose to live deep in the forest.


Those people didn't let Tio and her race live in peace. On the dark cloudy night, everyone Tio knew was killed and she was captured. Till this day, Tio remembers what happened to her family very clearly. Whenever the remember or even thinks about that night, her expression changes to extremely cold. Because of this Tio hates dark cloudy night the most.


"Start start." Finn.


Tio was a black dragon, so she naturally is born monstrous raw strength. Tio's raw strength even surpasses Tsunade strength. Tio's strength has increased after being trained by Kaguya and now strength is half of Finn's base strength.

"Finn, here I came" Tio and Finn started with Taijutsu. Tsunade taught Tio taijutsu which relied on strength.


Finn and Tio rushed towards each other and their fist collided. Finn used only 3/5 of his total strength which is 300, he didn't wanted to hurt Tio with his full strength.

Tio retreated few steps back while a excited smile formed on her face. Tio obviously felt pain because Finn's strength is greater than her which is around 250 but Tio was a Masochist. Feeling pain from her mate awakened her Masochist part.


[Master she has awakened her Masochist part please punish her properly, spank ass, make her ass red.]


Finn rolled his eyes and didn't reply. Finn pretended to not see Tio's excited look and continued with the fight.

[Master you can't ignore when a girl with Masochistic tendency is begging you with her expression to punish her.]

'Shut up you useless system. Keep sleeping or Masturbate.]


[Master you know that I don't have any physical body so I cannot Masturbate but I might Masturbate if you spank Tio's ass.]


Finn didn't reply instead focused on Tio.


"Fire style :- Dragon Flame"

Finn released a hot red flame towards Tio who looked little distracted. When Tio heard heard Finn's voice, she snapped out of her thought and saw fire was coming towards her. Tio opened her palms and summoned two black flame orb on her palms.

Tio then combined two black fire orb into one then expanded the orb into a black fire ball and threw it towards the red fire.


Finn's attack was 5 meters in size while Tio's attack was only 0.5 meters but Tio's attack was more powerful.

Both fire attacks blasted together, creating lots of black smoke.

"Amazing, this black fire is so strong." Finn felt the black fire could harm him if he takes it lightly.


"As a black dragon, I have dark affinity. Aside from Dark affinity, I also have fire and lightning affinity. Recently I have learned to combine my dark nature with fire and lightning, making my fire and lightning attacks even more stronger. Kaguya was the one who came up with this idea."

"I have to say I am really impressed. Just with these, your attack power has increased a lot."


Yellow lightning sparkles began to came from Tio's hand then the yellow lightning turned black and black lightning was shot towards Finn. The entire process took not more than one second.

'With casting speed is really fast when compared to a certain red haired princess.' Finn remembered about Rias.


Indra Lightning arrow!

Finn also created a lightning arrow and shot towards the black lighting.


Another explosion took place and this explosion was bigger than the previous one. Using the black smoke, Finn appeared behind Tio in second which greatly surprised her.


Finn then molded his chakra with fire nature to create Fire rasengan. Finn then purposely reduced his speed to let Tio react in time.

Tio saw Finn behind her, she was startled but she calmed down and let Finn hit. Seeing Tio not doing anything to attack, Finn thought she had given up but he noticed a small grin on her face. Curious Finn decided to attack Tio.


Shadow Blink!

When Finn's Fire Rasengan was about hit Tio, she disappeared from her position. Finn widened his eyes in surprise. Tio teleported 50 meters away from Finn.

"What move was that? If it was teleportation, then I would have able to sense it." After aftering with Cao, Finn now could sense the space distortion around him.


Tio grinned and said. "Shadow Blink. This attack uses dark magic and allows me to teleport through shadow anywhere within 50 meters. Unfortunately, this move has one minute cooldown time."

"No wonder I couldn't sense it. But I did sense something from your shadow but I chose to ignore that feeling. If you had used this move in real fight then you could have seriously wounded me if I was careless."


"All because of Kaguya." Tio something wondered how Kaguya who is the weakest one in the mansion has so much knowledge about fighting.

"Kaguya has thousands of years knowledge. She is a Otsutsuki after all. She is the best teacher you could have." Tio didn't understand how Kaguya has thousand of years knowledge but she agreed with Finn.


Finn again appeared behind Tio, Finn's speed was so fast that others would think Finn had teleported behind Tio.

Finn this time created a rasengan with fire and lightning combined. Finn got the idea of combining elements from Tio and he was only testing it.


Finn again purposely slowed down so that Tio could do something to counter his attack. This time, Black scales formed on Tio's entire body and defended the attack. Tio used her Mana to make her scales even more stronger.

Tio was only pushed behind few meters and nothing else happened to her. Again Finn was surprised. He didn't thought Tio could use her scales while being in human form.

"Amazing. Just how much you have improved under Kaguya's guidance?" Finn was really impressed.


Draconic Roar!

Tio then opened her mouth and shouted loudly. She enhanced her voice with Mana which amplified her voice.


Finn was few meters away from Tio so he took full effect of her attack. Finn covered his ears with his hands and teleported 50 meters away from Tio which lessen Draconic Roar effect.


'Damn, I almost lost my hearing ability. I took her too lightly. I also have dark affinity because of getting Ashborn's power but I never tired to use my dark nature.'

Finn also tried to do the same thing as Tio did, he successfully combined fire with dark and created black flame ball.

Seeing Finn copying her move, Tio felt little frustrated.


Tio also created a 5 meter big Black fireball. Both fireballs exploded when collided. Again black smoke blocked Tio's vision, but not for Finn. With his enhanced senses Finn can sense Tio's location.

Finn again appeared behind Tio while Tio as if knowing that Finn was going to appear behind her, made black dragon scales around her body.


'Damn, breaking those scales defense would be really hard.' Finn suddenly had an idea. He made a fire rasengan and .....

[~Finn Anderson

→Strength:- 500

→Speed:- 1,000

→Charm:- 90

→Stamina:- 1,000

→Chakra:- 25,740

→Bloodline:- Azure Dragon bloodline (Half dragon)

→Skills: Taijutsu (Mastery), Transformation, Kenjutsu (mastery), Substitution, Shadow Clone, Flying thunder god, Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer (Getsuga Tenshou), Eight inner gates(unlocked till The gate of limit) Monarch's Domain, Shadow Exchange, Shadow Extraction, Shadow Preservation

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan, Sage body (Divine), Azure dragon wings (Divine), Bloodlust, Ruler's Authority (New innate abilities) Immunity, Detoxification, Tenacity, Longevity

→Nature:- lightning, Fire, water, darkness

→SP points: - 355

→Attribute points: - 100

→Shadows Number: - 3 ]