Chapter 145 - Busy day

After two hours of intense exercise in the library, Finn and Grayfia finally stopped. At the end Grayfia didn't had the strength to continue as this was her first time. It was Finn who wasn't satisfied and kept doing it for 2 hours straight. Finn only stopped because Grayfia didn't had the stamina to continue anymore.

Grayfia was weakly lying on the table. She never expected her first time would be in the library, on a table. Just thinking about how hot she was feeling and how loudly she was screaming Grayfia covered her face with her hands feeling embarrassed.

Finn seeing this chuckled. Finn then cleaned everything with his own hands. After drinking blood from Grayfia Finn's injuries had completely healed and after doing it with her, Finn felt refreshed and energized.

After cleaning everything, Finn took Grayfia in his arms and directly teleported to the bathroom at his Mansion. Grayfia sensed she had teleported to a different place but she was too tired to ask Finn anything.

Finn then cleaned Grayfia and his body. Grayfia could see how gentle and careful Finn was when he cleaned her body.

After bathing, Finn took out a towel and cleaned her body. Finn and Grayfia then teleported back to the library. "Grayfia do you have any extra clothes with you? Or should I get you some clothes?" Finn had torn her clothes during their intense workout. Grayfia clothes were kind of getting in Finn's way so he tore her clothes without worrying about the consequences.

"I have few extra maid uniforms in my storage ring." Grayfia took her maid uniform. Without even waiting for her words, Finn began to help Grayfia put on her uniform. Grayfia naturally liked being pampered by the person who took her first time. In her all life, Grayfia only had served others and this was the first time someone had served her.

Grayfia suddenly pulled Finn and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. "I love you Finn." Finn smiled and replied her with another quick kiss.

"I love you too. Grayfia I think you deserve to know about my family and where I came from. You deserve to know everything about me. Just know this I hid this from you and others because I did not wanted my family to be in danger." Finn now had no reason to hide anything from Grayfia since she had become his woman.

"I am not ready to meet your family and women. I will meet them later. Now I can barely stand. I don't want to meet them at my current condition." Grayfia was already very happy that Finn was letting her meet his family and also share his secret with her. This meant that Finn was being serious with her and was willing to take responsibility.

"Grayfia I will be back in a minute." Finn teleported to the northern ice lands, back where he fought with Frost Monarch and his armies.

"Multiple shadows Clone Jutsu" 200 clones of Finn appeared in front of him. Finn then summoned his new 5,203 shadow army.

"Everyone I want you all to search for a certain item that looks like heart. The name of this herb is Ice Heart Shaped Herb. Search every corner of this ice land and find it." With Finn's command all the clones of his teleported back to the previous location where they were doing their search. All the shadows spread in all every direction.

"Now that I am using more than 5000+ shadow army and my clones to search for the Ice heart shaped herb, it won't be long before I get my result. In a way, I have to thank Frost Monarch. His arrival has alerted me of the future and also gave me his army." Finn then teleported back to the library.

"Where did you go just now?" Grayfia asked.

"I went to the northern Ice lands. I am currently using 5000+ shadows of mine to search for the Ice heart shaped herb. Don't worry it won't be long before we get some result. If we don't find the Heart shaped herb here then I will go to another place and look for it there."

"Finn, whom exactly did you fought earlier?" Grayfia asked in a worried tone.

"Grayfia if I wanted to explain you that then I will have to explain you about the history of universal war and also the history of Ashborn, the shadow Monarch."Finn then began to tell Grayfia about his meeting with Shadow Monarch in the Inheritor Summoner Relic and also the history of Monarchs, Bible faction, Devil and fallen Angle factions and the Otsutsuki clan history.

"Finn, we have to find a way to get your powers back otherwise I don't think you stand a chance against the Monarchs." Grayfia said in a worried tone. Finn showed a bitter look to Grayfia and said. "I wish I could find a way to contact Ashborn. I have a feeling that Ashborn might have some ways of removing the blood curse from my body."

"Grayfia, since we are approaching the near end of this great war, I have to get the remaining tail beast chakra."

"So you're going back to your world." Grayfia has learned from earlier conversation that Finn is from a different world which he calls elemental nation.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Finn created 15 clones of his and let one of his clone transform into Sirzechs.

"Unfortunately I have to find the 6th tail beast. Currently I can't waste any time. After fighting with Frost Monarch and the Monarch of water demons I can tell that the Monarchs are preparing for a invasion even before the teleportation seal connecting different breaks." Finn then teleported back to elemental continent.


It was already evening, the day was coming to an end. But Finn was still continuing his hunt. This whole day was the most busiest day of Finn's life.

In this day, Finn met Jiraiya, got Chakra of 5 tails beasts, met Kushina, saved Pakura, Kurenai and Hiruzen, fought with Frost Monarch, took Grayfia's first time and many more.


"If I remember correctly, then during the First Shinobi World War, Hashirama Senju captured eight of the tailed beasts and sold Saiken and Isobu to Kirigakure at the Five Kage Summit, as a sign of friendship and to ensure a balance of power amongst their new villages. The tailed beast would end up being sealed within Utakata decades later. Using the 3rd great wat, the Akatsuki already has the 3 tails and Utakata the 6 tails host should be still in the land of water."


Harusame tried and failed to remove Saiken from within his student, intending to save his Utakata from being a living weapon for their village. Utakata, however, having not heard what his master had said to him, later came under the assumption after the incident that his master had tried to kill him. This failed removal resulted in Utakata transforming into Saiken and killing Harusame.


"Utakata was a missing-nin from Kirigakure. If I am not mistaken then the hidden mist should be at its starting phase of their Civil War. But in the Anime Obito was one the caused the Civil War. But Madara hasn't targeted Obito and I don't know who became Obito's replacement." Finn was not even sure if Madara choose anyone as his puppet. Since he had caused a butterfly affect in the whole Naruto world.


"If I am not mistaken then Utakata should live in the borders of land of water. I should look for him there." Utakata lived a in a village while hiding his identity. Since Finn was going to meet Utakata almost 15 years away from the original Anime, Utakata's age should be around 9 since he died at the age of 26. And his lover was still waiting for him.


Finn again teleported to the border of Land of water. "I can't believe I would came to the same place twice a single day with different purpose." Even Finn felt that he was doing too many things in a single day. Finn also wanted to go back and spend his time with Kaguya and others. But the appearance of Frost Monarch has made Finn restless especially since he didn't had his strength.


Finn teleported to the place where he killed 200 most ninja to save Pakura and this is also the place where he took Pakura's first kiss.

Finn flew in the air and was about to leave since he had located a village nearby using Tenseigan. But then

"Lava style:- Melting Apparition Technique"


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