Chapter 146 - Mei Terumi

Lava style: - Melting Apparition Technique"

Finn suddenly sensed something was being fired at him. Finn immediately used substitution to dodge the attack. After landing on a tree, Finn quickly used his Tenseigan to search for the person who just attacked him.

"You…." Finn was never expecting to see this person here.

That person slowly walked towards Finn with a cautious and angry look. "Why are you attacking me?" Finn already had an idea why this person attacked him. This person was from mist village and Finn was sure that this person had come here to investigate the sudden and mysterious disappearance of mist ninjas which he killed in the morning to save Pakura.

That person walked and stood at 10 meters distance. "Finn, why are you in our Land of Water territory? Don't you know that it's illegal and a crime to enter our land of water territory without mist permission?" Finn hearing the woman words frowned slightly and coldly asked. "Don't try to talk bullshit. We both know that these rules are just an excuse to kill enemies."


"If I am not mistaken then you are Mei Terumi." Finn has to admit Mei was really beautiful.

Mei looked surprised hearing Finn's words. "Well, I certainly didn't expect the strongest Shinobi in the elemental continent to know my name. But Mr. Finn I am sure today you're here for something. Although my strength is not enough to defeat you but I am willing to fight and defend my homeland."

Mei is a tall, slender woman with fair skin. She has green eyes, and a ankle-length, auburn hair style into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band, and with four bangs at the front. Two bangs are short, with one covering her right eye, and two are long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin. She was wearing a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that falls just below the knees. It seems to be closed at the front with a zipper, and is kept open on the front-right from the waist down. The dress only covers up to the upper part of her arms and the underside of her breast. Under beneath, she was wearing a mesh armor that covers slightly more of her upper body than her dress.

Mei words meant that she was ready to fight Finn if Finn didn't tell her about his reason for entering the Land of Water. Finn smiled and looked at her green eyes. "Well, Miss Mei I came to Land of Water because I was searching for some rogue ninja that has escaped into your homeland. I was told my Lord 4th to bring the rogue ninja back." Finn was not stupid enough to tell Mei about his purpose and get his ass into another battle. Finn already had fought multiple battles today and Finn would rather not fight Mei because fighting her would only make things difficult for Finn.

Mei seemed to believe Finn's words as she was thinking something. 'I have to find whether the civil war in Mist village has started or not.' Finn felt curious and wanted to know whether things were going the way like the canon or not.

"Mr. Finn I have some idea about rogue ninjas who are hiding in the land of water. But before I answer your question, I would like you to answer few questions of mine."Finn knew what she was going to ask him so Finn nodded and gestured her to ask.

"I have found that suddenly out of nowhere 200 mist ninjas has disappeared. Finn I want to ask whether you're responsible for it. In the whole land of water, you're the most suspected and powerful power to accomplish such feat." Mei question was telling Finn that she had no idea about the deal between Sand and Mist. Mei didn't know about Pakura.

"I admit I have the power to easily kill 200 mist ninja. But it's not me. I just entered Land of water and was thinking of using the darkness of night to finish my task and leave this place before ray of sun light hit the land of water." There was no way Finn was going to admit that he has killed 200 ninjas. At least not now, because from Mei's words Finn can tell that the civil is yet to start.

"Mr. Finn, why should I trust your words? We know that you're a teleportation expert. Even 4th Hokage cannot compare to you when it comes to teleportation. You must have killed all the 200 Shinobi of mist and then left like nothing happened. I directly saw you teleporting at the place where I found the ashes of mist ninjas. Now Mr. Finn what explanation do you have for the mist?" Finn narrowed his eyes and slightly smiled. 'This woman is cunning and dangerous. From the beginning she knew the truth but she decided keep her mouth shut so just to bait me. She also didn't choose to attack me this shows she wants something from me.'

"What do you want Miss Mei?" Finn slowly walked towards Mei. Mei looked little worried but she didn't show it on her face.

"You're smart Mr. Finn. As a smart man, you should know what I want right." Of course Finn knew this Mei was asking for the seven ninja swords of the mist in return she will keep her mouth shut.

'This woman is smart and cunning. I like her.' Finn stopped in front of Mei and he smelled a rose fragrance coming from her body.

"Miss, don't you think you're going too far? Even if you knew that I have killed 200 Shinobi of mist what will happen to me…nothing. Beside you don't even know the complete truth as your Mizukage has hidden the truth about the deal between Sand and Mist. So Miss…" Finn put his right hand on Mei's chin and lifted her face to directly look into his eyes.

Finn slowly bought his mouth near her right ear. Finn was enjoying every moment. The rose body fragrance coming from her made Finn really tempted. "Here is a deal that you would really like. I will help you one time when you're in desperate need of help. I will kill your enemies and save you. In return you keep your mouth shut and let this be a secret between us." Finn's breath was directly hitting her neck and increasing her body temperature. This whole scene was so surprising for Mei that she didn't even react when Finn touched her.

Finn then took out a teleportation kunai and put it on Mei's hand. Finn noticed that Mei's face was red. Finn gave her a smile and then vanished. Finn decided to take detour to reach his destination.

Mei on the other hand stood there for few minutes as she was experiencing numerous feelings at the same time. Meeting Finn and what Finn did to her left a small seed in her heart.

"That bastard! How dare he touch me? Next time I see him, I am going to beat the hell out of him." Mei snorted and left. Right now she had questions regarding the deal between Mist and Sand which she wanted to know more about.


Current chapters are fillers or set up before the grand event. Another war starts. I promise this war is going to restore Finn's powers and also give everyone lots of surprises.


Written by Azure_warrior

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