Chapter 155 - Ice Heart Shaped fruit

Grayfia, after having breakfast she came to the library where she saw all the clones of Finn sitting there with a disappointment look.

"What happened?" Grayfia asked with a confused look.

"We found nothing. There is no cure for the blood curse." Grayfia couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Ca....Can.. yo.. ur.. repeat your words again?" Grayfia said while trembling.


Finn sighed as he rubbed his forehand. "It's the truth Grayfia. We have been reading for the entire night. The end result is something even we didn't expect."

Grayfia was sure that they would find something. But not finding the cure wasn't something Grayfia had expected. Grayfia felt like she has been struck with lightning. Grayfia nearly lost her strength to stand.

With trembling hands, Grayfia pulled the chair and managed sit down.

"What are we going to do now?" Grayfia asked hoping that Finn's words to calm her wild and worried heart.

"Don't worry, Grayfia. I am the successor of Ashborn. I only have received half of his powers. I still can go and even surpass my previous level after getting other half of Shadow Monarch's powers."

The worried look on Grayfia's face eased a lot. She felt calmer than before. She was not worried as she was few seconds ago.

"Also My real self is training again. I am sure I will came back to my previous power state in no time." Finn lied about since he didn't want to make Grayfia worried. In a way, Finn's words are not lie since with the help of system Finn can keep getting stronger.

"So what are we going to do next? I mean The meeting between three factions will take place 6 days from today. If you attend the meeting disguising as Sirzechs, then I am sure there will be very high chances the other faction leaders will find the truth. This might cause chaos in the entire Gremory clan. Don't forget that by now Demon Faction must have spread the words about Sirzechs to other factions. Now everyone will try to find if the news is true or not."

Grayfia wouldn't be so worried if Finn was at his peak but currently Finn's powers has been reduced by 3 times. Current Finn didn't had the power to taken on a faction leader. Even Grayfia wasn't that powerful to fight a faction leader.

Many high officials might even declare themselves as independent if the news about Sirzechs reaches their ears.

"Don't worry. Grayfia if worst cames then I will bring un army of undead. After my fight with the clone of Frost Monarch, my shadows number has increased to 5,000. Imagine fighting a undying army of 5,000. Also the more enemies I kill the more stronger my shadows become and my army number increases." Cold light flashed in Finn's eyes. Fjnn can't wait to get his hands on the man who had placed the Blood curse on his heart.

Grayfia then chatted with Finn about various things that he as Sirzechs has to do to keep the Gremory clan and its territories in order. Grayfia was going to do the paper work and accompany Finn to meeting with the officals governing different cities in Gremory clan territory.

Unknowing 2 hours passed, Grayfia was discussion various things that Finn needs to learn and do in Sirzechs place.


Finn's cheerful voice caused Grayfia to back. Finn came directly teleported to the library after having his promised match with Rias. "You're late. Where have you been?" Grayfia asked.

"Nothing I just wkme up little late, made breakfast then fulfilled my promise to Rias. Then I directly came here. Did you find something on my blood curse?" Finn with lots of hope in his voice.


Grayfia sighed as he rubbed her forehand. "Ask your clones." Finn looked at his clones who was been studying for the whole night sitting in the library.

Finn made a jutsu sign with his hand and released all the shadows clones.

All the clones began to popped like a balloon in white smoke. Finn felt a slight headache which he was able to ignore and focus on the memories of the shadow clones.

The expression on Finn's face kept changing as he read the experiences and knowledge of each clone.

Finally after one minute, Finn opened his eyes and looked at Grayfia.

"I am sure there must be some way I can remove the blood curse. If I didn't find it here maybe then I can find it somewhere else. I will not stop searching." Grayfia also nodded in agreement.

"By the wa... Finn suddenly stopped talking as he saw something through his shadows. Finn couldn't contain his smile.

"Finn? What happened?" Grayfia asked in worry.

"Yes, Yes." Finn clenched his fist and shouted loudly. Finn then grabbed Grayfia's hands and looked at her eyes.

"Grayfia, my shadow has managed to find the Ice Heart Shaped herb. Wait for a minute." Finn teleported the dumbfounded Grayfia.

"Found the Ice Heart Shaped Herb? Ice heart shaped Herb..... Really...!" Grayfia couldn't believe in what she was hearing. The ice Heart shaped herb was considered extinct from the Atlanta continent.

Many big and small factions has been searching for Ice heart shaped herb for hundreds of years but they found nothing. But Finn managed to find the herb which is so rare that the herb value can be used to buy the entire Sunburst city

Scene change Northern Iceland.....

Yesterday, after the fight with Frost Monarch, 5,203 shadows along with some clones of Finn has been searching for the Ice Heart shaped Herb.

The shadows has spread to every possible area throughout the Iceland. Fortunately after searching for almost 20 hours, one of Shadow managed to find the Ice heart shaped herb.

The place where the shadow found the Herb was in deep underground area. It was a small mountain which had been completely covered by ice and the mountain stayed hidden from the eyes of any passengers.

From a distance the mountain looked like a small mountain made up of snow. The shadow managed to get inside through a crack.

The whole underground cave was dark only a certain thing was glowing brightly in the dark and giving light to the entire underground cave.

The glowing thing was a bunch of small herbs. The herbs looked like any normal grass but instead of having green color, it had white color. The most eye catching part of about this herb was that at the top, between two leaves there was a heart shaped glowing object.

This was the Ice heart shaped herb. The entire body of the plant was glowing in deep silver color.

Finn teleported next to his shadows by using the Chakra link that he and his shadow shares. "Wow!"

Finn was really amazed to see such beautiful sight. There was at least more than 100 Ice Heart shaped herb here.

"If I can get all the Herbs and bring them back to the continent, then the whole continent won't hesitate to start another war just to obtain this herb." But Finn decided to take only one herb and leave the rest. After all the plant was already considered extinct. Finn doesn't wants to kill the last of its kind.

Finn ignored the shadows who was kneeling behind Finn. Finn slowly stepped forward while using his Tenseigan to confirm that nothing unexpected happens.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

After taking 13 steps, Finn stopped in front of the first Ice Heart Shaped herb.

[Master luck is extremely great. Finding this many Ice Heart shaped herb is nearly impossible. Master should take one Ice shaped heart herb for Grayfia. This heart shaped fruit has pure ice mana stored in it. This fruit will greatly strengthen Grayfia's ice powers.]

"Mia, Can I or any of my girlfriends can also consume this fruit?"

[Master doesn't have ice affinity so the fruit won't work on master. Instead the fruit will make Master sick or worse it might even freeze your organs from inside. The fruit will work for person who has Ife affinity and can use ice magic.]

"Okay. I won't need the fruit anyway. I just would need the two leaves to make the antidote for Sirzechs." Finn carefully plucked the fruit and two leaves from the herb.

After doing the work, Finn left a teleportation kunai near the plant so that if in future Finn faces a situation where he needs the herb he can directly teleport here.

Finn then recalled all of his shadows and dispersed his clones. Finally his shadows won't have to search for anything in the ice land anymore.

Finn then teleported back to the Library to meet Grayfia.

"Finn, did you get it?" Finn could see how excited Grayfia was just from hearing her voice.

Finn took out the Ice heart shaped fruit and leaves and showed them to Grayfia. "I did it. Now we only need 2 more things to make the cure." Grayfia excited stared Finn's hand. Grayfia for some reason felt drawn and attracted towards the fruit in Finn's hand.

Finn seeing this smiled and handed the fruit to Grayfia. "Sit down and eat it. This is the Ice Heart Shaped Fruit. Eating it will enhance your ice abilities and also increase your powers."

Grayfia hesitated for a moment and then asked.

"If any of my sisters has Ice affinity then just give this fruit to her. I am already strong enough." Grayfia felt she didn't had any right to become greedy for the fruit which Finn bought. Grayfia knew how hard Finn had worked to find this treasure.

"Silly girl. You're the only one who has Ice affinity. So just close your eyes and eat it. I admit you're stronger but not strong enough to take Sirzechs place. Right now we need strength to face our enemies."

Grayfia remembered about Demon and undead factions, the expression on her face became serious. It was a matter of time before those two factions attacked the Gremory clan or the Gremory clan attacked them.



Written by Azure_warrior

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