Chapter 156 - Takigakure - Village of Waterfall

The temperature in the library suddenly started to drop. Finn noticed that a cold energy was being released from Grayfia's body and this colf energy was the reason for sudden temperature change in the library. Finn felt the cold energy was affecting him and making him feel very cold.

Standing at a distance of 10 meters away from Grayfia, Finn could sense the mana inside of Grayfia was violently fluctuating. Her mana was like raging waves of the ocean. Grayfia was unable to properly control her ice elemental powers which was caused because of sudden increase in her mana.

'Mia How long do you think it would take for Grayfia to stabilize herself?' Finn asked since he had other works to do.

[Master, Grayfia should wake up before evening.] Finn nodded.

Finn then created 2 shadow clones. One shadow transformed into Sirzechs. Finn told his shadows to guard Grayfia and make sure no one disturbs her. After that Finn teleported to elemental continent.

Village Hidden by a Waterfall is a village located in an unnamed country. In terms of the village's appearance, Takigakure seems to be based on mostly Southeast Asian aesthetics.

Around the time of the village's formation, the village tasked Kakuzu with assassinating Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage. Facing the might of the Wood Release, Kakuzu returned in failure. Despite the insurmountable danger faced on this mission, what awaited his return to his village was the stigma and harsh punishment associated with the failure of his objective. In response to this treatment, a wrong levied against a shinobi who had put life and limb on the line for his village, Kakuzu came to hold a violent hatred for Takigakure as he escaped from imprisonment. In his flight from the village, Kakuzu killed the village elders, took their hearts, and fled with knowledge of the village's most prized forbidden techniques.

At some point, the village came into possession of Chōmei, making it the only known village outside of the five great villages to hold a tailed beast. In the anime, this feat is attributed to the village's reputation of frequently producing skilled jōnin. This tailed beast was sealed into Fū.

The village was shown to be built around a large tree. It also, predictably, has a waterfall as a defining landmark. Despite being surrounded by four other countries, Takigakure has never been successfully invaded, a feat they are very proud of.

"Fu character is similar to Naruto's character, both of them are warm and cheerful. They are always full of positive energy. It's a shame the fact that the people of her own village hated her. Even when Fu was killed by the Akatsuki, the villagers of her village was glad that she died. In the Naruto series, to me Fu is one of the most underrated character. She deserved more screen time."

As Chōmei's jinchūriki, Fū is granted a significant amount of chakra and stamina from the beast. Fū's chakra signature is similar to a bug-style ninjutsu. The full extent of her control is unknown, but she could use a partial transformation to form her beast's tails as wings to fly on her lower back. She has demonstrated to be very nimble whilst in flight which made her attacks very deadly.

The hidden Waterfall village was surrounded by 4 great villages. Currently Finn was flying towards the direction of hidden watetfall village.

The main attraction of the Hidden Waterfall village was The Hero Water. The hero of water is a specialised liquid from Takigakure. It is produced once every one hundred years from the giant tree that hides the village.

By drinking the water, it allows a ninja to have at least a ten-fold increase in chakra for a short period of time. The chakra increase was so potent that, as Suien demonstrated, the user can create a chakra shield to deflect kunai, similar to the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven

In exchange for this power, the water shortens the user's life span proportional by the number of times his chakra increased, as Shibuki who is the current leader of Hidden Waterfall, his father died from the side-effects.

Shibuki was born as the son of Hisen, the previous leader of the village. At some point, when Shibuki was very young, Takigakure became under attack from foreign powers and, during the fight, Shibuki's father died, after drinking the Hero Water in order to protect the village. At some later point, Shibuki was trained by Suien, before the former's defection. As the leader of the village, Shibuki took great care in keeping Fū protected. He also taught the kunoichi the importance of friendship and loyalty.

After flying for an hour, Finn from the distance saw a huge tree standing out. The tree was very big and if one were to look at the top of the tree they would think that the tree top was actually touching the clouds.

The huge tree was surrounded by mass of water. It was the biggest lake in the elemental continent.

The sun light was reflecting on the water and it looked almost as if the water itself was shining like diamond.

The giant tree is located at the center of the lake. No one knows for long this tree has been standing there. Since the tree was there since the formation of the hidden waterfall village.

"If possible I also would like to grow this type of tree in my Rising Dragon Island." As Finn approached the gaint tree, he was stunned by the beauty of this tree.

"Mother is really beautiful."

[Master of you spend 10 SP points then I can directly buy you a world tree which would be even bigger, thicker and stronger than this world tree.]

"So this tree is called a World Tree." Finn looked at the world tree once again and felt that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to plant a world tree at his Island. "Mia do it."

[Ding! 10 SP has been deducted and World tree Yggdrasill seed has been bought and placed in the inventory.]

[Master will just need to place the seed of Yggdrasill tree to the place where Master wants the tree to grow. Also it will take exactly 5 minutes for Yggdrasill tree to mature to its full size from its seed.]

"Good. Now let's get the chakra of 7 tails." Finn shot forward at full speed.

Secne change....

"Look Look it's that bitch again."

"Do you not have any shame. Just fucking leave this village. The whole village is afraid of you."

Fu, who the host of 7 tails beast, was walking by the lake side when two villagers started to curse at her from out of nowhere.

Fū was a petite, tan-skinned kunoichi who wore an orange clip in her short, layered mint green hair that matched her eye colour, which was also orange. Her ninja outfit consisted of a short sleeveless white midriff shirt with fishnet armour underneath, long white armlets, and fishnet shorts with a short white apron skirt over it. Her forehead protector was worn on her right arm. Fū also carried a cylindrical object in red wrapping on her back

"I did nothing wrong. I never hurt anyone from the village. So why is everyone in the village is afraid of me? I just wanted to make some friends and live my life." Fu replied back as tears gathered in her eyes.

This was everyday thing for Fu. Whenever she went out, the villagers would insult her, tell her to die or leave the village. Even the children of the villagers were told to not even look at Fu.

Fu had no one in the world except for the kind Shibuki who has taken care of Fu and thought her everything she needed to learn.

"Shut up bitch and die already."

Two man suddenly started throwing pebbles and stones at Fu. Fu just disappeared from the view of the two villagers by using one of the ability of 7 tail beast which let her fly using te seven tails wings.

Fu was tired of the contempt, ridicule, insults and threats of the villagers that she suffered from her childhood. Fu can't even remember a day when the villagers stopped hating her despite her best efforts.

"I want to leave this hell and go somewhere else where people would accept me." The only reason Fu was staying in this damn village was because of Shibuki

With a tired, depressed and sad look, Fu decided to fly at the top of the world tree. As Fu flew higher and higher, the village also continued to become smaller.

But then Fu sensed something and looked at her left side. Fu was stunned to see a blue flash flying towards her at very fast speed.


Written by Azure_warrior

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