Chapter 165 - Madara makes his appearance

Finn directly teleported to the village with Grayfia. Since it was an emergency Finn didn't wanted to waste even a single second. Last night lots of shinobi diead because of Pain. Finn doesn't wants the same thing to happen again.

Finn directly teleported to the Hokage office with Grayfia.

While Grayfia felt she and Finn had came to an different place. After Grayfias' powers increased she was able to sense anything from 1.5 km.

Many gazes fall the Finn but then their gazed were drawn towards Grayfia. Her angelic beauty became the center of attraction. Minato, Sakumo, Shizune, Hiruzen, Kushina, Kurenai, Fugaku Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga and all other clan heads looked at Grayfia.

Minato, Sakumo, Shizune, Hiruzen and all the other clan heads were curious about the identity of the silver haired woman. While Kurenai and Kushina had different reactions. Kurenai was happy to see Finn and wanted to know more about Grayfia. Kushina felt that her competition had just increased.

Shizune knew Finn must have bought Grayfia from Atlanta Continent. Shizune would never tell anyone about that since she had promised her master Tsunade and her sister Rin.


Finn took a few long breaths to calm his anger. "If you all are curious about her identity then let me introduce you to Grayfia Lucifuge. She is one of my girlfriends."

Hiashi frowned after hearing Finn's words. "Finn do you think this is a touring place. You can't bring your personal matters here. This place is meant for business." The coldness in Finn eyes increased as killing intent began to leak out of Finn.

"So you're implying that weak people are not allowed to came here. Don't judge because she is wearing maid outfit. Grayfia has enough strength to destroy this whole village with just a single attack of her."

Hearing Finn's words everyone couldn't help but look at Grayfia in shock. Everyone wanted to ask if Grayfia was so powerful as Finn says then why is she wearing maid outfit.


"Let not talk about something which is unnecessary in this emergency situations. Finn has bought Grayfia here meaning that Grayfia can be trusted." Minato like a true leader calmed situation.

"Finn I don't know if you know this but the Akatsuki have declared war against the whole continent. The news just arrived 10 minutes ago. The Akatsuki stated that they would attack the village." Finn didn't understand why would the Akatsuki declare war when he had killed almost 90 percent of their members. Other than Madara, black Zetsu, they only had few more puppets left.

"I don't think we have anything to worry about. Other than few members, I have killed most of their S rank members." Finn said with his tone full of confidence.

Minato shook his head and then continued. "Because of the Akatsuki, the five villages have called for a meeting. So I wanted..... Boom! Minato couldn't finish his words when everyone heard a loud explosion sound.

The looks on everyone's faces changed. Finn hurriedly activated his Tenseigan while Grayfia focused on her senses.

"The village has been attacked from Northside." Grayfia informed.

"Not good. Minato more than 1,000 shinobi including a certain man with long spiky hair and having red eyes." Even Finn couldn't believe at what he was seeing.


The expression on Hiruzen and Fugaku changed when they heard a description. This description remained them of a certain individual.

"He is wearing red armor and black gloves. He also has a Uchiha clan symbol on the back of his armor." Everyone including Finn understood who this man was. The faces of all the clan heads turned pale. Just hearing the description of that man was enough to make S rank shinobi tremble in fear.

"There are cracks all over his body. And his eyes looks like...Finn didn't needed to complete his words as Hiruzen said the rest.

"Reanimation Jutsu. A forbidden jutsu made my lord 2nd and later was sealed away. How the fuck did Madara Uchiha reincarnated himself?" Hiruzen knew how terrifying Madara was. In the entire world, Madara was the only individual who could stand on equal footing against the God of Shinobi.

Everyone saw the beautiful Tenseigan eyes of Finn but no one had the time to question Finn. Right now Madara was the biggest disaster for leaf.

"Lord 3rd the 1,000 shinobi following Madara is also reanimated." Finn dropped another bomb.

"Finn, Minato, Kurenai, Kushina, Sakumo, Fugaku please go and buy enough time our forces to assemble and attack." Everyone nodded their head.

"Lord 3rd wait." Finn eyes widened when he saw the former dead members of the Akatsuki whom he personally killed to save Kushina.

"I think Madara is a part of the Akatsuki. I am not sure but I am seeing the dead Akatsuki members whom I killed with my own hands. I think their objective is to forcefully take the nine tails away from Konoha." Another bomb was dropped by Finn. Ay this moment everyone was numb. The moment of shock they received in just few minutes was too much.

Finn told everyone in a way that showed Finn didn't know much about Akatsuki.

Finn knew the whole Naruto series and he was sure that Madara was here to personally capture the nine tails. Madara had no interest in the village.

Everyone's gaze then landed on Kushina. Before anyone could suggest anything Finn spkle first.

"Lord 3rd I know a place veru far away from here. It's an island not that many people knows about. I suggest taking Kushina there. I personally have stayed in the island for a while and have a house there. She can stay there until things calm downs" Hiruzen fully trusted Finn so he didn't ask anything more about the island.

"I agree with you."

"Lord 3rd you can't do this. This village is my home and if I want to defend it with everyone." Kushina hated the thought of retreating or hiding when her village was in danger.

"Kushina this is not time to axt stubborn. Do as Finn says. Finn I will leave her to you. Others go to the front line and try to buy at least few minutes." In this situation, Hiruzen ordered everyone as he was the one with most experience and knowledge.

Kushina wanted to protest but Finn appeared behind her. Afte4 grabbed her arm and then disappeared.

Kurenai, Sakumo, Minato, Fugaku all disappeared to fight the enemy.

While Madara from a distance sensed somethings. "The Nine tails host has disappeared. This makes things little difficult for me. Black Zetsu, use every White Zetsu spread in the continent to locate Kushina." The black Zetsu appeared from the ground and asked.

"Lord Madara, should I tell Orochimaru to cancel our advance to Hidden Leaf?"

Madara shook his head with a smile and said. "No. Keep charging. I also want to see how much the village has prospered. I haven't been to the village after I fought with Hashirama." Madara also felt little nostalgic as he was one of the founding members of the village. He wanted to sew how much Hashirama's dream, the village has grown.

"What should we do about the other four villages?" Black Zetsu asked.

"I have a plan to capture everything together. Just wait and see." Black Zetsu understood what Madara wanted. Black Zetsu nodded and quietly returned to the ground.

Scene change.....

Finn teleported with struggling Kushina to his Mansion. Kushina calmed down when she saw few familiar figures.

Tsunade, Kaguya, Rin, Konan, Pakura, Fu everyone was playing gane in the living room.

"Another one. Finn are you really collecting woman like Pokémon or what?" Tsunade felt irritated.

Finn let go of Kushina and said. "No, something just happened which made me bring Kushina here since she would be safe here. I will tell about everything after I return." Finn then teleported bak to the village.

The battle between the reanimation shinobi and the lesf ninja already had began when Finn teleported there.



written by Azure_warrior

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