Chapter 166 - Certain Genius of Uchiha clan

Fire style :- Great fire ball Jutsu!

A red ball of flame which was 5 meters big was fired by a 9 years old child with black hair.

Wind style :- Great breakthrough!

The wave of wind dispelled the fire ball. The man was wearing hidden leaf chunin uniform. Cracks were all over the man's body and his eyes were black instead of white.

"Kid you will have to do more if you want to defeat me." Currently the man couldn't control his body movements. He was blindly attacking anyone that came in from of him. The 9 years old boy smiled looking at the man as his red eyes stared at the man's eyes.

"So you are an Uchiha clan member." The next moment a sword pierced the man's heart.

The man turned back around and found that the 9 years boy had teleported behind him and put his sword in his heart.

"You're good kid." The next second the man's movement was restricted with a red sealing paper.

"Finally done with another one." The wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Shisui was about to go back to help others but then a shadow arrived behind him. Before the Uchiha clan genius could react, the black punch was about to hit Shisui's back.

Shisui widened his eyes in fear but in the last moment a slash severed the hand of the reanimated ninja.


Shisui turned look at the figure that just saved his life.

"Are you Shisui Uchiha?" Asked the white haired figure. Shisui was confused. He didn't know who this handsome young man was. Shisui would be have thought this man was a enemy if he hadn't saved his life.

"I am Uchiha Shisui. Can I know your name Sir?" Finn smiled as he had never expected to meet the legendary Shisui of the teleporter like this.

Finn then suddenly disappeared from Shisui's view as Shisui heard his name. "I am Finn Anderson."

Shisui's eyes shined like glowing stars. He didn't expect to meet the legendary Devil Asura of Konoha. Not just Shisui, currently every young academy student deeply admired Finn. His ability to stop the third war had made him the idol that every young ninja wished to become.

Shisui noticed that the reanimated ninja was already regenerating its severed arm. Shisui quickly took out another sealing paper and sealed the leaf reanimated ninja.

Shisui then hurriedly left to join the other ninjas. He was hoping to see Finn fight with his own eyes.

Finn had exposed Danzo's dirty works which had helped the Uchiha clan. Finn had exposed all the dirty work that Danzo did to separate the Uchiha from the rest of the village.

It was only because of Finn Uchiha clan managed to reestablish their close relationship with the village. Lord 3rd had even promised the Uchiha clan that as long as a capable Kaga rank shinobi is born in Uchiha clan, the future seat of the Hokage will be given to the Uchiha.

It was not just Shisui, even other genius born after Shisui also deeply admired Finn. Finn had proved them that as long as one have strength to back his words, he could do anything.

In the front line, Kurenai, Minato, Sakumo, Fugaku all 4 were fighting with everything they got. Fighting a group of reanimated army was no joke especially when every reanimated ninja can regenerate themselves endlessly. Behind the 4 Kaga rank stars, more and more ninja of the leaf was joining the battle and making things little bit easier for Minato and others.

At the front, Minato, Sakumo, Fugaku and Kurenai was holding the strong opponents while leaving the weak ones for the low level leaf shinobi.

At the left side, one of the Inuzuka clan member was fighting a reanimated shinobi from hidden Sand village with the assistance of his Dog ninja.

The Inuzuka clan member and his dog ninja charged at the sand reanimated shinobi who seems to be preparing for an elemental attack.

"Wind style:- Vacuum Sword

The sand ninja swings his sword and a gust of wind is released in the arc that it was swung in.

Earth style:- Mud Wall!

The Inuzuka clan member created a earth to protect himself and his dog from the Vacuum sword attack.


The vacuum sword hit the Mud wall. The Inuzuka clan member was about to use his another technique but then he heard a lightning cracking sound. Before he could understand what was happening, he heard a voice.

Fire style:- Majestic Destroyer Flame!

A red hot wave of flame waa fired at the sand reanimated shinobi. The sudden attack directly took out the sand reanimated shinobi along with few other reanimated ninjas who were coming this way.

"Hurry up and seal the reanimated shinobi." The Inuzuka clan then heard the lightning cracking sound slowly disappeared into the distance. He had no idea what just happened.

Like this, Finn was moving around the direction corners of the battlefield and helping the leaf ninjas seal the reanimated shinobi. From an distance, flying in the air Madara slowly observed the legendary Finn Anderson who was said to be the strongest shinobi in this age.

"So he is Finn Anderson. Nothing special. With my current power I can defeat him in few seconds." Madara sounded bored.

"Orochimaru if possible try to kill this boy as soon as possible. Also we are retreating for now. Since the nine tails host was sent off the village we will need another plan." Black Zetsu again appeared behind Madara and had a grinning look on his face.

"Lord Madara, why don't we just declare 4th great Shinobi war. We can then capture all the remaining tail beasts in a single strike."

Madara smiled and replied. "We will do that but only after I personally capture the 4, 5, 6 and 7 tails. I will leave the last two tails beasts for later." Madara then disappeared from his position.

As soon as Madara disappeared, Finn relaxed. Finn doesn't know why Madara left but he can kind of guess that Madara must have had lost his purpose when he teleported Kushina out of the village.

After Madara left, Finn went to assist Kurenai. She looked like she was having trouble dealing with S rank reanimated shinobi.

Scene change....


Kurenai clicked her tongue in annoyance since one of her strongest attack, her clan's genjutsu didn't worked on Edo tensei [Reanimated]. The Edo tensei are invulnerable to genjutsu.

Shadow clone jutsu!

The clone Kurenai threw the real Kurenai up in the air which created a little space and allowed Kurenai to take out her twin bladed scimitar sword.

The twin swords of her were made from high quality chakra conducting metal.

Kurenai unfortunately wasn't blessed with any nature affinity. She could only use basic earth techniques but that wasn't enough to make her stronger. Kurenai needed something that would increase her power. Kurenai had no choice but to change her fighting style and adapt to the use of twin bladed scimitar sword.

Kurenai landed on the ground as she poured chakra into her two twin scimitar swords. Kurenai then channeled chakra in a way that reduced her weight.

Kurenai moved towards the reanimated ninja who was charging at her from right side. Kurenai looked like as if she had teleported when she suddenly arrived in front of the reanimated ninja. Decreasing Kurenai's weight had increased her speed. And Kurenai was also using Chakra to enhance her body stats.

Kurenai slashed her right sword and easily cut the body of reanimated ninja in half while she swinged her other sword towards the two reanimated ninjas who were at the top of a tree.

As Kurenai swinged her left sword as ray of chakra in the form of 2 meters big horizontal arc shot towards the reanimated ninjas.


Kurenai didn't needed to turn back to know whether her attack had managed to hit the enemy.

As Kurenai prepared to focus on the remaining 4 reanimated ninjas, she forgot that reanimated ninjas won't die even if she had landed a killing attack on her enemy.

Finn arrived and saw Kurenai taking on several enemies at once. He can't help but look at Kurenai in admiration as she had managed to become this strong without any external help.

With twin swords in her both hand, Kurenai was like a unstoppable female goddess of war. Her movements was like she was dancing with swords.

With a beautiful footwork she rotated her body as she swinged both of her swords with her body in 360.

After taking down her enemies, Kurenai turned towards Finn's direction and looked at him with a smile on her face. At this moment she finally felt all of her hard work was worth it.

She was finally able to make Finn acknowledge her. Today was the happiest day for Kurenai.

Kurenai forgot everything and took a step towards Finn. But the smile on Finn's face disappeared as his expression was replaced by a look of horror and disbelief.

One of the reanimated ninjas lying on the ground put her hands together and the next second a large spike came out of the earth and pierced Kurenai's stomach.

Finn at that moment forgot about everything. At that moment he felt his world collapsing. For the first time in his entire life, Finn felt he was losing his mind and going berserk.


Finn's loud shout was more like a loud roar of a dragon that spread over the entire area and everyone was able to hear it.



written by Azure_warrior

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