Chapter 180 - Otsutsuki Kaguya

At the other side of the battlefield, after the war ended Mei used this chance to talk with Finn's girlfriends.

From their conversation, Mei learned many things about Finn.

Currently everyone was waiting for Finn to return. "Hey does anyone have any idea how Finn returned back to life?" Mei felt Finn's girlfriends would know the answer.

Grayfia and the other girls looked at each other and then shook their head.

"I am back."

Everyone turned around and saw Finn who looked completely fine.


All the girls rushed to hug Finn. In few moments Finn was surrounded his girlfriends.

Tsunade, Nagahide, Rin, Fu, Kushina, Kurenai all broke down in tears. Finn took his time to calm them.

He gave a hug to everyone except for Fu and Kushina. As his relationship with both girls were not clear. Finn didn't had any feelings for Fu while Kushina had some feelings for Finn but she never showed it in front of others.

After 30 more than minutes, all the girls calmed down.

Mei watched the entire thing with a bitter heart. Mei could see how caring, kind, respectful, tender Finn was with his girlfriends. He treated his girlfriends like priceless treasures.

Just seeing this kind of scene any woman would feel jealous. Even though Finn was the strongest shinobi in the entire continent, he never showed arrogance. Finn was vety humble and respected everyone equally.

Finn chatting with his girlfriends, Finn walked up to Mei.

"Sorry Mei for neglecting you. Do you have anything that you wish to tell me?" Mei nodded her head.

"First of all there is no need of apologizing. It's kind of my fault for disturbing your time with your girlfriends." Mei saying that looked at the girls and observed if the girls had any jealous or hatred for each other.

Mei was surprised to find that all the girls looked very happy and caring for each other. All of them looked like sisters and as they laughed at each other.

"I was thinking if you have time to come and help my village with the civil war." Finn had no reason to decline. After all he had promised her that he would help her.

"No problem. But Let's do it after few days. I have some urgent things that I need to dral with."

Mei nodded her head. Even though she was curious to know what important work did Finn had.

"Okay, I will call in few days. Once again thank you for everything. If it was not for you, your shadow warriors and your girlfriends, then my village would have lost great number of shinobi." After saying to Mei. Finn and all the girls returned to their home, the raising Dragon Island.


As soon as Finn teleported at the living room he was greated with a warm hug from Kaguya. For some reason Kaguya looked very concerned about him even though she didn't know that Finn had died once.

Finn wrapped his hand around her slender waist then asked.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I had this very bad feeling. I felt something very bad has happened to you."

Before Finn could reply, Tsunade replied. "You're correct Kaguya. Something bad did happen to Finn. In fact the Finn you're hugging was once dead. There was a big hole in his chest and his heart went missing from Madara's attack."

"What?" Kaguya stopped hugging Finn and and then began to check on him.

"Are you okay now?" Kaguya anxiously asked.

Finn nodded his head with a smile and replied. "I am okay now. Ashborn had helped me."

"Ashborn?" Echidna and some other girls looked confused.

"Sit down. I will explain everything." After that Finn explained how his power worked and how he had become the Shadow Monarch. Of course Finn didn't tell them about the system as the existence of the system is Finn's biggest secret.

"Enough talking. Everyone come outside. I have a surprise for Kaguya." Everyone followed Finn with a confused and curious look. Only Kaguya had some idea what surpris did Finn had for her.

Finn took out nine scrolls from his inventory. "It took me a while but I eventually managed to get all the nine tail beast Chakra. I also have killed Black Zetsu and Orochimaru." Finn ignored all the surprised gaezs of the girls.

"Kaguya come here. Stand in front of me." Kaguya did as Finn told her to do. She stood in front of Finn.

Finn activated his Tenseigan and then he began to gather and combine the Chakra of all nine tail beasts.

Nine different colors of Chakra combined into one white ball of Chakra. Kurama also watched the entire process with interest.

Finn then made the white Chakra sphere float towards Kaguya.

The white ball of Chakra condensed in Kaguya's body in the form of mist. Everyone watched in shock as Kaguya's entire body began to float in the air as her body glowed in white light.

Two horns appeared on the top of head, as a third eye appeared at the center of her forehead.

Kaguya felt the chains that were restricting her powers was finally being released. Kaguya finally felt her soul was being freed as she began to regain her former Otsutsuki powers.

After 3 minutes, the while glow around Kaguya dimmed and then disappeared. Kaguya gently landed on the ground without making any noise.

The two horns and the third eye on her forehead also disappeared.

[~New Mission have been Issued. Help Kaguya get her powers back.

→ Get chakra from 9 tailed beasts

→ Status:- Completed

→Reward: - A diamond Box]

[Does Host wishes to open the Diamond Box?] Finn decided to wait and enjoy the moment with everyone.

"Did it worked?" Tsunade asked in confusion. Kaguya looked at her with a smirk. The next moment everyone was teleported to a complete different place.

Everyone except for Finn panicked. Everyone found themselves shivering because of the sudden cold wind.

Everyone looked around and saw that they have been transported to a different place.

Where ever their eyes went, the only thing they saw was ice and snow.

"Kaguya, what place is this?" Echidna curiously asked. Echidna could feel it. Kaguya's powers have increased tremendously. Before Kaguya in terms of power ranked last among Finn's girlfriends. But now she would undoubtedly stand at the top.

Echidna felt even she would have to go all out if she wanted to defeat Kaguya.

But if Grayfia and Echidna were to join hands then they might able to defeat her.

'I should stop thinking too much. After all I never going fight against my sisters.' Echidna wasn't jealous of Kaguya or anything. Rather Echidna felt very happy that Kaguya had become stronger. It meant that now the girls could go on adventures even without Finn.

"This is my Ice Palace. My ability allows me to use six dimensions. This ice world is one of my six dimensions. Amenominaka is a space–time ninjutsu that I have because of my Rinne Sharingan. But the only disadvantage of using Amenominaka is it takes nearly half of my Chakra reserve. So currently I can only use it twice.c

Kaguya has the ability to travel between any of her six dimensions as she sees fit.

Unlike most space–time ninjutsu, where users move themselves to a destination, Kaguya moves the destination to herself. To relocate such large dimensions requires an immense amount of chakra.

"Let's go to my Ice Palace." Everyone was like seeing a new different version of Kaguya. Finn and everyone followed Kaguya to her Ice Palace.

Everything inside the Ice Palace was made from Ice.

"Please sit down." Kaguya and others sat down and began to look around. The architecture of the Palace was really something.

"It's been more than thousands of years since I came here." Kaguya said as she touched her throne and with a nostalgic look.

Grayfia as if remembering something, she couldn't help but ask.

"Finn, what about Sirzechs? I mean you were in search for those rare herbs and wanted cure Sirzechs." Even after harsh treatment the Gremory gave Her, Grayfia still wished to save Sirzechs.

"About that? I have an announcement to make." Everyone curiously looked at Finn.

"Tomorrow, I will go back to finish all the unsolved matters. Especially the Undead faction. Now that I have recovered my powers, I think it's about time I put the Undead faction to their own graves.