Chapter 181 - Heavenly Auzre Dragon Bloodline

Somewhere deep in a forest covered in thick layer of ice. There was an old looking man with long ears and white hair.

The man had wrinkles in his face and the vicious smile on his face gave a dangerous look.

"Prepare yourself. We are going to war. I have to kill the new Shadow Monarch before he becomes a complete Monarch."

The young ice elf behind Frost Monarch bowed his head once and then left.

"This time I will strike with my army and take over the Shadow Monarch's world." Frost Monarch grinned as felt the barrier between two worlds weakening.

Little did the Frost Monarch knew that Finn already had become the Shadow Monarch and was on his way to hunt for all the other Monarchs and Otsutsuki clan members.

Scene change...

After Kaguya's display of power many things changed. Finn cooked dinner for the girls. After dinner, everyone went back to sleep except for Finn.

Everyone was tried because of all the battles, stress they experienced while Finn just had his rebirth. And the immense amount of Chakra and stamina he had made Finn an inexhaustible robot.

After everyone went to sleep, Finn walked out of the Mansion and then directly flew at the top of the world tree.

Finn sat at the top of the world tree. From the top Finn could see anything but white clouds. Finn felt like he had come to heaven as everything around him was white.

"I think I should bring others with me the next time I come here."

"System open the diamond box."

In front of Finn, a transparent light blue screen appeared. Finn could see a shiny box made out of diamond. The box itself looked luxurious and precious. Finn was sure he could sell this box for billions of ryo or gold coins. Unfortunately the box cannot be taken out from the system.

[Ding! Diamond box opening...]


The diamond box opened with a click sound.

[Congratulations to Host for getting a Box of diamond wedding rings.]



Finn calmed himself and checked the description.

[Diamond Wedding Ring:- The Box has set of wedding rings. Each ring has the power to keep the female ageless. The rings has the ability to nourish wearers body and keep their beauty. The rings also has the function of inventory.]

Finn calmed down a little after reading th3 description. Although Finn was disappointed by what he received, these rings will be extremely useful for his girlfriends.

Finn put the box in the inventory and put this matter at the back of his mind.. "System I should have saved more than 500 SP. So buy me the other half bloodline of Heavenly Azure Dragon."

[Ding! 500 SP has been deducted.]

[Congratulations to the host for buying other half of Heavenly Azure Dragon Bloodline.]

Finn looked at the golden drop of blood that was floating above his index finger.

"Let's start then." Finn closed his eyes and gulped the golden blood without any hesitation.


As soon as Finn consumed the golden blood, this entire body began to burn form inside. Finn felt each and every bone in his bodies was being broken and rebuild.

The pain of his muscles tearing apart and rebuilding was so great that Finn was rolling around while biting his teeths.

The real process started after Finn's body was reconstructed. The red blood cells in his body began to turn golden.

This time Finn didn't feel pain like before instead he felt magma was running within his blood vessels. Finn felt his flesh and bones would melt from the heat.

After 5 minutes of struggling, Finn managed to keep his consciousness alive.

[Congratulations to Master for successfully becoming a. Heavenly Vampire Azure Dragon.]

Finn somehow sat up on his knees. "Why does this sounds so cringe?" Finn didn't get any answer from the system.

[Ding! Master your stats have increased once again.]

[Ding! Master have learned a innate skill Dragon Roar.]

[Ding! Master have mastered the arts of transformation. Now Master can transform into a Heavenly Vampire Azure Dragon.]

[Ding! Master gave formed the Dragon core.]

[Ding! Master's DNA now completely have been changed.]

[Ding! Master charm forcefully have been increased]

It took Finn some time to study all the notifications.

[Dragon Roar:- The roar of a Heavenly Azure Dragon has the power to make other lesser And weak Dragons sumbit to the host. By using Dragon roar Host can control other weak dragon races for a short duration of time. The roar of mighty Azure Dragon also has the power to install fear in other weak races.]

[Arts of Transformation:- Host can transform into a Heavenly Azure Dragon. After Transforming Host health, strength, durability will be increased by 5 times.]

[Azure Dragon Core:- increases the Chakra of Host. Increases regeneration speed, Chakra recovery speed, healing and other health related stats of the host.]

"Both two innate skills of mine looks very powerful. And my Azure Dragon core is similar to my Black Heart. Now I won't have to fear the Strongest Monarch, the Dragon Monarch. With my Heavenly dragon Bloodline and Shadow Monarch powers I am confident that I can take on and even kill the Dragon Monarch."


[Finn Anderson

→Strength:- 1,080 →3,080

→Speed:- 2,600 →5,200

→Charm:- 100 → 120

→Stamina:- 3,000 →10,000

→Chakra:- 160,740 →250,000

→Bloodline:- Azure Dragon bloodline, Superior Vampire Bloodline

→Title:- Shadow Monarch, [New] Heavenly Vampire Azure Dragon

→Skills:- Taijutsu (Mastery), Transformation, Kenjutsu (mastery), Substitution, Shadow Clone, Flying thunder god, Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer (Getsuga Tenshou), Eight inner gates(unlocked till The gate of limit) Monarch's Domain, Shadow Exchange, Shadow Extraction, Shadow Preservation, Amenotejikara

→Innate skills:- Tenseigan, Sage body (Divine), Azure dragon wings (Divine), Bloodlust, Ruler's Authority, Immunity, Detoxification, Tenacity, Longevity, Black Heart, Dragon Roar, Arts of Transformation

→Nature:- lightning, Fire, water, darkness

→SP points: - 575→75

→Attribute points: - 0

→Shadows Number: - 55,703→1,065,705]

[Master you have become too strong in such short time. I don't think other than the Dragon Monarch there is any being in the Universe who is strong enough to threaten your life.]

"Yeah. Honestly I was thinking I would have extremely difficult times in dealing with Otsutsuki and Monarchs. But everything changed after I gained Shadow Monarch powers."

[Master how are you feeling? Are you having any difficulty in controlling your immense amount of Chakra? Or problem in controlling your strength or speed?]

"No. In fact I feel like I could control over my Chakra, speed and strength has increased. It must become of my Azure Bloodline."

[Master let me tell you something. You're the Last and only remaining Heavenly Azure Dragon. From what I know, Heavenly Azure Dragons could live almost for infinity. But hundreds of thousands of ages ago, the races became extinct because of several reasons. One of those reasons is related to difficulty in reproduction.]

[As the law of Universe, the stronger a being is the harder it is for that being to have a heir. Since Dragons arr born as extremely strong creatures it is very difficult for them to have a child.]

"Similar to Devils right?"

[Yeah but more difficult than devils. Devils have low sex drive but Dragons have the most sex drive after succubus race. So master can only imagine how hard it is for a Heavenly Dragon race, the dragon race that is the strongest Dragon race in the universe to have a child.]

Finn didn't looked bothered my the system's words. Instead he smiled and asked.

"Now you will tell me that you have something that will help me right?" Finn asked.

[No, Master. In fact you already have that power. Since you can control your sperms cells.]


"Let's not talk about this matter anymore."

Finn stood up because it was already mid night. His sudden disappearance could cause the girls to panic.

"I hope one day all the girls would agree to sleep together."

[Master must have be thinking of having naughty exercise party with them.] Finn didn't bother to reply back.

Finn wanted to transform into his Dragon form but decided not to and wait for the right moment to surprise everyone.

As Finn slowly descended down, the gentle cold wind of the night hit his body and have Finn a relaxed feeling.

When Finn was about 70 meters away from the ground, he suddenly sensed something.

"Someone is calling me from Atlanta continent." The only two person who held his teleportation Kunai in Atlanta Continent was Rias and her brother Sirzechs.

Sirzechs was in coma so it must be Rias who called Finn.

"Why she would call me at the middle of the night?" Finn didn't see any reason to not go.

Finn first teleported to his bedroom. Tonight Kaguya and Finn was sleeping together and others rest were too shy to sleep with him especially in front of everyone.

After teleportating to the bedroom, Finn found Kaguya was sitting by the window and looking at the moon.

The moon light directly fell on her Heavenly body. This scene almost melted Finn's heart. Finn couldn't stop himself from giving a kiss on on lips.

"Kaguya I am going out. I have some work to do." Kaguya nodded her head as she tried to find the changes within Finn's body.

Earlier she was forced to open her sleeping eyes when she felt the strong Chakra fluctuations coming from the top of the world tree.

After using her powers she learned that it was Finn's Chakra. Kaguya didn't got the chance of asking any questions to Finn as he already had teleported away.


written by Azure_warrior

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