Chapter 184 - War of Monarchs part 1

"Now do you understand why Karma is here for you?" FM looked up and saw Finn flying above him.

At this moment, from Finn's speed and strength it was crystal clear that Finn power has been increased.

"Cough! You have gianed other half Shadow Monarch's powers."

Finn raised an eye brow and asked back with a cold smile. "What do you think?"

Just looking at thw figure flying above him, Frost Monarch felt fear. He remembered how terrifying Ashborn was.

Finn as Ashborn's successor was even more dangerous than Ashborn. 'I must flee. I have to tell the other Monarch's and let them know about the rebirth of Shadow Monarch.'

Rain of Ice arrows!

Suddenly from the sky more than 10,000 ice arrows descended to crush Finn.

While Frost Monarch used this chance to flee without looking back. Right now his top priority was to escape and get help of the dragon Monarch.

"Did he really think he could defeat me with this?" Finn's eyes never stopped tracking the Frost Monarch.

In less than 5 seconds, Frost Monarch covered a distance of 1664 meters per second.

Even Frost Monarch was moving this fast, in Finn's eyes Frost Monarch speed felt very slow. Finn felt Frost Monarch was moving slow as a tortoise.

When the first ice arrow followed by nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine other ice arrows was about to touch Finn.


Finn instantly exchanged places with Frost Monarch.

Frost Monarch for a milliseconds or two didn't understand what was happening until the first ice arrow of his creation pierced his throat followed by nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine other ice arrows.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Before Frost Monarch could do anything, his already had died from his own arrows.


In front of eight hundred thousands of Ice soldiers, their king Frost Monarch fell. The battle didn't even last for than minute. Everything was over even it the battle began.

"Our King died?" Many soldiers couldn't believe in what they were witnessing. The shock was evident on every Ice elven soldier's face.

"Well your Monarch is dead. Now I give you two choices. Either surrender and I will let you all live in peace. Or you can be a stupid Monarch like your ex-leader and choose to died at my hand." Finn obviously knew what choice the ice elven soldiers were going to chose.

"We have bowed to follow our Monarch forever. We would rather die than live a shameful." Elf are proud and prideful race. Ice elves do anything for their Monarch. As the Monarch as a God to them.

Suddenly Finn's shadow formed a circle surrounding all the Ice elves in it.

"Since you want pride. Then I will give you a prideful death." Finn doesn't care about the Ice elves. Since they want death, Finn will just give them one and turn them into his shadows. Finn's action might look cruel but after gaining the power of Monarch Finn has understood this was how Monarch's usually did things. Countless races have gone to brink of extinction because of the Monarchs.

Also Finn doesn't wants to leave any loose ends which might backfire him in the future.

More than one million shadows surrounded the Ice elven soldiers.

Monarch Domain!

"Kill them"

With Finn's order the paety of Slaughter began.

While Finn ignored the cries of fallen Ice elves as he slowly wlaked up to the dead body of Frost Monarch.


A black shadow that had the same look as Frost Monarch emerged from the body of FM and then kneeled in front of Finn.

"That's two down. I don't how many more I will have to kill before I can make things quieter." But one is was sure that Finn was going to face the Dragon Monarch sooner or later. Dragon Monarch held the title of being the strongest Monarch but Finn had confident of defeating him and his army.

"Go and help the shadows in killing the Ice elf soldiers." When Finn gained Ashborn's mighty army, he also gianed some Monarch level shadows who could easily kill the Frost Monarch alone.

One of the shadow was a Grand Marshal or a 9th tier being, Bellion. Bellion was the former and current commander of Finn's shadow army. Bellion alone had the power to defeat most Monarchs.

"I wondered if Frost Monarch had any treasures." Finn suddenly had this thought in his mind after remembering that he had promised to find the other material needed to make the cure.

"It like I am going to do a robbery"

Scene change...

Somewhere in the other side of this world. Sitting on a throne, a man wjth long hair hair and red beard opened his red eyes.

"So the new Shadow Monarch has come to this world."

Dragon Monarch was strong enough to feel any strong foreign presence in this world. Dragon Monarch has been ruling this world for more than ten thousands of years.

Unlike other worlds, this world is 15 times bigger than the Atlanta continent. The whole world was divided into multiple regions. Each region was ruled by a Monarch who has submitted themselves to Dragon Monarch.

In this universe there are 9 major and most powerful Monarchs.

1] Antares: The Monarch of Destruction, the King of Dragons.

2]Ashborn: The Monarch of Shadows, the King of the Dead

Sung Jinwoo: Ashborn's chosen successor and the second Shadow Monarch.

3]Baran: The Monarch of White Flames, the King of Demons.

4]Beast Monarch: The King of Beasts.

6]Frost Monarch: The King of Snow Folk.

7] Iron Body Monarch: The King of Monstrous Humanoids.

8] Legia: The Monarch of the Beginning, the King of Giants.

9] Querehsha: The Monarch of Plagues, the Queen of Insects.

10] Yogumunt: The Monarch of Transfiguration, the King of Demonic Spectres.

Before Shadow Monarch appeared, Antares was known as the Strongest Monarch and also one of the mpst strongest being in the entire universe.

Antares was also the ruler of Yggdrasil.

"I have fought alongside Ashborn for few centuries against the Rulers who were also known as servants created by God." Antares fought alongside the other Monarchs, including the Shadow Monarch Ashborn, in a devastating war with the Rulers. At that time Ashborn didn't knew the truth about and thought the Ruler's had betrayed him. As the war progressed, Antares grew fearful of Ashborn's powers and ordered the Beast Monarch and Baran to take him out. However, this proved to be a big mistake, as not only was Ashborn able to easily defeat both Monarchs, but he also killed Baran as punishment for his betrayal. Shortly after this, Ashborn suddenly disappeared to hunt after the Otsutsuki clan, allowing the Rulers to finally win the war and forcing the surviving Monarchs all into hiding.

"Frost Monarch doesn't has the power to fight against Shadow Monarch, meaning we currently have 6 Monarchs." Antares looked at the humongous size dragons that was lowering their head ans kneeling in from of him.

"Inform all the Monarchs. This is finally our chances of getting revenge and finishing the terror of Shadow Monarch once and for all." The truth was Ashborn was completely different from other Monarch's. Ashborn was strong enough to rival against Antares. This made Antares fear that one day Ashborn will challenge his rule and try to kill him.

Antares then stood up and began step down the stairs. "Also prepare our own Dragon race. This time I will be fighting Shadow Monarch with my complete strength. This battle will be end of Shadow Monarch."

Scene change...

Finn was on his way to rob all of Frost Monarch treasures that he has collected over thousands of years.

But suddenly

[Ding! Emergency [SSS+] mission] Finn suddenly stopped moving as he read the contents of the mission.



written by Azure_warrior

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