Chapter 185 - SSS mission

[Ding! Emergency [SSS+] mission]

"SSS class mission. This is the time first time I am getting this kind of mission." Finn opened the system and checked the mission content in details.

[~Final Mission of the system.

_The evil forces of this world had gathered to defeat The Shadow Monarch.

_Defeat all the Monarchs in this War of Monarchs.

_Penalty:- Host and Host's loved ones will die. Everything that host held dear will be destroyed.

Time before the battle starts :-23:59:09

_Reward:- Host will learn the secret about the system]

Finn took a deep breath to calm his wild, beating heart. After reading this, Finn understood one thing.

The system wasn't some kind of omnipotent being or anything. The system was given to Finn by someone for a purpose.

"Mia, do you who the creator of the system?" There was many times in the past, Finn wanted to ask this very same question to the system.

There was an silence which lasted for more than a minute. In that minute, countless thoughts crossed Finn's mind.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, the system decided to open its mouth.

[Master, I am sorry but I can't tell you. After completing this mission, you will able to know all the secrets of the system including about its creator.]

Mia paused for a second to observe Finn's reaction and then continued.

[All I can say that I was made by him and I always have existed to only serve you as the system's A.I. I was made with thousands of rules and restrictions. I am sorry but I cannot answer your questions even if I wanted to.]

"From what I remember, I met the God who was ruler of infinite number of worlds. At my choice I came to this world. And by using rest of my karma, the god created you."

[Master is correct. Yet incorrect at the same time. My creator is different. When a soul enters a different universe, that soul has to go through some changes to become a part of this new world.]


"Whatever. I will find out everything once I complete this mission." Finn then followed his new Shadow who previously known as Frost Monarch.

After following FM for more than 10 minutes, Finn finally reached the place where FM and his followers lives.

Finn saw a Palace floating in the sky. The Palace was shrouded in white mist which acted as a natural camouflage.

The whole Palace was made out of a ice crystals. Kaguya's pice Palace cannot even come close to this one.


Everything in the Palace was so well built.

"Master welcome to my Palace. Other than me, no one is allowed to enter the Palace. Master stand close to me."

Finn moved closer to FM as he saw his shadow making a magic teleportation circle. The magic circle glowed in white light and the next moment, Finn and FM and in the Palace.

"Master this Palace is built from a rare magically chanted metal. As long as I am close to the Palace, I can always teleported to the Palace at will. The Frost Palace is only accessible by me. The Palace defense are strong enough to withstand attacks from 8th tier beings. From now this Frost Palace of mine belongs to Master."

Finn didn't reply instead he asked another question to Frost Monarch.

"Do you have the Dragon Grass and the Heart of Ice Elf deer in your treasury?" Finn had promised Grayfias and Rias that he would save Sirzechs.

In fact Finn's main purpose of coming here was to search for the Dragon Grass and the Heart of Ice Elf deer. Once Finn manages to make the cure, Finn will complete his second last mission and also stabilize the condition of Gremory clan.

Finn didn't need Rias to tell him anything about her family's current condition. Finn already had guessed the difficult situation that the Gremory clan was in.

"Master I do have them. Please wait a minute. I will get them from the treasury." Finn sighed on relief after hearing FM words. Finn felt the weight on his shoulders has been lifted.

FM returned carrying two boxes made up of white ice crystals.

After getting the herbs, Finn immediately teleported back to Gremory household.

It was already morning,

Rias was still in her brother's room, watching over Sirzechs.

Rias snapped out of her daze when he saw Finn return with a smile on her face. Rias eyes were drawn at the two boxes made of crystal. Rias can clearly see what these two boxes had.

"Finn, that...."Rias voice trembled as she felt her heart explode in happiness.

Finn gently nodded his head as he put the two boxes on the table.

"Rias, please go and call everyone." Rias hurriedly ran out of her room. Finn could see Rias wiping her tears when she ran out of the room.

Minutes later....

Zeoticus and Venelana entered with room followed Sona, Mio, and their peerage members.

The first thing that Zeoticus did after seeing Finn was apologize.

In front of everyone, Zeoticus lowered his head and bowed to Finn. "Finn, I am extremely sorry for what I did before. At that time I became overly emotional and lost control. I should have seen things from your perspective. I apologize. Please forgive me."

Finn took a deep breath as he kept looking at Zeoticus. That day, Even though most of those words were said to Finn, Grayfia was hurt the most. She even she doesn't showed it, but Finn knows that she was hurt.

"Lord Zeoticus, I was never angry to begin with. All this time, I was fulfilling my promise to Grayfia. That day, your words have hurt Grayfia, more than it did to me. She has served the Gremory family for centuries so her wound is deeper than mine."

Zeoticus, Venelana and Rias lowered their heads in guilt.

"Finn, if possible can you bring Grayfia. I really want to apologize for the those words. I made a mistake and I want to correct myself." Rias gathered up her courage and spoke.

Finn rubbed the tip of his nose and replied. "Sorry but for now Grayfia won't return here. She just bought a war in my homeland and now she is tried."

Finn noticed the faces of Rias, Zeoticus and Venelana looked disappointed.

"But after this week I will bring my girlfriends here if I managed to finish things within time." Rias felt Finn's words had another meaning to it.

"Don't misunderstand. As the Monarchs and Ruler of Death, I have to face the other Monarch's in a war." Finn said no more as Gremory clan alchemist had arrived.

Everyone in the mansion was in Sirzechs room. The Gremory clan's alchemist began to mix the three rare treasures which were said to have gone extinct yet Finn managed to find them.

Mio suddenly looked at Finn. "Finn, how did you find the remaining two treasures. I thought all 3 treasures had gone extinct long time ago."

Everyone curiously looked at Finn. "Nothing has gone extinct. I managed to find the Ice Heart shaped Herb in a cave. It's just that finding one of these treasures requires lots od effort. As for the last two treasures, I found them in a different world." Rias, Sona and Mio all three looked at each other in shock. Which world Finn was talking about? It was definitely not earth or Atlanta Continent.

"Excuse me, Finn do you mind telling explained us what is this Monarch term means?" Everyone had the very same question. But only Kiba from Rias peerage some gather enough courage to ask the question.

"The Monarchs are an ancient race of monsters who seek to wipe out the other powerful races and rule over the universe."

Finn smiled seeing the shocked look on Sona's face. "If you are wondering what Rulers are. The Rulers are an ancient race of angelic humanoids who once served God and the mortal enemies of the Monarchs. I am the successor of a Ruler who turned himself into a Monarch. As the Monarchs were born to destroy the world and the Rulers were born to protect it. So I am a combination of both Monarch and Ruler."