Can't See

Aveline was sitting on her sofa after Apollo has left the room. She took a sip on her cup of tea as she was thinking of what the royal doctor had just said.

'So, I can't get pregnant. Oh well, whatever. Who cares? There were a lot of women who refuses to have children. It should be fine." She shrugged the news of with a sneer on her rosy lips.

"And Jack doesn't seem like the type to care too much about that." She muttered to herself.


-In the night-

Aveline was wearing a light violet nightgown that was slightly transparent. She sat on her bed as she grabbed one of the books she found about witches. She still hasn't told Jack about the secret room she came across a while ago. She still had some doubts although her heart was giving in to him.

'I have a mind! I'm a person born in the 21st century, I can't just trust a man because he gives me love! Even if I have zero experience, I heard a lot about it in the media. They are all bunch of bastards.' She sighed and laid on her pillow.

She couldn't focus on the book anymore. Whenever she thought about Jack, her mind and heart would confront each other. Her heart would die for him. Why? She was a girl who had always craved for affection. Whoever showed it first, she felt they were the only person to even have treated her as a human. Although, her mind refused to believe in him yet. Her mind was that of the woman who made the mistake to trust someone. It was still hard for her to believe in people, far someone from another world!

Aveline looked towards the door that opened abruptly.

"Who the fuck?-" She stooped talking as Jack dashed inside the room.

His long black coat was on his shoulder as he wasn't wearing it. His red eyes were glowing although the lights were on. Some blood was dripping down his cheek but he seemed to not care.

"J-Jack?" Ave asked as she looked around wondering why he came in her bedroom. "Do you need some bandage or something??"

"Avi." He spoke with a tender voice that melt the young woman's heart.

"Yeahh?" She looked up at him while biting her lips lightly.

"..see" His deep voice mumbled.

"What?" Ave asked as she titled her head to the right.

"Can't see." He said with a trembling voice.

"Can't see what?" She asked confused.

"I can't see anything!.." He shouted as he fell on his knees.

The man in front of her was shaking as he held his bleeding eyes.


As the sunset, Jack was getting ready to put bandage on his eyes as soon as he would start bleeding. He had a box filled with white cloth in from of him. He was sitting on his bed as he stared outside, watching the beautiful sunset.

He smiled as he recalled the incident with Aveline. He didn't know she could be such a sweet girl. He always admired her but his admiration turned into love over the years. But somehow, he felt something beyond that now. Was that even possible, he thought as the sky turned dark over the next minutes.

The black-haired man waited for the blood to run down his eyes like every night. But it didn't. He waited for another few hours. He sighed and cast aside the box and put it on his night table and was preparing to go to bed. He laid on his bed and only a second later, did he realize his eyes started bleeding. He sighed and got off his bed lazily.

"This is so annoying... I need to tell Zain to search if there is any survivor of witches." He mumbled as he headed towards his night table.

Suddenly, everything went dark. Jack looked around but nothing. No lights in sight at all.

"Who turned off the lights?!" He yelled causing the guards to rush inside his room.

"Y-yes your majesty?" They asked with huge confusion.

"TURN ON THE LIGHTS!" He shouted at them.

"What do you mean?.. The lights are already on, your majesty..." One of the guards stated as they look up at the bright light on the ceiling.

"Huh?" Jack was shocked as he heard them talk but couldn't see even the golden colour they were supposed to have on their uniforms.

He rushed quickly out of his room, with no light once again. He looked left, right, up and down but everything around him was dark!

"Avi." A name came across his mind as he quickly walked down the stairs. He almost fell but he held himself back holding the wall. "Phew. That was close." He had a frown on his face but he couldn't let anyone know of his situation.

"Your majesty?" A familiar voice spoke. It was Sharrkan. From the sound of the voice, he didn't seem too far.

"Sharrkan. Bring me to Avi's bedroom, now!" He spoke with a frown on his face.

"But, you're bleed—"

"Quick." Jack spoke with a firm tone as he cut the knight midway.

The knight sighed and held the king's arm to led him the way.


"What's wrong, Jack?" Ave asked him as she slowly knelt down to be able to see him better.

"Avi. Why is this happening to me?" The man asked her with a pained expression.

His face showed as if he was bearing the sadness of the whole world.

Ave shivered at the sight and gulped to over come her express sympathy.

"It's going to be okay. I'll find the witch." She said as she slowly stood up and pulled him up.

Jack stood up and nodded.

Ave dragged him on bed alongside her.

"Let's sleep for now." She said with a soft smile.

Jack didn't saw her coming closer to him but he could feel her warm lips stick on his cheek for a few second.

He softly smiled as his heart melt away.

"Really... with you, I would go through fighting the whole world but will still be happy." He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.

Ave chuckled. "Right, we'll see, Mr. King." She sarcastically said.

The couple laughed and talked for a little more time before falling asleep.


-The next morning-

The say of the sun hit Jack's face. He frowned as he opened his eyes.

"That damn sun!" He cursed as he scratched his head on his left hand.

"Ahh... I can't see again." He mumbled as he realized his eyes had turned back to normal like any other morning.

He wasn't wearing his shirt anymore was he has the habit of sleeping naked.

He tried to move his right hand but it was stuck somewhere. He looked down and saw Ave hugging it while sleeping like a beautiful princess.

'Oh wait, what like a, she was a princess. Now, she's my queen.' He thought as his face brighten up.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Anna knocked the door and opened the door to get inside.

She gasped as she found the half-naked king caressing the queen's hair so lovingly.

"I-oh my! I'm sorry." She covered her mouth with a soft grin on her lips. She quickly rushed outside and closed the door.

"Huh??" Jack raises an eyebrow having a hard time understanding the maid's behaviour but he let it go as he wanted to keep enjoying the view of his sleeping wife.

"Ha... ha..." Ave started taking deep breaths all of a sudden as if she was drowning.

Jack noticed something strange about it and shook her to wake her up.

"Wake up, Avi!" He shouted but no response.

"Get up!" He repeated but the same reaction came from her.

"Someone call the royal physician! Right now!" Jack yelled making sure a maid, servant or anyone would do it.