
"What is?" A familiar voice spoke behind her, causing Aveline to flinch.

She turned around with a tiny grimace since she knew who it was.

"Eiden." She called out the man's name with an unhappy tone.

"Hello, Aveline." The orange-haired man talked with a bright smile on his face.

"Don't call me that." She coldly responded. She was furious as to how he maintained his normal acting although he knew very well that Jack and she fought because of him.

"What should I call you, then?" Eiden asked as he walked towards her without making noises of his steps and wrapped his arm around her thin shoulder.

Aveline slapped away his hand. She gritted her teeth in anger but tried to control her cold expression.

"Hah! Your highness, just like anyone else calls me at the palace and in this kingdom. I'm sure you already know that I'm the Queen of the country. Mostly after the banquet because you attended it too. I don't understand why you keep calling me by my name?" Ave said firmly, making Eiden speechless. What she has said was flawless.

The man chuckled as his right hand reached his mouth. He slowly rubbed his coral lips.

"Hmm, maybe it's because I'm interested in you?" He spoke, taking a step closer to Aveline as he kept his gaze locked onto hers. He slowly approached her mouth.

Ave looked into Eiden's eyes only to get a flashback of Jack's face. The one he had for her. The one that cared for her. The one that loved her. She shivered. She pushed away the male from her, landing her hand on his chest.

His chest felt firm and well built. But she knew that Jack's body was perfect. Maybe better.

She sneered at the corner of her lips as she looked up at the tall man.

"I already belong to someone." She spoke with a bright face. She turned around, finding Jack standing there. There was a huge awkward silence between them. No one dared to utter any word first.


-Jack's POV-

I was walking around in the garden to get a glance at Avi like I always did for the past two months. I knew she always used this time of the day to take some tea surrounded by flowers. After all, I built the garden for her to enjoy the fragrance of the flowers she liked the most.

I stopped at a safe distance as I was dazed by her beauty. I didn't dare get close to her after the incident. I was thinking about what I did wrong. Why would she slap me? The only person who did it was my mom. Was I that horrible that she had to hit me? Am I not good enough as a husband?

My heart stung as the thought crossed my mind.

"Maybe I should let her be. If possible... divorce her?" I mumbled. I was stepping closer to Aveline without realizing. I stopped when she yelled my name waving at me with a bright smile.

My heart melted. How can I let go off her if she's like this? I love her so much... I'd die for her.

I glanced at her for a second, admiring her beautiful smile and closed my eyes to capture it in my memory. I turned around and started walking away from where I was arriving.

I heard fast steps coming behind as I started walking further. Suddenly, my shoulder was pulled, making me turn around. I looked at Avi. I wish I could have smiled at her...

"What's wrong with you?!" She yelled at me.

I froze as she shouted at me.

"Nothing." I replied with a calm voice although my insides were burning like fire. Seeing her like this, I would never have wanted this. I wanted us to be a happy family. Why is everything going wrong?

"Are... you doing this on purpose?" She asked me.

I looked down at her to look into her eyes. I looked away as I couldn't lie straight at her face.

"I... don't know Aveline." I said trying to maintain my normal tone. I called her full name thinking she wouldn't like me calling her nickname while we were fighting. It was always like this. She would always get upset at me and I had to deal with it. It's not fair. I should let her go if she doesn't love me back as much as I do. I don't want to be a selfish man who locks up his woman in the palace against her will.

I slowly pulled away from her hands that were pulling my shirt and took back my path.

After reaching the gate of my palace, I recalled that I was supposed to go check on the royal knights' sword training. It has been a daily habit because we have been preparing for the war. I turned my feet, heading towards the training grounds.

The war is between Seldor and Helzon. We haven't been on good terms ever since I got married to Avi. I tried to negotiate with them but they took weapons against my men and I couldn't let it pass as a King!

A king's heart is the people of the country, is what I have always heard. Although, I rarely saw the kings of other nations executing it in their lives.

I stopped walking as I heard some faint voices in the garden.

" me that." Avi's voice spoke to someone.

"What should I call you, then?" A manly voice asked.

I slowly stepped forward, trying to not make noises of my steps.

I froze as I saw one of my knights walking towards my wife without making noises of his steps and wrapping his muscular arm around her thin shoulder.

I gritted my teeth in anger which soon disappear when I noticed the same reaction from my wife.

Avi slapped away his hand. She gritted her teeth in anger but tried to control her cold expression. It was a cute sight to look at. I grinned watching the show.

"Hah! Your highness, just like anyone else calls me at the palace and in this kingdom. I'm sure you already know that I'm the Queen of the country. Mostly after the banquet because you attended it too. I don't get why you keep calling me by my name?" Avi put him in his place. I was proud of how she answered him back with pure facts.

The man chuckled as his right hand reached his mouth. He slowly rubbed his lips.

"Hmm, maybe it's because I'm interested in you?" He spoke, taking a step closer to Aveline as he kept his gaze locked onto hers. He slowly approached her mouth.

I frowned as I rushed towards them to punch across his face.

Avi pushed him away with a sharp gaze. "I belong to someone already." She said, making my heart melt. I felt my cheeks burning for some reason.

-End of Jack's Pov-

Jack stood there with a slight flushed face. He turned around quickly as he realized that Ave had noticed his presence.

"Jack!" She ran quickly towards him, holding her violet long dress that was making it difficult for her to run. She wasn't used to these types of gowns yet.

The king coughed and turned around. Finally, he had managed to control his heart and emotions.

"Yes, Avi?" He spoke with the gentle tone she knew.

She grinned and kissed his cheek.

"Your majesty, you are the only one for me." She whispered against his ear.

Jack's face turned red completely even his ear.

'So cute!' Avi giggled as she watched her husband getting all shy.

"Avi. We need to talk!"

"Jack, we need to talk!"

Both spoke at the same time as they blinked.

"You first."

"You first."

Both spoke together once again!

They both laughed for a few seconds.

"Let's go inside my palace and talk." Jack suggested as he extended his hand for her to hold.

"Alright," the queen replied with a bright smile across her lips as she held the king's wide hand.

'Her hand is so small and soft.' Jack thought as he felt her warm hand on his palm.

'His palm is so cold, but it feels amazing.' Avi followed Jack to his palace.


Eiden stood there dumbfounded as he sighed.

"Ah, my queen. The more you play hard to get, the more I want you. Particularly, you're so perfect." The man looked up at the sky with an empty look in his eyes.

The sky had become dark within a second and a few drops of rain fell on Eiden's skin making his eye blink.

"Let's go home for now..." he mumbled as he scratched the back of his hair, taking big steps to not get caught up in the heavy rain that was approaching.