The secret room

-Aveline's POV-

While Jack was ignoring me, I have been reading the romance novels he sent me by his servants. They were quite interesting but one caught my eye. "The witch and her curse": a romance novel that was talking about a witch and her curse. It was a story about how a witch had cursed a prince that came to break it. So I decided to check out more books of witches, thinking there may be some way for Jack too.

I went to the library and searched but no books were talking about witches, as if they never existed although the king himself was suffering from a curse!

I sighed and put my hand against a book, making it press something that opened the wall. I was surprised and quickly shoved my hand away.

"W-what the hell??" I looked around and slowly entered the area.

The room was filled with dust, the table was not cleaned as if it had been a decade it existed. There were some types of bottles with all colours of liquid inside. Some spiders were roaming around, thankfully I wasn't scared since in my past life I lived in places like this or maybe worse depending on which family it is.

There was a bookshelf filled with books. I stepped towards in slow steps, hesitantly. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to enter or not.

[Spells for humans], [Spells of daily usage], [Magic to cast on animals], [Witches origins], [The family of Witches], [Types of witches], [A Witch's Grimoire], [Curses and how to break them], [Love potions], etc. My gaze fell on the [Curses and how to break them].

Obviously, I wanted to cure the king as fast as possible although I ignored the reason. Humanity? Maybe.

I opened the book. The first page was blank. A name was written on it almost erased, [ W.]. I turned the page, the pages had turned almost yellow due to the time that has passed, but somehow the writing was visible as if it was just yesterday that it had been written.

[The curse of turning someone into an animal.] That was the title of the second page.

I gulped and looked down how to break it.

[Go to the forest of Elior and stay inside for a whole day until the moon comes out,] was the first solution.

[Drink the water of Elior river. (Not guaranteed.),] I sighed and scrolled the pages.

My hands stopped turning the pages when my sight fell on the [Curses of eyes].

My eyes shone, thinking I had finally found a cure for Jack!

I quickly looked down to the solutions.

[Only a witch can break it].

My hopes went down instantly. Where do I find a witch now?? There are non-existent already!

I sat on the chair without realizing the dust on it. I posed the novel on the table, in despair.

"Oh right, I could search for what types of witches there are in this world then try to search for at least one survivor!" An idea came to her mind as she sneered. She got off the chair and grabbed the books that had pieces of information about the witches.

The first book that she took was the types of witches:

[Lunar Witches: Head of all witches. (Like the royal family for humans.)

The most power full of all. They have the purest blood of witches. They are another part that is completely separated from the normal witches. They have a huge amount of magic and their magics are the purest.

Aqua Witches: Lives in the oceans. Often has the form of mermaids but can change into any form. Below Lunar Witches as they don't possess any pure witch's blood and had lower power than them.

{History: Some Aqua witches rebelled against the Lunar witches but failed. Hence, they were put into prison to atone for their sins.}

Solar Witches: They have the power of the sun, third in status. The solar power is strong to burn everything but the moon's power is more powerful.

The solar witches had been loyal to the head of the witch clan for generations. Even when the Lunar witches invited them to revolt, they refused and protected the castle the Lunar witches made.

The last, Normal Witches: They are just normal users of limited magic and spells. Their knowledge isn't very high about magic but they are good at herbal medicines.]

That's all it was written in the book. I noticed a little note written in small letters as I was about to close the text article.

I approached it and tried to read.

"Se...cret, wi..tches weak to" I read carefully. It was hard to spell out all the letters. I closed the book and sat at the table.

I thought for a second.

"I should ask Jack about what exactly happened to the witches years ago. I can't help if I don't know where to search!" I jumped off the table with a determinant look on my face.

I walked out of the secret chamber and carefully click on the button that I accidentally pressed earlier.

The door was closed once again!

"Amazing!" I mumbled in a soft yet bright voice.


"Sighs." Even after such a long time, I couldn't reach Jack. Is he avoiding me? The maids said he was busy dealing with a war preparation. I shouldn't bother him with this. But what happened to his eye? Does he still bleed every night?

As I thinking all of this, I felt some steps coming towards me. I turned around and saw Jack. Finally! My face brighten as I yelled his name.


He spared a glance at me and turned his back, going back from where he was coming.

I stood up in raged as I quickly reached him with heavy steps. I grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around.

"What's wrong with you?!" I yelled.

-End of Aveline's Pov-

"Nothing," Jack spoke with a cold voice Ave had never heard.

She gulped and gritted her teeth.

"Are you ignoring me on purpose?" She asked with a hesitant voice.

"I... have no answer to that, Aveline." Jack slowly removed her hand from his shoulder and started walking once again.

Aveline stood there speechless. Jack has called her by her full name for once. Was he angry because she slapped him? Or because of how she treated him two months ago? Ave was confused. She pulled her bangs towards the back, exposing her forehead as she sighed.

"This is so annoying..." she slowly mumbled.

"What is?" A familiar voice spoke behind her, causing her to flinch.