Episode Thirty Three - Angry Sex

Chapter Song Suggestion "Taste of You by Rezz ft Dove Cameron"



She sobbed quietly in the corner.

"Eira, what are you doing over there?" Freya asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Go away, Freya!" she cried, wrapping her arms tighter around herself. She wanted to disappear.

"Are you crying?" Freya demanded, marching over to take a look at Eira's face. Her jaws clenched at Eira's bruised lip and swollen eye. "Who did this to you? Is it that dickhead you've been seeing?"

"It was an accident."

"Yeah, did you fall down and blackened your own eye and split your lip?" Freya snarled. "Do you take me for a fool, Eira? I'm a certified instructor, I can fucking differentiate an accidental injury and a deliberate assault."

Eira remained stubbornly quiet.

"Eira, I'm serious with my offer to help you get out of here. When you've made up your mind, you just say the word and I'll make it happen. Don't let him victimize you." Freya's grip tightened around her arm. "You are strong. You are one of the best fighters I've ever trained. Don't do this to yourself. You deserve more and one day, you'll meet someone who will treasure you for who you are. Only losers bully the weak, and he doesn't deserve you. A lioness does not belong with a hyena. Think about it, Eira."



Eira sighed. Loudly. And deeply.

Anaelle set her book down. "What's wrong now?"

"I'm going to see the Captain."

"Absolutely not."

"Nienh? Why not?" Eira pouted. "It's been a week and he still hasn't come to thank me or talk to me. And I can't stay here forever! I can practically feel Xue Long calling for me every day."

"Not until I figure out what makes you and clawtail here glow."

Eira glanced down at the cub who was starting to grow out its black fur. Strangely, it didn't look anything like its parents. "This little one is too young to communicate so I can't use my powers on him."

"Aren't you going to name it?"

"I want to wait until he's older. I want to name him based on his personality. Bonding with a clawtail is an extraordinary gift and to think I found him in an ironic tragedy...he's beyond special."

"I'm curious. Don't you resent it for what it is?"

"You're not the only one who has asked me this. Now that everything has happened, I can honestly say no," Eira answered, tickling the cub's soft underbelly. "I mean look at this ball of fluff. How can anyone hate it? Besides, he's innocent and I was the bad guy who killed its mother. Is it strange to say that I regret it, but also, I don't? My hatred was directed at his mother." A satirical smile twisted her lips. "Is this karma? To save this cub and raise it as my own?"

"It's not exactly karma if you don't learn anything from it," Anaelle pointed out.

"No, I think I am. This cub is the innocence that I need to change my perspective and mindset about clawtails. I killed his mother, so now I'm responsible for the life I supposedly hate."

"Fate is a twisted bitch."

"Which is why I can't leave my relationship to fate." Eira decided, handing the cub back to Anaelle. "I'm going to see Lars, and you're going to help me."


Lars poured himself a finger of whiskey, tossing it back to feel the radiating slow burn down his throat. He stole a glance at the clock. It was close to midnight. Perhaps he shouldn't visit her tonight. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to touch her, to taste her and to hear her voice.

He hadn't meant to avoid Eira. He had been overwhelmed with work and thinking how he wanted to broach the subject of their relationship that he found himself making excuses not to see her. "Fucking coward," he cursed at his reflection.

The doorbell rang.

Who could it be at this hour?

He swayed a little when he stood and shuffled to the door. Without checking the peephole, he answered it. Lars nearly broke out in cold sweat. Standing in her beautiful glory, was the bane of his tormenting thoughts. "Eira?"

She pushed back her hood, all flaming red tresses, glittering emerald eyes and a vivid smile. Traces of the girl he first met stared back at him. "Time's up, Captain Verhelst. We need to talk."

Lars had forgotten when was the last time he experienced a case of anxiety. "It's late, Eira. Return to your bunk."

"Vi. No," she stubbornly refused. With deft fingers, she untied the simple robe and allowed it to pool on the ground. Eira stood as naked as the day she was born.

Lars was tipsy but, he sure as hell wasn't drunk. He couldn't be imagining those rounded, pink-tipped breasts, her trimmed waist with the little indent and the glorious, shadowed juncture between her thighs. "Eira, what the fuck are you doing?"

"Giving you a reason to keep me," she declared earnestly, holding out her arms.

Fiery passion smouldered his gaze and his scar looked even more prominent under the dim lights. God, why did he have to look so fucking hot? All dark and savage. Her nipples pebbled harder, and lust shot down her nerve endings, making her belly flutter.

Growling in the back of his throat, Lars snatched her around the waist and slammed the door shut. The air fled her lungs when he thrusted her against the wall, forcing her to wrap both legs around him for stability. His arm tightened around her lower back while his free hand crushed her fragrant hair. Lowering his nose to the spot where her ear and jawline met, he inhaled deeply. "You shouldn't be here."

"You wouldn't come see me." Her complain was ruined by her needy moan.

His muscles beneath her palms turned rigid before he relaxed. "I did come to see you."

"When? I never saw you." When he kept his brooding silence, it dawned on her that he came to see her when she was fast asleep. Eyes narrowing, she accused him, "Mewekki. Coward."

He released a dark chuckle, the movement causing his shirt to rub against her nipples, chafing her sensitive peaks. She squirmed.

"Oh, Eira. Only you have the privilege of calling me a coward." Lars dropped his forehead against hers. "I have become many things when I'm with you."

Her lips tilted and she took a quick whiff of his breath. "Is that why you smell like whiskey? Are you trying to forget me?"

"Forget you?" he choked, fingers digging into her skin. "I'll never forget you. You're already in my bloodstream, and not literally."

"Good." She planted a lingering kiss on his cheek. "Because I will never forget you either."

A pain groaned scraped along Lars's throat. "What are you doing here, Eira?"

"To get my thank you for saving my life Eira speech."

"I was getting to that," he muttered. "But I should do that when I'm completely sober."

"Agreed." She captured his cheeks, drawing those endless eyes to hers. "We'll speak later."

He nodded once, gaze dropping to her parted lips. "Later." Bending his head, Lars captured mouth in a cruel, sensual kiss – a brand over her own. Fire travelled through the raw eroticism of the open-mouthed kiss, heating the juncture between her thighs.

Brushing against his rough tongue, she sucked his bottom lip hard before releasing him with loud pop. Eira wanted to lick his skin, mark him with her nails, to ride him, possess him and be possessed by him. She clawed at his shirt, helping him to tug it over his head as they stumbled into the living room. Lowering her legs to touch the floor, she shoved him onto the sofa and straddled his thighs.

Covering her mouth over his, she let her hands slide over the contracting muscles of his arms, tracing over his collarbones and gliding down his rippling abs. Reaching his belt, she deftly unbuckled it and threw it over her shoulder. Flicking open the top button and pulling down his zipper, her wicked hand slipped inside his boxers and curled around his hot, hard length.

Lars sucked in a hard breath at the feel of her cool fingers around his erection. Their eyes met and naked heat sizzled between them. Powerful. Electric. He couldn't stop himself from bunching her hair and dragging those red lips back to his. Eira allowed him to devour her before she pulled away and dropped to the ground, licking her lips intently.

Without giving Lars a chance to brace, she wrapped her lips around his head and swallowed him whole.

"Fuck! Eira…," Lars's eyes shut tight at the exquisite heat, his hands cradling her jaw, feeling her work him vigorously. His heart palpitated with every moan she made — and the way she looked as if she is enjoying it — fuck — he wouldn't be satisfied until he had her impaled on his cock. "Enough!" He hauled her up forcefully. "Ride me. Now."

Eira's pussy twitched at his dark command, her wetness dripping down her thighs from pleasuring him. This tiny glimpse of Lars's dominant bedroom persona thrilled her. Flicking her long tresses over her shoulder, she climbed him and rubbed her open pussy up and down the length of his cock in slippery strokes. She wasn't quick enough.

Fingers digging into her sides, he held her steady and rammed into her wetness.

"Ahhh!" Eira clutched onto his shoulders, her back bowing from the sudden intrusion. Pain shocked her senses, quickly overridden by the incandescent pleasure as he bottomed out inside her open sex. Lars's hands remained on her hips, but he allowed her to set the pace. Eira rode him like a madwoman, chasing the crescendo that was building as his cock repeatedly hit that secret spot inside her.

Lars's mouth hovered a teasing inch over her engorged nipple, his hot breath whispering a promise of ecstasy. "Are you going to come?"

"Y-yes," she choked out, grinding her pelvic bone against his, her breaths coming out in shudders. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" The sharp flutter of her inner muscles was the only warning Lars received before she cried out his name, milking his cock like it was her lifeline.

Lars clamped her nipple with his lips, sucking so hard that the pain added to her climax, making her see stars. Eira came hard, her muscles tightening to the point where she felt she was going to bend and break.

Smiling ferally, Lars shot up to his feet, jostling Eira who was still impaled on him. Her shaking legs failed to wrap around him in time.

"W-wait a minute, Lars," she breathed uncontrollably, spasming from the aftermath shockwaves.

"There's no rest for the wicked, Eira." He bit the shell of her ear and soothed it with a trace of his tongue. "You asked for this, so you're going to take my cock like a good girl."

Lars caught her right thigh in one hand, and lifted it, forcing it around his muscular hip. And then he started moving. He thrusted inside her with such ferocity that she had no choice but to accept him, her mouth unhinging from the volatile pleasure. "That's it," Lars gritted out. "Feel how tight you're strangling me."

He filled her to the hilt, sensations coursing through her, causing her to gasp in both shock and delight. "Oh my–Lars!" Her body sung for him.

She loved how rough he was, that he wasn't afraid to fuck her hard and fast, yet there was a gentleness in his touch that told her, he cared. Grabbing her left thigh, Lars urged her to wrap her ankles behind him and shoved her against the wall. Withdrawing from her heat until the tip, he plunged back inside, the snaps of his hips more urgent and rougher.

Eira released a wild cry, her fingernails scratching his back at the liquid fire overflowing from her core. She heard the wet sounds of her drenched pussy and the erotic slaps of their skin bouncing off the walls, igniting her arousal. "That feels so good. Please, fuck me harder, Lars." Gyrating her hips so that he filled her deeper, she began to fuck him back.

Lars seized her jaw and attacked her mouth, kissing her with a bruising force that had her mewling. His earthy, masculine scent – of virile male – scrambled her mind and she almost didn't catch his words.

"I was so fucking mad at you," he said through clenched teeth. The wet slams between their bodies became louder and harder, his force overpowering hers that she had to cling to him or risk falling. "You don't get to tell me you love me and then leave me, Eira Ulva."

As her peak hit, a wickedly wild, carnal whirlwind gripped her entire body and she screamed, "I'm sorryyyyy!"

With one final slam into her body, Lars followed her over the edge, his face twisted as if in pain. His fingers dug into her fleshy buttocks as he filled her with his cum. They were both breathing hard as they came down from the high. Eira started to relax, head leaning against the wall as she basked in the glow of her orgasm.

Her eyes flew open when Lars started moving, his length still hard. "L-Lars?" Her heart stuttered at the primal lust in his dark orbs.

Closing his hand around her bobbing throat, Lars growled into her ear, the bass of his tone was lightning in the pit of her stomach. "We're not done, Eira. You're going to be punished until I'm satisfied. I won't let you go even if you beg me to."

She clenched around him.

Baring a gleaming smile, Lars kissed her and lowered them to the ground. After that warning, Eira failed to keep track of the number of orgasms they shared – one after another – she kept coming, and coming, and coming. Sometimes he took her roughly, and then he would slow down and make love to her. But she preferred it when he was merciless. The fact that he desired her so much, thrilled the quintessentially female part of her.

Lars was unforgiving when he fucked her on the floor with her legs splayed wide open and he caressed and pinched her body. He was brutal when he forced her over the sofa in an unbearable position and slammed into her from behind. She struggled to match his pace, and at one point, it was too much, her quivering thighs couldn't support her and all she could do was cling to him like a helpless doll in a storm.

Eira became a mass of potent desire, her mind lost in the abyss of ecstasy as rapture blasted from her core, consuming her in a delicious, maddening heat, engulfing her from head to toe. Nothing else existed in that moment. It was just Lars – his scent, his body and his cum inside her.