Episode Thirty Four - Let's Talk

Chapter Song Suggestion "Protocol by Eagle Eyed Tiger"



The woman's hair was red.

He halted in his tracks. Could it be her? Though rare, there were plenty of other red-headed women in Skocia.

"Captain, what's wrong?" Koga asked, noticing his distraction.

"It's nothing." He shook his head. No, it couldn't be Eira. That woman was too tall and stood out in the crowd. Though Lars confirmed she was alive, he didn't know how she was doing or where she was to be exact. It was enough to know that she had survived. "Let's go."

"Were you staring at a woman?" Koga ribbed, unwilling to let the matter slide. He grinned mischievously. "It's rare for anyone to catch your eye, Captain. Was it that buxom blonde? Or the dark-haired babe?"

"Drop it, Koga," he warned in a low growl. "Let's finish up this mission and return to Ataxia."



Eira woke up incredibly sore and aching. A tiny shift and she felt a twinge of pain – everywhere. Inside and outside. Her core clenched and she gasped at the feel of Lars still inside her.


She had underestimated his anger. Lars was a demon possessed as he fucked her through the night. For hours, he wouldn't let her rest. And when they did, she woke up with her body deliciously pinned down as he slid inside her wet heat. He dominated her with hours of brutal pounding to abate their animalistic desire.

Eira wasn't complaining. It felt good. Sex had never felt better and only Lars could make her feel this way. Underneath his anger, at least, she sensed his burning desire, and it comforted her to know he wasn't going to let her go. She had fucked up but, she promised to make it up to him.

Feeling his radiating heat behind her, Eira wasn't sure if she should wake him up. She loved him but, she didn't think she could go for another round of sex this morning. Her nose twitched at the distinct scent of their fuck-a-thon and cum on her skin, in her hair and enveloping the loft. With the amount of fucking they had done; she was thankful for the military birth control shots or she would be pregnant ten times over by now.

She heard Lars groaned, his voice scratchy. "Are you awake?"

"Uh-huh." She shifted, causing him to slip out of her, a gush of his seed following in its wake. They both groaned from their over-sensitized sex.

"How do you feel?" His hand trailed over her arm, the calluses on his fingers sending warm shivers down her spine.

"Like I could sleep for a week," she answered honestly, turning to look up at him. "You were insatiable." Her tone gently accusing.

"Sorry," he murmured, though the corners of his tilted lips told her otherwise. The laugh lines on his face were stark, replacing his seriousness with a carefree vigor.

"Can we talk now?" Her voice turned uncharacteristically timid.

Brushing a hand over his face, he peeked at her from under his fingers. He was silent for a few seconds, before he sighed deeply. "Come on. Let's take a shower together and we'll talk over breakfast." Lars helped her up and they rolled out of bed. He groaned aloud. "Fuck. This place is a mess."

She chuckled lightly. "We were very…enthusiastic."

Lars merely shook his head and extended his hand. The moment their hands touched, lurid images of last night flooded her mind and her blood quickened. Judging by Lars's dilating pupils, he was remembering the same thing. He snapped out of it first. "Don't worry, I won't eat you up today. I know you're sore." Her pretty blushed elicited a smile. "Because you have endured your punishment well," he continued pleasantly. "I'll service you this morning."

One russet brow rose significantly. "You will?"

He led her into his moderate bathroom and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature before pulling her in. They washed off the remnants of last night and Eira was astonished when Lars insisted to wash her hair.

"No one's ever done this for me before," she murmured thoughtfully, eyes closing. "It feels nice."

"Good. In future, I want all your first times."

His greedy words made her heart ballooned with happiness. Succumbing to his skilled fingers, Eira enjoyed the way he massaged her scalp and carefully disentangled the knotted strands. She nearly purred like a well-satisfied feline.

"I like this colour on you." He combed his fingers through red silk, rinsing out the suds. "Your hair was the first thing I noticed about you when the soldiers brought you into the camp." Though, he didn't tell her that he used to stop and stare at any redheaded woman he encountered, believing it was her.

It was rare to hear him speak of their past. She let out a soft laugh. "My pink hair was an accident. I never meant to keep it anyway."

"Good. No more pink hair." He kissed the crown of her head.

She sucked in her breath. Despite all the dirty, pleasant things they had done to each other, Eira was extremely aware of him — and his body made for worship.

Once finished, Lars dried her off in a big, fluffy towel and dressed her in one of his t-shirts. Then, he sat her down in the pantry and started cooking omelets and pancakes. As she poured their coffee, he set the table and finally, the moment she dreaded arrived. Eira was so nervous she could barely take a bite, mechanically chewing and swallowing her food – tasting nothing.

"Thank you for saving my life," Lars began. "And I apologize for not making time to speak to you. I was honestly tied up with work, and when I could see you, you were fast asleep. I didn't want to wake you. Plus, I've been thinking hard on what I wanted to say." He brooded into his coffee cup. "What you did, Eira…I felt absolutely betrayed by a few things. One, you left right after we confessed our love, leaving me to feel like complete shit. I would never have done that to you. You sought me out, made me fall in love with you and then you up and leave. That was cruel."

"And two — you had planned to leave all along. It hurts to know that you don't trust me enough to confide in me. I know in your mind; you believe that I wouldn't have let you go and you're right. I wouldn't. At least not alone. If I knew you were going to disobey me, I would rather you had a fighting chance with two primary apexes who did kill you if it weren't for the clawtail cub." His fierce gaze pierced her. "Not only were your actions reckless but you endangered the entire unit with your irresponsibility. You, and I...we nearly lost our lives." He paused for effect, taking a calming breath. "What do you have to say for yourself, Eira?"

Eira squirmed in her seat, unable to meet his eyes. Lars looked absolutely menacing with his dark scowl and menacing aura — not a trace of her passionate lover. "There's no excuse for what I have done. I know saying sorry won't change a thing and I'm willing to make amends. I never meant to hurt anyone, it's just…," she touched the place over her beating heart. "This guilt that I've been carrying for years, I was eager to get rid of it. I had to. I wouldn't be able to move on if I don't avenge my parents and prove my worth to the tribe. My tribe never banished me, although there were rumours about it. I left the Qeathan tribe days after my parents were killed. I knew that everyone blamed me — even my own brother. It devastated me to know I've lost his trust." Her throat bobbed restlessly. "I-I thought that if I avenged them, the tribe would welcome me home. But then I got caught by the government and the rest you already know."

"Why didn't you tell me?" His mouth set in a grim line.

"Honestly?" she said sheepishly. "It was a last-minute decision. I had no time to waste. When we were inside the cave on Geoldran Island, the last man who mysteriously appeared told me about the clawtail and told me to find him if I wanted information. And so, I did. That very night after I left Ataxia." Eira knew with a sinking heart that Lars was disappointed with her but, what was done belonged in the past. "That man…we've encountered him before. And he knows who I am."

Lars straightened to attention.

"He was with the woman we fought on the Oasis. He was the one in the hooded robe."

The wheels of his mind started spinning. "Is he associated with the zombies and human experimentations?"

She nodded begrudgingly. "Most likely. I don't know the exact reason why but, he said their leader wants me to join forces with them."

This time, his frown deepened. "Why?"

"He claims that I am a peculiar, like them. We have special abilities that aren't known to other kill hunters. Unfortunately, he didn't elaborate, and I didn't ask. I was afraid if I did, it would drag me into a whole new problem." She consciously bit her lip. "Though I think that doesn't matter now if they're set on having me on. It won't be our last meeting."

This was paramount. Lars didn't like how these dangerous people were approaching Eira with hidden motives. He sure as hell didn't want her involved in their risky business. The question was, should he report this to the Colonel? If he did, it might expose Eira's abilities and the fact that they harboured a primary apex. A vein throbbed in his temple. No matter how he saw it, keeping mum would be the safest option.

Lars was so quiet Eira began to fret. Somehow it felt as if this was her fault — yet again. "Are you mad?"

He blinked in surprise. "No, I'm not mad. I'm worried. This situation is getting out of hand, and I refuse to put you at risk. And we can't let the government know or they'll lock you up." A bite of frustration entered his voice. "We're threading on thin ice, and everything is…uncertain."

So, he was concerned on her behalf. She breathed a sigh of relief. "What are we going to do?"

"For now, nothing." He stared hard at her, causing her to tense up. "But you on the other hand will serve out your two weeks punishment as Kaiser Ruff's assistant."

Disorientation sailed through her. "But I thought last night was my punishment."

He crossed his arms, his mouth held no hint of a smile, yet it was sensuality personified. "Last night was my personal retribution. This one is your official punishment on behalf of the unit. You have caused everyone trouble, and it's only fair that you own up to it."

"I never said I wouldn't," she muttered, slighted that he thought she would go back on her word.

"Excellent, then you shall begin today. Until we have more information about this organization after you, I want you to be careful. We also need Anaelle's clarification on how the clawtail cub has biologically affected you before I make further decisions." He stood to clear their breakfast. She hastily did the same. "Oh, and make time for dinner tonight. Dress nice. There's someone I'd like you to meet."

She couldn't hide her surprise. "Who is it? Is he or she someone important?" Lars barely had any close acquaintances.

"My mentor." The grin on his face bespoke familiarity and fondness. "When we're free, I'll tell you all about him."

Slowly, she nodded.

"One last thing." He relieved her of the dishes in her hands. "You're moving in with me. It's time to make our relationship official. I don't want anyone else sniffing around you."

Eira couldn't move, flummoxed by his possessiveness. She didn't dislike it. She was just…surprised. Before, he was so intent on pushing her away. Now, he couldn't keep her close enough. Her face broke into a silly smile.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," she said with a lilt in her voice, pacing closer. "I never knew you could be such a caveman at heart." With two fingers, she walked a path up his chest. "I quite like this part of you." As she rose to steal a kiss, the damn man actually smirked, his lips close but not touching.

"You better get changed. You have ten minutes to start your assistant's shift, or I'll add another twenty-four hours to your punishment," he said slyly.

She froze, eyes widening a fraction. "You can't be serious!"

"I take my responsibilities as Captain very seriously." His voice a whisper against her lips.

She released an adorable growl and tore across the room to the door. "You're no Captain!" She stuck out her tongue. "You're a yahwehi! Demon!"

Lars chuckled when the door slammed behind her.


Eira was late.

She hoped Kaiser Ruff was a forgiving man.

Her heels clicked against the polished corridor floors, bringing her to a stop in front of the research and development division. She startled when the doors slid open to reveal two men walking out, so engrossed in their discussion they didn't notice her. Slipping inside, she gaped at the pristine main hall — from the vast walls with hints of black — to the bright yawning ceilings, digital monitors, and transportation pods. Everything resembled a whole new dimension from a sci-fi motion picture.

She noticed the crowd making a beeline for the rows of glass tube capsules. Amazed, she observed the workers entering the pods and tapping on holographic keypads and then 'swoosh' — they were gone, the pods taking them to their destination. This must be the modernized elevator, Eira surmised.

When it reached her turn, she hesitantly stepped in, and the pod enclosed around her. The holographic keypad appeared, showing her a series of codes and unknown names. "Please, select your destination," a computerised voice instructed.

"Don't panic, Eira," she breathed, scanning the names. She found the word weapons development and tapped on it.

"You have selected the weapons development lab. You will arrive at your destination in three minutes."

Her stomach shrank when the pod descended south, travelling at the speed of light. She had to brace her palms against the glass walls. Distractedly, her gaze lingered on the network of moving pods below ground, intertwined tubes conveniently taking these workers to their designations. It was…indescribable. The engineers who designed and built this were beyond talented. Eira had no idea about this place. Did Lars know? He had to.

Her breath fogged up the glass as she caught glimpses of diversified labs and people moving on every level. Her pod whispered to a stop in front of an indistinctive dug out basement. Was this the lowest level?

"You have arrived at your destination."

Stepping out, she approached a thick, metal door with a noticeable blue light. Compared to the nifty upper levels, this place was…depressing. She jumped when the blue light started scanning her torso.

"Eira Ulva. Kill hunter 995. Access granted," the system announced. "Please place your palm on the scanner."

Tentatively, she did as the computer instructed, and the door slid open. A strange smell permeated the air as she entered the lab, shrouded in semi-darkness. Like a scene from those old era sci-fi movies, tanks of unidentified creatures submerged in neon goo surrounded her. She was careful not to trip over the bundle of thick wires and God knows what else she couldn't see in this forsaken place.

"Hello? Kaiser? Are you there?" she called out uncertainly, nearing a dissecting table strewn with unknown predator parts – a spindly limb, a claw-tipped hand, a razor-sharp tail and…was that a fresh brain? Eira wrinkled her nose in disgust. What the hell was Kaiser doing with all these?

Looking straight ahead, she spotted him in a hazard suit behind a glass window. Hefting a large weapon on his shoulder, he appeared to be firing at something and then…


The windows shattered, sending a hot blast of air spiralling through the lab and the force of it knocked Eira onto her tailbone, her head hitting the tank and she lost consciousness.