Episode Thirty Nine - Revelation (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion "Guiding Light by The Unfinished"

*note : all dialogues like so {example} are spoken from the predator's perspective



"What makes you think I will trust you even if you have evidence that my parents were killed by Novak Levente?" he demanded suspiciously, waving the file Strauss handed to him. "These could be forged."

Mickael sighed, weary of this unending argument. "I don't have time for this, boy. Either you believe me, or you don't. What do I need to do to prove that I am the rebellenfuhrer?"

Lars wasn't going to play to his tune. "Why did you not stop the children from being taken to the facility? You could have let us go."

"That doesn't work in the long run. To take down this operation, we need to kill the one responsible for running it. The chain of command must be destroyed."

"If you're truly the rebellion leader," Lars began. "Then it means you have a widespread connection throughout the government system."

Mickael's gaze narrowed. "And...?"

"Can you help me find someone?" he asked. "I just need to know that she's alive and you'll have my full cooperation."

"Why do you care? This isn't the time to be concerned for another's life, boy. Is she your sister, a relative, a friend" — Mickael's brow arched — "a sweetheart you left behind?"

"Can you do it or not?" Lars clenched out.

"Fine," Mickael heaved in exasperation. "What is her name?"



"Please, Kaiser. Won't you think about it?" Eira pleaded in a hopeful tone.

"I told you I'm not interested in missions and fighting. I do not have a death wish to put my life on the line every day, Eira. There is no fun in fighting predators."

Her mouth flattened. "I'm not asking you to be a full-fledged member but, you can join our unit for a time-to-time reprieve. Don't you get bored sitting inside the lab all day?"


She was at a loss for words. There wasn't time left, and if they wanted to rescue Jade, then Kaiser had to agree to join the team and fight in the championship.

Eira hadn't realized Kaiser was watching her until he boldly asked, "Why are you insistent on me joining the team? You are especially persistent today. Something is bothering you."

While he wasn't asking her to share her thoughts, Eira knew he was hinting at an exchange of trust. Kaiser was a methodical man. He only trusted what he saw with his own eyes, and she knew he could keep a secret. He was the complete opposite of frivolous, unfaithful, and unethical. If she wanted him to play on their side of the team, she had to throw him a bone.

Eira hoped she wasn't making the wrong decision but, she trusted her instincts. Kaiser Ruff wasn't a bad man. And his love for research, would bound him to the unit. Hopefully.

"Do you have some time to spare? There's something I want to show you."

He threw her a dubious look. "Are you trying to convince me?"

"I promise you won't regret it," she said firmly.

Kaiser admitted he was curious about the fierce spark in her eyes. She sounded sure he wouldn't reject her and the scientist in him wanted to know the source of her confidence. He put down his things. "Alright. Just this once."

It was too early to rejoice but, at least she had him agreeing to give her a chance. Secretly, she brought him into Anaelle's orchard where it became a permanent home for Aeolus and Xue Long.

Kaiser was taken aback by the flurry of white knocking passed him and jumping onto Eira. His first reaction was to reach for his weapon – which he had left behind in the lab. He cursed, searching for anything to hit the predator but, he was surrounded by an Eden of soft trees. His panic and fear subsided when peals of happy laughter escaped Eira's lips, sounding absolutely overjoyed to be 'attacked' by the dragon-like monster.

{Missed you, master.}

"It's alright, Kaiser. This is Xue Long. She's my predator pet." Eira stroke the dragon's furry neck. "I missed you too. I'm sorry I couldn't come and see you for so long."

Kaiser blinked, his jaw unhinging. "A-are you…friends with it?"

"Yes," she answered. "Xue Long, where is Aeolus? Will you take us to him?"

Kaiser took an involuntary step back, his face paling. "A-Aeolus? The Captain's Gryphon? I don't think that's a good idea."

Eira guffawed, cradling her aching stomach. "Kaiser, please don't tell me you're afraid of Aeolus?"

He looked embarrassed yet somewhat offended. "Gryphons are documented as temperamental creatures. They are one of the most difficult predators to deal with because of their fierce tenacity and death-defying recklessness. The fact that the Captain single-handedly caught and tamed one makes him a legend in Ataxia."

When he put it that way, Kaiser had a point, Eira thought. Lars didn't have the advantage of communication with Aeolus, and he managed the Gryphon fairly well. A hotly feminine part of her appreciated her man's competence, and if he were here, Eira would jump him.

"Well, I won't allow Aeolus to hurt you." She urged him to follow from behind.

"What species is your predator?" Kaiser studied the protruding bone-like arches from Xue Long's wing tips. "I've never seen or read anything like it before."

"Xue Long's an unknown predator and I don't want to categorize her although she has traces of dragon ancestry in her DNA. Her powers are still developing, and we learn more about her everyday. She's under Anaelle's care as well as mine."

"How is it possible that the research department hasn't seized her?" Kaiser sounded nonplussed. "The discovery of an unknown predator is a gold mine for scientists."

"Lars and Florian pulled strings for us to keep her," Eira admitted sheepishly, halting to fix Kaiser a weighted stare. "I will never allow Xue Long to be kept as a lab rat for those scientists to poke and prod, so if you even think to dissect my precious pet, I'll sic Aeolus on you without thinking twice."

Kaiser drew back a fraction, amazed by her candid threat. He surprised her by laughing. "Rest assured, I do not intent to dissect your pet. I have no interest in predators, Eira. Although, I am in awe to be in the presence of a rare unknown." He didn't tell her though, that his respect for her raised another notch. "I admire your resolve to protect them, even if it puzzles me. They are not defenseless creatures, Eira. The reason for Ataxia's existence is to eliminate predators."

"I know it's hard to understand but, not all predators are evil, Kaiser. Some only want to live out their lives and die as nature intended for them to." She chuckled when Xue Long mischievously wrapped a wing around her. "I found Xue Long on the verge of starving when I first joined this unit. She was no younger than a child then, and now she's reaching the adolescent stage." Not to mention she had another cub in the basement but, the clawtail was a best kept secret.

They found Aeolus lazing under an apple tree, on its back, belly exposed. It wasn't in armour today, allowing Eira a full glimpse of its golden feathers. "Aeolus, I'm here to see you today," she called out, knowing not to startle the vigilant creature. "And I brought a friend."

The Gryphon emitted a grumble, cracking an eye open to see who had intruded upon his sleep. Kaiser held his breath as the big predator rolled over, shaking his head, and staring straight at them.

{Master's mate feeling better?}

Eira startled, her cheeks flushing. How did Aeolus know? She cleared her throat. "Yes, I'm feeling better. Were you worried about me?"

Aeolus's careless mimic of an off-handed shrug had Eira laughing. He truly resembled his grumpy owner before Lars opened up his heart. She wondered if they should find Aeolus a mate. Was the Gryphon lonely?

It was then Kaiser realized Eira wasn't just talking to the predators, she was actually conversing with them – a back and forth exchange. He stood rooted to the ground. "I don't believe it. It understands you."

"I haven't been honest with you, Kaiser." Eira walked up to Aeolus and fed him sugar cubes. "There's a reason why we are desperate to have you join us and since you've been frank with me, I know that you won't betray my secret."

"Your secret?"

She nodded. "How many kill hunters do you know who can communicate with predators?"

"None," he answered briskly.

"Exactly. It's a special ability I have due to my genetic compatibility with Cell II. I don't know why but, it just is, and this is my secret."

"Does the Captain know?"

"Everyone in my unit." She confirms his suspicion.

His throat bobbed up and down. "Why are you telling me this? It seems you've made this decision on the basis that I am willing to keep your secret."

"Aren't you?" she challenged. "You are not the type who runs his mouth, and you are not manipulative or moved by greed to gain power. Am I wrong?"

Kaiser was floored. While he had been observing her, she had done her personal assessment of him. A smile twisted his lips. He had underestimated her. "And what is this problem that leads you to confide your secret to me?"

"There is a child like me…," Eira started telling Jade's story and the government's conspiracy.

"Are you telling me that it wasn't just a rumour?" Disbelief filled him and he stumbled back against a tree, unable to support himself.

"I don't have to warn you to keep this to yourself. Your life will be at stake if you decide to join us. I didn't think it's fair to involve you without giving you the entire truth, and I don't want to lie. It's troublesome. Either you're in or you're out."

Frankly, Kaiser was dumbstruck by this serious revelation. Getting involved in a political war was the last thing he wanted. "I'll have to think about it."

"I expected no less from you." Eira stepped forward, palming his shoulder. "If we didn't trust you to do what's right, we wouldn't have approached you, Kaiser. Think hard about what you would do if you were in our shoes."