Episode Thirty Eight - Our Future

Chapter Song Suggestion "Memories Fade by VIQ & Forhill"



She gaped at the timeworn beauty of Skocia, unable to keep her eyes off the stone architecture. It had been a month since she returned but this was her first time sightseeing outside the kill hunter facility. The town was vast, and she didn't know where to start.

"Are you new here?" a voice startled her from behind.

Pivoting around, Eira laid eyes on the most gorgeous man she had ever seen, with white blonde hair, the bluest eyes and he was dressed in uniform. His face was so pure in its beauty that her heart kicked a beat. "H-Hello. Yes, I'm new here."

"My apologies for startling you," he said, coming closer. He wasn't much taller than her but, he had a certain presence. "Instructor Petr Klapil, at your service."

He was a Skocian instructor? She hasn't seen him around the facility, although it was a huge place. "It's nice to meet you, Instructor Klapil. I'm Eira Ulva, a new trainee here."

An unrecognizable gleam flashed in his eyes, and he grabbed her hand, planting a kiss on the back. "If you will allow me, I would love to show you around. I've lived in Skocia my entire life and I know it like the back of my hand. After that, I would be happy to walk you back to the facility."

She hesitated.

"It's understandable that you don't trust me," he proceeded to say, rummaging his pocket for his identification card. "Here, you can hold onto this if you're afraid. You can always bring this to the authorities if you think I'm going to harm you."

She accepted the card tentatively, noticing he wasn't lying about his name or nationality, and he was in his late twenties. She supposed there was no harm in spending the day with him. A government official couldn't possibly harm her right? Not one with the face of an angel.

"Is there a place you would like to go?" he asked conversationally.

"Food," she stated. "Let's get some food."



Lars let her set the pace, his hands sliding over smooth thighs as he inched her dress up, little by little. She explored his lips like it was the first time, shaping them to hers, licking and teasing. Eira tasted like sin itself – evocative, sweet, and heady. He needed more, he wanted to consume her. Impatience tore through him.

Eira whimpered into Lars's mouth as he yanked her close, pulling her against his chest and reaching down to wrap her legs around his torso. His hand wandered to her panties, his knuckle tracing the wet spot – proof of her desire for him. "We're only kissing yet you're already dripping." With his blunt nail, he grazed her swollen little nub, up and down, increasing the pressure with every brush.

Her breath hitched, and she sucked harder on his tongue.

Grabbing her panties, Lars mercilessly tugged them between her pussy lips, eliciting a sharp gasp from Eira. The material strangled her aching clit, sending a bolt of pleasure down her spine. He repeated the motion several times until a gush of wetness dribbled down her thighs.

Shoving her soaked panties aside, he easily slid two fingers inside her, feeling her clamped down on him. Greedy. Ravenous. He pulled back and watched her as he played with her body, working her until she was begging for mercy, her body convulsing above his.

"Please, Lars…," Her breath ghosted his neck, her voice needy. "I want you inside. Now. Please, fuck me."

Teeth gleaming, Lars smiled with the arrogance of a man who knew his effect on women. "How can I resist when you beg so beautifully? Push your top down, I want to see your tits when I fuck you."

Eira slipped the thin straps off her shoulders, allowing gravity to take it off but, the soft silk got caught on her taut nipples. "Oh…," The chafing silk on her sensitized skin had her moaning.

The erotic sight of Eira's flushed face and the dress that appeared two sizes smaller on her breasts had Lars's body rioting to attention. With his teeth, he purposefully dragged the silk down, the subtle motion causing her breasts to bounce. "Beautiful."

He lowered and clamped his mouth over a nipple, and as he sucked hard, he took out his hard length, positioned his head over her weeping entrance and buried himself to the hilt.

Lars groaned while Eira gave a strangled cry. The sudden invasion of his thick cock was too much even with her wetness but, it felt good. The alluring combination of pain and pleasure that only he could make her feel. It was addictive. Seizing her hips, Lars pistoned in and out of her, his thrusts sharp and steady. Eira gasped, arching her back as her legs splayed wider to take him. The sounds of their skin smacking echoed in their abandoned surroundings. The taboo of it had her clenching around him.

Eira didn't care if her muscles were screaming from the tension. She wanted to feel every inch of him pounding inside her wet pussy. Her body was a slave to his.

Lars continue slamming in and out of her, groaning at the succulent, delicious tightness of her. "Ride me, Eira. Fuck me."

She couldn't resist his dark command anymore than she could say no to him. Bracing her hands on his sweat covered shoulders, she began to move. Up and down. Eira rotated her hips and increased her speed, all the while watching him, watching her. It was intoxicating to see the pleasure in his eyes, that he was intensely aroused by the sight of her fucking him.

Lars couldn't keep his eyes off her. Eira was the only woman he had fucked so many times yet, his desire for her only grew. He loved every part of her…her ass, her stomach, her breasts and most importantly, her face…her expressions of ecstasy that undid him every time – like now.

Eira moaned above him, the tiny flutters around his cock told him she was about to come. Tonight, it was about their mutual desire, the need to express their love and lust with their bodies – to connect on a more intimate, more primitive level. They couldn't slow down even if they wanted to. Eira came on a volatile scream, her climax as wild as their lovemaking.

Lars drank in every beautiful inch of her, every breathy sound, every inhale of her suffocated lungs as her entire body seized and shuddered, her pussy gushing sloppily all over him as he continued to pummel her.

It was enough to send him over the edge too. He came in a jagged series of hard thrusts before slamming to the hilt and filling her with his hot seed. Eira collapsed onto him in a limp state, and he caught her easily, their hot breaths panting on each other's skin. Lars shuddered when Eira licked the sweat on his neck, cuddling him.

"That felt good," she murmured, lazily rolling her hips to feel him, still semi-hard inside her.

He groaned as a wave of raw pleasure bounded through him, sparking the fading tendrils of his climax. "If you keep doing that, we won't be leaving here until the morning."

She smiled against his neck. "I don't mind."

"I would love to fuck you all night under the stars but, we have to return to Ataxia," he said gravely, less than thrilled to return. "Even Captains have a time limit on our freedom."

"You know" — she drew back to look at him — "it's only occurred to me how strange some of the rules are if you look at from different perspectives. After tonight, it sounds like the government is keeping us in, rather than keeping us safe."

His expression matched hers. "Only for victims like us. Anaelle chose to join the kill hunter program. Florian and Koga are here because they have nowhere else to go."

"Is this all there is for us?" She sounded sad. The future appeared bleak in her mind. "To be nothing but killing machines bound to the government forever?"

"I've been thinking…," Lars echoed the thoughts he had been entertaining, believing now was the right time. "How do you feel about us leaving Ataxia?"

Her gaze sharpened. "Do you mean running away?"

He mentally paused, his face contemplative. "No. If the rebellion succeeds in overthrowing the government, then we will be free to go wherever we want to."


It had been forever since she felt it, had forgotten how it feels. Right now, they were like birds trapped in a cage, their wings clipped. A glimmer of hope and awe appeared in her moonlit eyes. "I think that sounds like the best thing I've heard in a long time." She played with the shorn hair on his nape. "Where will we go?"

"We'll leave civilisation," he remarked with a serious undertone. "Away from humans and predators." Lars could see it clearly, the paradise they would build together – a home. "We can find an uninhibited island and start everything anew. I can build us a home, we can plant our own crops and rear livestock, and" — his gaze bored into hers — "we'll create a family. We'll love and care for our children."

Contradicting emotions warred inside Eira. If it weren't for his sincerity, she would have laughed at his far-fetched dream yet, she was also light-headed with nerves and excitement for this possible future. The only question that bothered her was — could it be attained?

Lars must have seen the doubt in her eyes. "It is possible, Eira." He pulled her into his arms, gently stroking her hair. Her exposed chest pressed against his, their heartbeats beating as one. "Everything is possible when you set your mind to it."

Her lips trembled. Fear and hope bloomed in the pit of her stomach, but she was selfish enough to want that future with him. Hope was a dangerous but wonderful thing, she thought. It could break a person or become their greatest strength. She chose the latter. "Yes," she nodded and hugged him tighter. "I would like that very much."


The following morning, Lars offered to walk Eira to work. Entering the heart of Ataxia, Lars was greeted by a few acquaintances and even Captain Hakon acknowledged him with a curt nod from the subway platform.

"Is there a reason why you had me assigned as Kaiser's assistant?" Eira asked the lingering question in her mind. Her eyes narrowed into slits. "What are you up to, Captain Verhelst?"

"I want him to join our unit," Lars replied bluntly.

"And you think I can somehow convince him?" She blinked in wary disbelief. "Why him?"

"Our unit is a strong offensive team but, we lack in solid defense. Kaiser's ultimate defense is why I want him to join us — to strengthen us." Lars shrugged. "He doesn't need to be a full-time member. I understand his passion for developing cell reapers and I won't hold him back. But if we are to take up Mickael's mission, we need him to throw Levente off our tails. We cannot withdraw from the championship, or he'll be suspicious. He's watching us all the time. I need at least three participants to cover our backs."

She adopted a pensive look, reflecting on her interactions with Kaiser. "Perhaps I can convince him to take this championship as a trial run. How many days do we have left until the mission date?"

"Less than forty-eight hours."

They were running out of time. "Alright, I'll try my best to convince him." Her thoughts shifted to what happened yesterday, excitement dancing up her spine. "Though I wonder what kind of weapons I'll be testing today. I had a wonderful time helping Kaiser yesterday."

Her infectious mood had him smiling. "It's only been a day and you're already enjoying yourself."

A crafty gleam sparkled in her eye. "Perhaps you could stop by one day and help us out. A Captain's input would benefit Kaiser more than mine. And maybe your active involvement might soften him up."

"If my schedule allows it." He relented with a soft chuckle.

They arrived outside the R&D block, and Eira drew in a deep breath. "Well, this is my stop. Thank you for walking me, even though you didn't have to." A beautiful flush reddened her cheeks.

Amusement suffused him, and he leaned into her ear. "After having me inside you all night long, you're embarrassed over something like this?"

Her blood quickened at the memory of their coupling, and with his delicious scent surrounding her now, she blushed harder. Jutting her chin up, she defended heatedly. "That's different!"

His brows scrunched. "How is it different?"

Before she could respond, he brushed his lips over hers. It was brief. Meaningful. Hinting that he would miss her for the rest of the day. Golden brown eyes locked with hers. "I'll see you in the lab basement after work with the others."

She nodded apprehensively. Lars was going to discuss the covert mission with the team.

"Well, well, well," a smug, accented voice drawled. "It looks like you're doing well, Eira. Have you found yourself a new protector?"

Eira's soul chilled and the blood drained from her face. He was the last person she never wanted to meet again in a big place like Ataxia. Unpleasant memories from the past resurfaced, the old fears and insecurities crashing down upon her without permission. She couldn't stop the shivers of dread and revulsion racing through her body.

Lars frowned at her drastic reaction, turning to look down at a presumably older man – possibly in his late-thirties – with blonde, well-cut hair, intensely blue eyes, and a set of dimples bracketing pearly white teeth. His mood plummeted and his jaw clenched with knee jerk irritation. Who the hell was this white lily fellow?

Squaring her shoulders, Eira dug deep for courage and locked eyes with her past tormentor. "Petr."

"You look as beautiful as ever," Petr continued in his condescending tone. "I must say, red hair suits you better than pink." He reached out to touch her ponytail, and Eira flinched, too petrified to move.

Lars shielded her at once, gently pushing her behind him – an immovable wall. Keeping his voice low despite the flare of angry heat in his chest, Lars said, "I don't know what your relationship with Eira was but, kindly refrain from touching her so casually."

Calculative eyes stared back at him. Petr's smile grew wider, though Lars didn't like the look in his eyes. This man was a snake, and Lars knew his kind all too well.

"My apologies, I see an old friend and I got carried away," Petr remarked silkily. "Please, forgive me, Eira. I am just happy to see that you are doing well. You were so…broken and devastated before you left Skocia. I was worried about you."

Lies! Eira wanted to scream in his face but, the words lodged in her throat. All she wanted to do was get away from him. She edged closer to Lars, reassured by his big body, and radiating heat.

"Who are you?" Lars demanded impatiently, his ease evaporating.

"I am Petr Klapil, Eira's old instructor from Skocia." Petr's stalking gaze never left Eira. "We were very closely acquainted."

If Lars had any doubt in mind who this man was, it was crushed under the weight of Petr's words. Tempting bitterness and fury swelled inside him, the urge to tear Petr apart with his bare hands rode him hard but, he fought them down. As much as he wanted to kill Petr, the last thing he wanted to do was besmirched Eira and the unit's reputation with a scene.

"I am Captain Lars Verhelst." Lars fixed the man a cold stare. "Eira is under my unit's care and as her Captain, I suggest you mind your conduct."

"Like you did, Captain?" Petr smirked, blatantly announcing he had seen them kissing.

Eira's gaze widened at his insolence. Even if Petr was once her lover, Lars still ranked higher than him, and status was everything in Ataxia. But Lars wasn't rankled, assessing Petr calmly.

Petr Klapil struck him as the kind of leech with an overinflated ego without any real substance behind his character. A parasitic hypocrite. It was an apt description for him. Petr enjoyed manipulating the weak, lording his power and abusing those he could. He was merely a bully who got off on people's pain. If the tables were turned, Lars had no doubt the man would beg for mercy on his knees with tears in his eyes.

In conclusion, Petr Klapil was nothing but a sewer rat. Aeolus would have a field day with this coward if Lars were to throw him to his predator partner.

Petr's eyes narrowed at the smirk on the Captain's face, as if he was laughing at him on the inside. Lars Verhelst was judging him with those granite eyes, finding him lacking and inferior. He didn't know why but, he knew it to be true and he grinded his teeth forcefully.

Eira could feel the rising tension between the two men, their standoff beginning to attract unwanted attention. She swallowed a gasp when Lars reeled her to his side, his arm possessive around her waist.

"Of course, Instructor Klapil." Lars forced a smile. He never threw his weight around but, this time was an exception. For once, he appreciated the power of his title. "Eira is my lover and it's my duty to cherish her. We have no obligation to explain ourselves to you, so if you will excuse us, Instructor Klapil, I wish you a good day." Lars urged Eira inside the building, watching her disappear tentatively behind the automatic doors.

Once she was out of sight, he said over his shoulder. "And one more thing. If you have heard of my reputation, then I suggest you keep your distance from her, unless you want to face me on the field."